
new year's eve meme

I did this a year ago and thought I would try it again.

In 2012, I gained: a new skill and confidence.

I lost: that lovin' feelin' (which is not necessarily a bad thing, as it turns out).

I stopped: having a mentor/work husband, because he retired.

I started: knitting and listening to audio books.

I was hugely satisfied by: my branching out.

And frustrated by: my inability to conquer the clutter.

I am so embarrassed that I: doubted myself.

Once again, I: attended an Advanced Placement Institute.

Once again, I did not:
stop hoarding boxes.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: I donated 54 bags of clothes to charity.

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is:
teaching psychology!

I loved spending time: with my new knitting group

Why did I spend even two minutes:
being angry?

I should have spent more time: with my parents.

I regret buying: dessert.

I will never regret buying my new recliner even though with that money I could have paid down my bills.

I watch Bravo shows way too much.

I didn’t read enough.

Media frenzy drove me crazy. News and entertainment should be more clearly divided.

The most relaxing place I went was for a massage on the last day of school.

Why did I go to
the other salon for so long?

The best thing I did for someone else was take care of them.

The best thing I did for myself relax.

The best thing someone did for me
take care of me when I had my wisdom teeth out.

The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, set the ground rules for the new classes I'm teaching.

happy new year

capturing december

#31: Fun! Happy and healthy New Year to all!

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.

My reading habits have changed over the past two years or so, I am almost exclusively an e-reader now. It feels weird to read physical books.

questions for a new year's eve reflection

Questions for a New Year’s Eve Reflection... as seen at Boss Nurse Speaks (edited out the spouse questions).

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year? I learned to knit--it opened up creativity and gave me a social outlet, too

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened? attending the AP Institute when I had no real background

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year? knitting... and audio books

4. What was an unexpected obstacle? having to move from my classroom

5. Pick three words to describe 2012. liberating, creative, and bonds

6. What were the best books you read this year? 11/22/63 by Stephen King, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln by Stephen L. Carter, and The Light Between Oceans by M L Stedman

7. With whom were your most valuable relationships? my family

8. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year? facing my fear of the dentist

9. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally? removing myself from chaos at work

10. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually? found more inlets to peace

11. In what way(s) did you grow physically? dental care--I even had my wisdom teeth out!

12. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others? more outlets for socializing

13. What was the most enjoyable part of your work? facing new content

14. What was the most challenging part of your work? facing new content

15. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? TV

16. What was the best way you used your time this past year? knitting and listening to audiobooks

17. What was biggest thing you learned this past year? attending the AP Institute for Psychology taught me so much!

18. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2012 for you. Making new friends brought me closer to those I already have.


2012 in 12 sentences

Another meme I did last year and thought I would revisit.

January: joined the public library Board of Trustees.

February: ended a romantic relationship. Still feel like I dodged a bullet.

March: attended my first knit night!

April: celebrated Poetry Month by posting a daily haiku.

May: fresh ink!

June: my Virginia sister was here and we had a blast!

July: another AP Institute, this time in Southern Maine.

August: totally overwhelmed trying to set up my new classroom.

September: knit a ton of hats for charity!

October: major dental drama--had a partial root canal.

November: oral surgery and a lost week.

December: actually completed a photo-a-day challenge!

dad's scarf

The scarf I knitted for my father after he was disappointed not to get a hand made Christmas gift.

capturing december

# 30: Your Winter Wonderland. The view off my porch today.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Triple Threat Meme

Three names you go by, other than your given name: Kwizgiver, Kwizziepoo, Ms. Kwiz

Three screen names you've had: Kwizgiver, TeachNLern, A.L.

Three things you like about yourself: my sense of style, my patience, my willingness to keep trying

Three things you don't like about yourself: my sloth, my impatience, my fears

Three parts of your heritage: Irish, French, American

Three things you are wearing right now: turtle-neck, jeans, socks

Three favorite bands/musical artists: U2, Dave Matthews Band, Pink

Three favorite songs: "One", "Canon In D", "My Grown Up Christmas List"

Three things you want in a relationship: respect, trust, laughter

Three things about the preferred sex that appeal to you: hands, eyes, presence

Three of your favorite hobbies: this, knitting, reading

Three things that scare you: driving on icy roads, Moose when I'm driving, birds as pets

Three of your everyday essentials: iced coffee, internet access, food

Three places you want to go on vacation: here, there, everywhere

Three careers you have considered/are considering: teaching, counseling, telemarketing

Three things you want to do before you die:

Three things you want to do really badly right now: tinkle, get coffee, enjoy the moment


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

PostSecret, 13345 Copper Ridge Road, Germantown, MD 20874, USA


capturing december

# 29: Sky view. My friend Mandy took this on her trip to the airport this morning.

saturday 9

Same Old Lang Syne

1) This week's song is the tale of an accidental holiday encounter between former lovers. (Hear it here.) They sit in her car and spend hours catching up, then she gives him a chaste kiss and they never see one another again. Is there a past love who still has a special spot in your heart, despite the years or the miles since your relationship? there is one I wonder about... we lost touch when he got married

