
friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. Why is it so dark so early.

2. How much-- that's what I want to know!

3. Hold on a minute.

4. The holidays will be here soon.

5. Do you, I'm almost done holiday shopping.

6. Just live, and laugh, but don't be afraid to love.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to kicking back and relaxing, tomorrow my plans include Breakfast Club at 8:30 and Sunday, I want to make sure all my homework is done!


it's on!

So, I think I'm going to try this photo-a-day December challenge, hosted by a content housewife. I mentioned it to some of my students and we've decided to try it. We're going to Tweet: #ACHdecember and pin to Pinterest. Some of them will post to Tumblr and Instagram. We'll see how well we motivate each other!

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Still being sore from my wisdom teeth extraction. In the words of Sweet Brown: "Ain't nobody got time for dat!"


w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I am listening to Diane Keaton's memoir while knitting. I started The Shack. And I also started Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks

• What did you recently finish reading? I read The Search by Nora Roberts after reading about it while visiting other players' answers last week. It was a library download on my Nook!

• What do you think you’ll read next? I need to finish up the ones I've started!



I can't decide if I'd follow through with this photo challenge or if I want to try Holidailies.

ten things tuesday...

Ten things:

1) My teeth still sorta hurt. Or, where the teeth used to be sorta hurts.

2) I worked non-stop all day today. I just never felt caught up, still don't feel caught up.

3) Somehow or other, I did not catch up on all my tv shows from last week. What the heck was I doing that I was too busy for tv?

4) I had a really good therapy session after school today. I'm going 8 weeks between sessions now. I've worked so hard in the past couple of years.

5) After therapy, I stopped at the Studio Cafe to pick up some broccoli cheddar soup. YUM!

6) I was thrilled to put on my new pjs when I got home.

7) I started reading a book on the recommendation of a friend and I don't like it. What to do? Finish or ditch?

8) I think I'm ready to plug in my fiber optic tree. Maybe it's early, but, it's time.

9) I've got to completely reorganize my yarn stash to put the recliner here when it arrives.

10) I love this:



Whipped this little goodie up tonight in knitting class. I'm excited that my iPod fits in it.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
There are a lot of books being made into movies, these days (“Anna Karenina“; etc). So, this week’s musing — courtesy of http://abookandashortlatte.wordpress.com — asks…

• Have you ever read a book after watching the movie/television version only to find that you don’t like the book as much as the adaptation?

This is a good question--I can't think of anything I've read after seeing the movie that was better. Although, I liked this last Twilight, Breaking Dawn 2, I thought was better than the book, but it's hard to say since the book was broken in two parts for the movie.


break's over...

It's Sunday night of vacation. Last week I was jittery because of my wisdom teeth. This week I'm dreading the alarm clock. For some reason, time got away from me and I left all my chores and errands and homework until today. So I was basically running round like a crazy person all day long. At least I finished my homework and my book. I'm bummed that I'm still having pain. I suppose I should accept it because I realize I'm not young and my bounce back and recovery time will be longer. I can still bitch and moan.

finished reading

From the Publisher:
To most people, Fiona Bristow seems to have an idyllic life — a quaint house on an island off Seattle’s coast, a thriving dog-training school, and a challenging volunteer job performing canine search and rescue. Not to mention her three intensely loyal Labs. But Fiona got to this point by surviving a nightmare.

Several years ago, she was the only survivor of a serial killer — a madman who stalked and abducted young women, strangled them, and left them buried with a red scarf on their bodies. As authorities were closing in on the Red Scarf Killer, he shot and killed Fiona’s cop fiancé and his K-9 partner.

On Orcas Island, Fiona has found the peace and solitude she needed to rebuild her life. Yet all that changes on the day Simon Doyle barrels up her drive, desperate for her help. He’s the reluctant owner of an out-of-control puppy, foisted upon him by his mother. Jaws has eaten through Simon’s house, and he’s at his wit’s end.
To Fiona, Jaws is nothing she can’t handle. Simon is another matter. A newcomer to Orcas, he’s a rugged and intensely private artist, known for creating exquisite furniture. Simon never wanted a puppy, and he most definitely doesn’t want a woman. Besides, the lanky redhead is not his type. But tell that to the laws of attraction.

