

Because I can't resist a challenge... Here's a June challenge from 2013 that I'm going to do this June. Nicol created this with the theme Be Happy! Since then, her blog has undergone a transformation, but the link is still working.

finished reading...

This is an intriguing novel. I felt compelled to read it because it is beautifully written. However, I don't enjoy fantasy fiction so I didn't love it. I know I'm unpopular on this front. But I could appreciate the book and there are aspects I did enjoy, overall I just didn't get it.

From the publisher:
Sussex, England. A middle-aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long gone, he is drawn to the farm at the end of the road, where, when he was seven, he encountered a most remarkable girl, Lettie Hempstock, and her mother and grandmother. He hasn't thought of Lettie in decades, and yet as he sits by the pond (a pond that she'd claimed was an ocean) behind the ramshackle old farmhouse, the unremembered past comes flooding back. And it is a past too strange, too frightening, too dangerous to have happened to anyone, let alone a small boy.


Day 31, Saturday: Gratitude.

I like to think I have an attitude of gratitude. I love simple pleasures and small things in life. I laugh every single day. I (try to) live in the moment, or if I catch myself not in the moment--I try to center myself to the moment. And I have love in my heart.

saturday 9

Meet The Flintstones

1) The song promises that, "When you're with the Flintstones, you'll have a yabba-dabba-doo time." So clearly Wilma was one accomplished hostess. What about you? Do you enjoy having company? I do not enjoy having company

2) Since lyrics say, "Let's ride with the family down the street/courtesy of Fred's two feet," we're assuming the pedal-powered Flintstone car didn't require much gas. Are you loyal to a particular brand of gas? Or do you fill up with whatever is nearby, or least expensive? I go to the local gas station that pumps gas for me

3) Clearly a sharp-dressed man in stone-age Bedrock wore a long tunic and no pants. What are you wearing right now, as you answer these questions? I am wearing denim Bermuda shorts and a peasant top

4) Pebbles Flintstone grew up with Dino the Dinosaur and Baby Puss the Saber-Tooth Cat. Did you have any pets as you were growing up? I had my beloved dog, Mopsie

5) Mr. Slate is Fred's blustery boss at quarry, and he frequently threatens to fire Fred. Have you ever had a bad-tempered boss? yes

6) It's estimated that during The Flintstones original run (1960-1966), it was viewed by as many adults as kids. Now that you're a grown up, do you still watch cartoons? I watch the cartoons for grown ups, mostly, although I will always love Bugs Bunny

7) In 1961, The Flintstones was nominated for a Prime Time Emmy Award as Outstanding Comedy Series. Do you watch awards shows? I adore awards shows

8) There are at least two Flintstones-themed amusement parks currently in operation. Do you enjoy scary rides? I haven't been on one in eons, but I used to love being upside down-sideways and all manner of heart-stopping rides

9) Flintstones Vitamins are still on store shelves. Do you take a vitamin each morning? just calcium with D



Day 30, Friday: Best advice you’ve received lately.

My knitting group friends were quite helpful with advice last night. I was trying to select yarn for an upcoming project and their advice was spot on.

friday 5

  1. What kind of campfire experience do you have?
  2. Many fond memories of campfire nights--singing around the fire, storytelling, and roasting marshmallows for other people (because I don't like them, but I like roasting them)
  3. How are you with a charcoal grill?
  4. awful
  5. What was the occasion for which you last lit a candle?
  6. just for an evening of relaxation
  7. What food, usually consumed cooked, do you prefer raw?(Alternate question: What food, usually consumed raw, do you prefer cooked?)
  8. I prefer green beans raw, same with peas
  9. What was the occasion for your last getting all fired up?
  10. I misplaced something and got myself wound up looking for it



Day 29, Thursday: What have you said ‘yes’ to today?

In American Studies I, we worked on section notes that were rather lengthy. I gave them the choice to work on a graphic organizer or "do nothing" for the rest of class; with the understanding that the graphic organizer will be done in class tomorrow. So, essentially, I said yes to some down time, some lazy time. And it was nice. I said yes to lazy.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Senioritis. I believe I have caught it.


a legend passes...

So very sad that Maya Angelou has passed away. My brush with her happened in 2000, while I was attending a conference for teachers in Washington, DC. The conference hadn't begun and several of us were in the hotel lobby having coffee when her entourage accompanied her into the lobby. After a few minutes, our fluttery behavior slipped back to normal behavior and our conversations comparing schools and work loads resumed. She apparently overheard some of what we were talking about and came over to our table to praise us for being educators. She made eye contact with each of us and inquired about our conference, and talked about what an important profession teaching is. Some of the people at the table didn't know who she was. I always regret that I didn't have a camera with me.