2) This week's song includes a play on the traditional Scottish song, "Auld Lang Syne." Have you ever visited Scotland? not yet

3) Mother Winters has long told Sam that if she has a glass of water for every glass of champagne she drinks on New Year's Eve, she'll feel better on New Year's Day. Do you have a favorite hangover prevention tip or cure? I drink water until I have to pee before I go to sleep

4) Do you like champagne? yes, but I'm no connoisseur

5) This year at midnight, Crazy Sam will kiss the nose of her puppy, Chico. Will you be kissing anyone when the clock strikes 12? sadly, I will not even kiss Maggie the furry wonder because my parents' trip was canceled due to the storm, changing my house/dogsitting plans

6) The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy was the runaway publishing phenomenon of 2012. It was so successful that the publisher, Random House, was able to give its employees massive bonuses this year. Have you read it? I read the first novel and thought it was very poorly written

7) Year-end is a time for newspapers, magazines and websites to run lists. According to Askmen.com, Jennifer Lawrence of The Hunger Games is the at the of the year's "Most Desirable Woman" list. People magazine has declared Channing Tatum "The Sexiest Man Alive -- 2012." Do either of these two set your pulse racing? If not, who is your celebrity crush? I appreciate Channing Tatum but my heart belongs to George!

8) Pasadena, California, is known for hosting the traditional Rose Parade. It begins at 8:00 AM on January 1, so the people who watch it live must be there very early. Does the thought of getting up and dressed to sit in the California sun, bright and early on New Year's morning appeal, to you? uhmmmm, yeah, I might consider going to a major parade

9) Sometimes aches and pains that aren't serious can still really hurt. For example, Sam just dropped a can of tomato paste on her foot and the little red mark it left is making her crazy! Are you suffering through a bump or bruise or cut right now? as a matter of fact, I twisted my knee in a strange manner


capturing december

#28: Words. A Tagxedo of my blog.

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. They've been stormed out of a trip to Kansas City again.

2. This vacation is going to be quite different than I expected.

3. What is the best lazy day?

4. I am loyal to my tv shows.

5. Eyes are expressive.

6. When Delta called two nights in a row, I said ut oh my parents aren't flying anywhere.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging out, maybe watching a movie, tomorrow my plans include the Breakfast Club and a mani and Sunday, I want to make New Year's Eve plans!

(design by "thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/)"


We got THIS much snow! Not as much as predicted, but enough to appease the outdoor enthusiasts.



Finished this project today. I think I might keep it! The photos were taken with my cell phone and the color is w-a-y off! But they show the general idea. It was very fun to knit.

edited to include: this is the actual colorway!

capturing december

# 27: Night time. We're having a major snowstorm!

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Travel plans postponed for tomorrow--my poor parents are stuck at a hotel, waiting the storm out! And knit night was already canceled. bah!



Somebody loves her busy bone!


So, my dad was disappointed he did not get a knitted gift for Christmas. I decided to knit him this scarf:

in heather blue for the New Year. He and Barb are going out to Kansas City to visit Barb's brother for the next week, I'll be Maggie-sitting and will have plenty of time to get this done so it will be waiting for him when he returns.


ten things tuesday...

Ten things about today:


2. I had a marvelous day!

3. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning. Both Dad & Barb gobbled them up, which made me happy.

4. I went to Dad's at about 9:30, thinking that was a reasonable time. They weren't up! So, I came home and knit for about an hour then went back over.

5. Christmas makes me so happy.

6. Everyone loved their presents, that was a lot of fun. My nieces & nephew especially enjoy opening up their bottomless bags of goodies. And their yearly ornaments.

7. I'm going to be staying with Maggie for the next week. Dad & Barb are headed to Kansas City to visit with Barb's brother--they tried going two years ago but got stormed out. So we're all crossing our fingers for them this time.

8. I miss my sisters and their families. A lot.

9. It's not about the gifts, but I got a lot of thoughtful gifts.

10. Dad kept saying he's disappointed he didn't get a knitted gift. I might have to figure out something for him.

capturing december

#25: Morning. I wish I had taken this picture. I had a view very similar to this, this morning.

merry merry

Wishing a delightful day to all!



christmas movie meme

Grade/Rate Holiday Movies A – F
1. A Christmas Story.  I think I'm the only person who doesn't get why this is such a classic... I mean, it's ok, I give it a C.

2. How The Grinch Stole Christmas. The animated is an A and the Jim Carrey is a C.

3. The Santa Clause.  B

4. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.  A-

5. Frosty The Snowman.  B-

6. Home Alone.  Another movie I didn't get in to.  D

7. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.  A-

8. Elf.  A

9. Miracle on 34th Street.  Now, this is tricky because if I could blend parts of the original and the remake it would be a top notch movie.  So together:  B+

10. A Charlie Brown Christmas. A

11. White Christmas.  So much schmaltz.  B

12. The Polar Express. Visually stunning.  A-

13.  It's A Wonderful Life.  B

14.  A Christmas Carol.  So many versions--my favorite is the Muppet Christmas Carol or the George C. Scott.  Both of those get an A.