Day 28, WednesdayFamily.  What do you love?  Best traits? What crazy genetics do you have in common?  Fave photo?

Because I lost my mum at such a young age, I have developed an almost mother-daughter relationship with my dad. We are close. And as we age, I find my role changing slightly--that the care taking is shifting. The beginning stages of being involved in health care management. I'm also very close to my step mother. She and I were friends way before she and Dad even thought of dating. It's like a better than friendship relationship.

I have three older sisters. Two live "away" and one is local. They are my best friends. And that friendship has evolved over the years. Of course we bickered like the dickens when we were younger, but as we age they are the constant in my life-as I am in theirs.

And then come my nieces and nephews. It's been a wonder to watch them evolve into the adults they are. Through the magic of BookFace, I'm able to keep in pretty regular contact with them. I love the glimpse into their lives and to be a sounding board for them.

I love laughing when we're together. Because there is a lot of it. We talk about everything. We are all different in our experiences and perspectives but there's a thread that keeps us close. My Virginia sister and I are closest in age and we've had an on-going 30-year grudge match of the card game Spite and Malice. There is always something like that keeping us together. I can remember sitting at the kitchen table playing and Dad yelling to us to keep it down because we were talking and laughing louder than the television show he was trying to watch.

This is a favorite sister photo taken at my eldest niece's wedding a year ago.

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I'm listening to Rob Lowe's new memoir. And I'm reading Neil Gaiman's The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, my reading group's June selection.

• What did you recently finish reading? This week I finished Maeve Binchy's Chestnut Street, it's a collection of short stories, vignettes, and character studies.

• What do you think you’ll read next? Maddy Hunter's Fleur de Lies



Day 27, Tuesday: Share a project you’ve been working on.

I'm working on a baby blanket for my great-nephew who is due in late July. The mother is my god-daughter niece. I'm over the moon thrilled for them.

It's called the Sunny Baby Blanket and it's a free pattern.

ten things tuesday

Linking up with Ten On Tuesday this week.

Ten things I did over the weekend:

1) Friday I finished reading Chestnut Street by Maeve Binchy.

2) Saturday was the library opening celebration.

3) Then it was grocery shopping.

4) Errands--and a stop at the pharmacy and Dunkin' Donuts for coffee.

5) Watched more Breaking Bad.

6) Napped.

7) Sunday was a lazy day. I listened to Rob Lowe's Love Life.

8) And I knit.

9) While finishing Breaking Bad.

10) Monday evening was a meet & greet with the library's benefactor. It was a nice gathering.


pinterest is my guest

Day 26, Monday: Invite someone to guest post for you.

Well, I missed the boat on this one. I didn't read ahead in the prompts and didn't arrange to have a guest blogger. So, I'll do the second best thing--Pinterest to the rescue!

These are my 5 most recent pins:

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying about it.
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it!
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

Saturday was an open house at the local library to celebrate a major renovation. Because I'm on the Board of Trustees, I was involved in the planning of the event--which went off without a hitch and was a very lovely celebration. It was a featured story on the local news. It was a regular business day for the library and it was fun to see patrons taking part in the wonderful food and scavenger hunt. There were many families there.

My musing is about the legacy of reading. My memories of my paternal grandparents always include them reading the paper, a magazine, or books. My grandfather was famous for reading the paper and watching TV at the same time. My love of reading was encouraged my whole life. There were always gifts of books no matter what the occasion. One of my favorite high school graduation gifts was a set of dictionaries.

Growing up, I don't remember my sisters being big readers, although there were tons of books in the house. I think I've reminisced before that my first journey by myself was to the library. I was a regular there. I would spend hours reading and browsing and even helping reshelve books. The card catalog fascinated me and I would select books by randomly picking the card.

Most of my childhood friends were not as into books. It wasn't until high school that I traded and passed books among my friends. Most of them were heavy into science fiction but I never got into that genre. My favorite was Stephen King. My 8th grade teacher refused to let me put Stephen King books on my reading lists because he didn't believe my father allowed me to read horror novels. But I was a voracious reader without counting the King books.

Now, it's a great pleasure to talk books with family, friends, colleagues, and even students. I talk books with everyone. Some of my students who profess to be non-readers don't understand my love of the written word and I tell them they haven't found the right books yet; then I suggest a few titles. I am a book gifter, too. I love giving books as gifts. Selecting the title that I think fits the recipient. My transition from the world of physical books to ebooks has hampered my book sharing. I know I've moaned before about the inability to pass along ebooks when I'm finished with them. Being in a book group has broadened my horizons. We've read titles that I never would have picked up on my own. I am a nervous nelly when it comes time to make my recommendation and I'm jittery that people won't respond to the book favorably. But that's part of being in a book group. Not everyone likes every book. I don't want to choose that book.

So, back to the legacy. I love that my family are avid readers. That we enjoy a wide variety of genres. That we talk books and share titles. I hope that I have inspired my students and nieces and nephews to read for pleasure.

memorial day


busier than expected

Day 25, Sunday: A list for the week ahead.

This is an evolving list.
  • Check the weather to get an idea of what to wear to school all week and then organize outfits
  • Meet & greet with library benefactor
  • Read my book group book, The Ocean At The End Of The Lane 
  • Continue knitting a baby shower gift
  • Mammogram
  • Set up meeting for Advanced Placement students
  • Get car inspected
  • Knit night on Thursday
  • Purchase Dave Matthews Band tickets (or decide not to go)

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: Random XV

1. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? I have a pair of LLBean boots that are more than twenty years old

2. Did you buy Girl Scout cookies this year? If so, what variety? I did--the Thank You shortbread cookies with chocolate

3. Do you know how to ballroom dance? no

4. Were you a responsible child/teenager? I was not a wild child, although I had a lot of fun--it was good clean fun

5. How many of this year's Oscar-nominated movies did you see? one before the Oscars

6. If you're going to have a medical procedure done, such as having blood drawn, is it easier for you to watch someone else having the procedure done or have it done yourself? neither particularly bothers me

7. What is your favorite day of the week and why? it used to be Tuesday but I don't think I have a favorite anymore

8. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?? "you're my favorite teacher"

9. Do hospitals make you queasy? yes

10. At which store would you like to max-out your credit card? how about a travel agency?

11. Are you true to the brand names of products/items? yes

12. Which is more difficult: looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when he/she is telling you how he/she feels? telling someone how I feel

13. What’s one thing you’re deeply proud of — but would never put on your résumé? I saved a life

14. What’s the most out-of-character choice you’ve ever made? a blind date

15. What’s your personal anthem or theme song? "Que Sera, Sera" the older I get the more fitting it is


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week two spoke to me.


dinner guests...

Day 24, Saturday: If you could have 3 people to dinner tonight, who would you invite?

This is a fun question. There are so many possibilities! I would want either one of my sisters or my bestie there. I think I'd like some sort of storyteller--a favorite author or celebrity. And a chef who would take great pleasure in feeding us.

avoidance mode

I'm stuck in avoidance mode because I really dread the library reopening shindig. I don't like events like this where it's all glad-handing and mingling, making small talk with people I don't know. Hopefully my dad will be there so I'll have someone to hang out with. Otherwise, I'm flying solo. I know it's not about me. It's not about me. But I don't like being one of the periphery people in the spotlight. The photo ops are going to feel very artificial and unnatural.

saturday 9

The Star Spangled Banner

1) Are you a veteran? Are there veterans in your family? (We are grateful and want to hear about it.) two of my brothers in law are veterans, they met my sisters while serving at Loring AFB.

2) Memorial Day also kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food? potato chips

3) Let's celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with ice cream. What's your favorite flavor? currently it's Ben & Jerry's Hazed and Confused

4) This marks the weekend when Americans step up their outdoor activity and do things they may not have been able to do during the winter months. For example, when is the last time you rode a bike? probably fifteen years ago

5) Or went hiking? six or seven years ago

6) Or rode a horse? thirty five years ago, or so--one of my high school friends was a horse lover and took me riding on my fifteenth birthday.

7) Or toasted a marshmallow? that's just last summer

8) As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or window fan on? no but I was thinking about opening a window

9) Crazy Sam needs your help: What song or a performer would you like to see featured in a Saturday 9 this summer? kd lang's "Summerfling"


finished reading...