15.  Love Actually.  I really enjoy how this movie explores love.  A-

capturing december

# 24: Favorite Part Of Christmas Eve. Hanging around in my pajamas, watching Christmas movies and wrapping presents.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.

There is no prompt this week, but I wanted to take a moment to express how happy I am to have made blog friends through this meme. I've picked up some amazing book suggestions, too. Miz B is an awesome host!

perky sparkley toes


capturing december

# 23: Scarf. My niece knitted her first scarf all by herself, well, maybe with a little help from her favorite aunt.


Got a phone call from my knitting friend, Missy, to join her at our local yarn store for an afternoon of hanging out and knitting. I finished this hat for my favorite dog! I can't wait to see it on her.

edited to include:

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Mixed Bag Meme

1. How many songs are in your library? 597 in iTunes and 1,207 in another program

2. Do you like Christmas music? it's my favorite music

3. What magazines do you have subscriptions to? O, the Oprah Magazine and People magazine

4. What is your favorite scent? baking bread

5. Do you give money to charity? yes

6. What is your theme song? today it's Donna Summer's "Christmas Spirit"

7. What's in your wallet? a paltry amount of cash

8. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? I go with my gut

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? not a thing but a person

10. Do you have a good body-image? yes

11. How are you spending your holidays? with my family

12. What have you been seriously addicted to lately? knitting

13. Tell us a secret? I like to pamper myself

14. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? "Christmas Spirit"

15. What’s your favorite item of clothing? all of them

16. Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? when made as treats, yes

17. Is Santa real? of course

18. What should you be doing right now? finishing Maggie's hat (photos to follow)


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.



One of the first things my bestie said to me this morning was validating. I thought I had over-reacted to a BookFace post that was directed at me, but without me even bringing it up she validated me. I felt so relieved, I thought I was making something out of nothing and just being bugged about nothing. But she said she would have cried if someone said to her what was said to me. Validation makes it all better. I don't even really care about the BookFace remark anymore.

capturing december

#22: Tradition. My bestie and I went early morning shopping, ran errands, and had breakfast. We usually do this on Christmas Eve because school usually gets out then, but this year it is earlier.

saturday 9

Happy Holidays

1. As you can see, Sam loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. Yet some children are reluctant to climb into Jolly Old St. Nick's lap. Did you enjoy the tradition or were you shy? Or did you by pass it altogether -- either because you wrote him a letter or because your family didn't celebrate Christmas? Santa would visit our house on Christmas Eve! I don't remember writing letters, but I suspect we did.

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there? I probably am on the Naughty list because I am so slow in getting everything ready this year.

3. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If so, which one traveled the farthest? oh boy, salt to the wound! I need to ship stuff to my Virginia sister and her family and my Pennsylvania sister and her family... and I haven't done it yet

4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? why yes, I did--I bought myself a recliner

5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie? Elf

6. Thinking of movies, Christmas is lucrative for Hollywood. Have you ever gone to a movie theater on Christmas Day? for many years it was a tradition!

7. Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment at the company Christmas party? no, but I've surely witnessed enough of them... besides, we don't have a company Christmas party at school

8. What's your favorite beverage in cold weather? I enjoy iced coffee all year round

9. What will you remember most about 2012? falling in love with knitting!


capturing december

#21: Peace. I love this image. The hustle and bustle of the holidays and puppies, two of my favorite things!

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

This week Janet has two fill ins:

1. Ahhhh I'm on vacation.

2. I better start preparing my gifts for Christmas!

3. Creating a list and checking it twice.

4. It's a night for relaxation.

5. Kick start vacation by having a pajama night.

6. We survived the end of the world and I got a t-shirt to prove it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to knitting a project for Maggie, even though my parents refuse to let me dress her up, tomorrow my plans include last minute shopping and breakfast out with my bestie and Sunday, I want to enjoy Dad's annual sing-a-long party!

And: identify the Christmas song by the letters of the first word of the first line of the song! (I did this at school today so it would be cheating for me to do it here, but you can do it.)


This year is flying by! Here we are at the Solstice already! I am excited for the light to rejoin us, for the days to grow longer. It is dark and dreary here in Northern Maine when the sun sets at 4 o'clock in the afternoons. So I honor the light today. Happy Solstice!

all hail the oreo


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Spotty internet. Frustrating!

capturing december

#20: Tree topper. This is one I bought my parents a few years ago.



Whipped up a pair of boot cuffs for myself! Can't wait to wear them. Too bad the pattern doesn't show up in the photo--it's a twisted rib.


capturing december

# 19: Candy cane. Especially Bob's.

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? And I also started The Christmas Pearl by Dorothea Benton Frank and I haven't touched Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks, lately.

• What did you recently finish reading? I finished Diane Keaton's audio memoir while knitting. And The Princess Bride for my December reading group selection.

• What do you think you’ll read next? I'm going to focus on holiday-themed stories!

capturing december

# 18: Stocking. This has been my stocking for over 40 years. My sisters have matches.