This was bittersweet--it is more than likely the final work by one of my favorite authors, Maeve Binchy. Over the course of her career, she continually wrote character sketches, vignettes, and short stories centered around one Dublin neighborhood. Chestnut Street is the common thread through these pieces. I wish my neighborhood was like Chestnut Street. Several times I wished there would be more to the story, but, alas, there will be no more. Any fan of Ms. Binchy will gobble this up.

must watch

I just found out about this at Erika's blog!!!


Day 23, FridayWrite a post about a particularly good or controversial comment someone left you.

I'm still surprised that anyone takes the time to read what I'm blathering on about so a comment is encouraging me to continue. Hmmm, I don't have any particularly controversial or provocative comments on my blog. People who regularly comment here are people I regularly visit and it seems as though there is a community spirit--we cheer each other on, and offer support and kind words when needed. And occasionally I will get tagged for a blog award, which is always nice!

friday 5

  1. A breakfast sandwich is typically made with some kind of bread with egg, cheese, and some kind of breakfast meat. What’s the best variation on this theme you’ve tried, or what variation would you like to try?
  2. I actually like an Egg McMuffin
  3. A sandwich cookie is typically made with two thin cookies with some kind of sweet, creamy filling. What’s the best variation on this theme you have tried, or what variation would you like to try?
  4. Mega stuffed oreos suit me
  5. A melt sandwich (such as a tuna melt) is typically some kind of bread with some kind of filling plus some kind of cheese, grilled or fried until the cheese is melted. What’s the best variation on this sandwich you’ve tried, or what variation would you like to try?
  6. a local restaurant has a chicken melt that I crave!
  7. If all you do is smear some peanut butter and jelly between two slices of bread, you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. What do you do in order to make yours just a little better?
  8. it's all about the type of jelly! I like Polaner all fruit in the Boysenberry flavor...
  9. What are your thoughts on sprouts in a sandwich?
  10. I will pass on sprouts


say wha?

I agreed to be the chief negotiator for the Teacher's Union. Holy moly.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Prom drama. It's a-l-l the Seniors are talking about.

gus likes watermelon

Day 22, ThursdayShare a video clip that you are loving at the moment.  It could be as simple as a song on YouTube or an inspirational speaker on TED Talks.

I love Gus videos.


on my plate...

Day 21, Wednesday: What’s on your plate?

I've got one big event on my plate--the public library is hosting a Grand Reopening and Dedication Celebration this Saturday. There have been major renovations going on and the benefactor is going to be in town for the celebration. We have one Board of Trustees meeting, this afternoon, to get all the last minute details finished as well as a regular business meeting. I have a lot of questions about the upcoming celebration--like, how long do I have to stay and how formally should I dress? I guess I'll find out this afternoon.

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I'm listening to Rob Lowe's new memoir. And I'm reading Maeve Binchy's Chestnut Street, it's a collection of short stories, vignettes, and character studies.

• What did you recently finish reading? This week I haven't finished anything because I've been spending so much time watching Breaking Bad.

• What do you think you’ll read next? Neil Gaiman's The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, my reading group's June selection.




Day 20, Tuesday: Who inspires you?

Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey both inspire me. They fill me with awe at their wisdom and ability to communicate. Bono and Jimmy Carter inspire me to be more mindful of the plight of others in the world. To feel, really soulfully feel, for those less fortunate than myself.

At school, my students inspire me to be a role model, practice patience, and stretch to make the content creative. A couple of colleagues are outstanding teachers who motivate and inspire me. I want to have the fires burning as they do.

My dad inspires me. I could go on and on about his impact on the community. I could go on and on about what a role model he has been to hundreds of people. And he's MY dad.

ten things tuesday

Linking up with Ten On Tuesday this week.

Ten things I want to try:

1) Different ethnic foods. Where I live is so remote and so limited, I want to expand my palate beyond "home cooking" and what we get for Chinese food around here.

2) Digitizing my classroom. I would love to try different technologies and have the time to develop plans around the neat things I hear about.

3) Skydiving. I've always wanted to jump out of a plane, I think it would be the ultimate exhilarating thrill!

4) Driving a fancy car. Wouldn't it be great to drive in luxury. Especially a jaguar!

5) Watching videos in bed. I have the technology but I've never tried watching anything in bed. I wonder if I would even be comfortable watching something in bed. I read in bed, though, so maybe I should try it.

6) Saving for vacation. I keep telling myself to set up a savings account for a travel fund but I always raid it. I'd like to plan a vacation trip. Someplace with a spa would be awesome!

7) Only buying yarn for specific projects, not because it's pretty.

8) French press coffee. I'm curious to see if it's as fantastic as people make it sound.

9) Yoga. I've never really tried it. Because I hate exercising.

10) Taking Outfit Of The Day photos. I don't have a good mirror for it. I wonder if there are any mirrors here at school that would be good, I'll have to ask the kids, they'll know good selfie locations.


universe answers...

Just last Tuesday I mentioned that I wish I knew more about my family's story, that I wish I knew more about genealogy. Yesterday, a cousin of mine sent me a friend request. He is the family historian and he sent me a plethora of links to Ancestry, Find-a-grave, and other genealogy sites. How funny that I put it out to the Universe and got a response!

musing mondays

Click here to play along.

• Question: Which is more important when you read — the actual story or the characters? I’ve read books with great plots, but two-dimensional characters, and I’ve read multi-layered characters stuck in clunky stories, and I’m sure you have, too. So which would you rather focus on, if you couldn’t have both? {source}

Although I like plot-driven stories, if the characters stink I won't enjoy the story. On the other hand, if there are great characters not doing anything interesting, well, even great characters can't save my focus. So, ok, if I had to choose, I say I prefer plot over characters.

dream job

Day 19, Monday: Dream job?

I haven't figured out what my dream job is, yet. I know it will involve teenagers. I get so much energy from teenagers I'm surrounded by all day. And I have a healthy respect for that stage in life. It is hard for them to know everything and not be able to apply what they know. (ok, that was partially sarcastic) Anyhoodle, I like teaching but I'm not fulfilled by it. I think sometimes about getting a Master's degree in Guidance and going into that aspect of school. Or I also think I would be a very good therapist. The thought of going back to school fills me with dread. I'm not driven by passion for any particular change in direction and I have enough change in my present career that I am not getting stale.

That was a very long way of saying: I don't know.


the little things...

Day 18, Sunday: 10 things that make you happy.

1) When the weather turns nicer after a long, difficult winter. The longer, warmer, sometimes even sunny days.

2) Pampering time--when I can afford manicures and pedicures.

3) Spending time with my friends and family.

4) When former students return to school and come visit, especially when I'm not rushing around after school and can take time to visit.

5) Naps that are just right--not too long yet long enough.

6) Lazy Sunday afternoons.

7) Losing myself in a book.

8) Discovering a binge-worthy TV series on Netflix. My current obsession is Breaking Bad.

9) Reliable internet, cable, and phone services. I definitely take them for granted.

10) Comfortable shoes and sandals.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: Random Twenty

1. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? when my name was put on the teacher's union ballot and people wanted to vote for me

2. What was your last alcoholic beverage? it was several weeks ago, but a glass of Barefoot white zin

3. Who can you trust? my friends and family

4. Where was your first kiss with your current significant other? my love affair with the dog began February 18, 2009 and our first kiss was in the car on the ride home

5. Favorite Band? U2

6. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? I can go with the flow

7. Do you like anyone? I like lots of people

8. Do you know anyone who is engaged? yes

9. What's your favorite number?

10. Who was the last person to make you cry? myself

11. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? yes... well, not like a summer camp but there was a family camp we went to

12. When was the last time you cried? it's been awhile

13. What is one thing you miss about your past? the ability to stay up late and get up early the next morning

14. What is one thing you've learned about life? opportunities to use the bathroom are sacred

15. Are you jealous of anyone? not really

16. Is anyone jealous of you? unfortunately, I think so

17. Has a friend ever used you? sure

18. Has anyone recently told you that they like you more than as a friend? no

19. Who was the last person you drove with? hmmm... probably my niece

20. What are you looking forward to? vacation


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


my day without pictures...

Day 17, Saturday: A day in the life.  Photo journal your day today.

Whoops! I totally missed the boat on this prompt. It's almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm just checking the prompt. Guess it's not going to be a photo journal, but here's what I did:

8-9 am: hit the snooze on my alarm, drowsing
9-10 am: puttered and got cleaned up for the day
10:30 am: got a coffee at Dunkin' Donuts
11 am: manicure
12:30pm: met my friend for lunch
1:45pm: went to the pharmacy and picked up some birthday and graduation cards
2-3 pm: noodled around online, chatting and buying books
3-4 pm: I am going to nap
4:45pm: my bestie and I are going to have dinner

I shall update later...

ETA: it's 9 o'clock and I'm going to watch Breaking Bad on Netflix for awhile. Then it will be bedtime!