As Fiona embarks on training Jaws and as Simon begins to appreciate both dog and trainer, the past tears back into Fiona’s life. A copycat killer has emerged out of the shadows, a man whose bloodlust has been channeled by a master with one motive: to reclaim the woman who slipped out of his hands. . . .

This is my first Nora Roberts book. What I liked about it was all the dog talk--the psychology of dog training, the search and rescue aspect. As a dog lover, I appreciated all the dog love. What I didn't like is that it wasn't a tight read--it seemed a bit long in places and some editing would have been good. I liked the main characters, Fiona and Simon. I don't know if I will read more Roberts' books, as I suspect they follow a romance formula.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Social Meme

Since the meme is stolen from me, here's the original!


saturday 9

Cold Turkey

1) Are you still feasting on cold turkey, or any other leftovers, from your Thanksgiving meal? we didn't have any leftovers... the drawback of restaurant meals

2) AAA says Thanksgiving is a big travel weekend. Did you venture far from home for your holiday dinner? no, I was within a mile of here

3) Is this weekend the official start of the Christmas season for you? I think it is, although I've been listening to Christmas music for a few weeks

4) Which couple would you rather hang out with -- Fred and Wilma Flintstone or George and Jane Jetson? oh, that's a tough question! I'm going to go with... the Flintstones

5) Have you/would you ever get your teeth whitened? I haven't and don't think I will

6) Do you still have your high school class ring? I didn't get a class ring

7) Here's $50. You must spend it all in one place. What are you going to do with it? I'm going to support my local yarn store! Because I'm taking a sock class and I need the supplies for it!

8) Could your vehicle use a trip to the car wash right about now? no, I went yesterday

9) Did you hit the snooze button this morning? I woke naturally


new to me...

I love NetFl*x because it introduces me to TV shows I missed when they were originally on. Firefly is so much fun!

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. Oh, I am so relieved the wisdom teeth adventure was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

2. Being able to eat was my favorite part of the big meal yesterday.

3. Where does this crowd come from.

4. Thanksgiving Day was filled with lots of laughter.

5. This weather is deceptive--it's sunny but cold.

6. Health and well-being; these are some of the things I wish for my loved ones.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe getting together with my bestie, tomorrow my plans include a sock-knitting class and Sunday, I want to get ready for school!


thanksgiving meme 2

1. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? What are you doing this year? yes, I celebrate Thanksgiving. This year instead of fussing over a big meal for just the three of us we decided to order out and bring it home--that way we don't have to deal with a noisy restaurant (since the only restaurant open is famously noisy).

2. What is your favorite holiday meal? What about dessert? I am traditional about my meals, although it really doesn't matter to me. I'm not passive-aggressive about it.

3. Do you gain weight over the holiday season? Do you go on a diet in the new year? not so you'd notice and no

4. Are you going shopping on "Black Friday"? Are you willing to stand in long lines for great sales? I might do a bit of online shopping but I don't see myself battling long lines for anything I might be getting

5. What/who are you thankful for? I wrote a whole post about it.

happy thanksgiving...



Treated myself to a mani-pedi today as a little treat for how brave I've been facing my dental fears and anxiety. The color is called Romeo & Joliet and it's gel on the fingers and traditional on the toes. Such a rich shimmery color!

stuff n stuff

Took me forever to figure out how to load the Audible books onto my iPad so I can listen without headphones.
I love listening to books while knitting. I've been kind of scatter-brained this week, though, with good reason.

In another note, I registered my car for $50 less than I paid last year. And now I'm excited for my mani-pedi appointment which is my treat for being so brave during the wisdom teeth adventure!

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I am listening to Diane Keaton's memoir while knitting. And I started The Search by Nora Roberts after reading about it while visiting other players' answers last week. And I also started Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks

• What did you recently finish reading? I haven't finished anything! But I had my wisdom teeth out so that's my excuse.

• What do you think you’ll read next? I need to finish up the ones I've started!


ten things tuesday...

My Thanksgiving things:

1) I am so blessed that my loving family took care of me yesterday and they have been checking in with me today. It is hard for me to ask for help, so receiving help is truly appreciated.

2) I am blessed by my fantastic friends who love and support me. I am humbled by their love.

3) I am blessed that I am comfortable in my apartment, my haven. My rent hasn't gone up (much) in the 17 years I've lived here. And I still love it as much as when I was looking for a place and kept comparing every single one to this one. My home. Clutter and all.

4) I am blessed by my profession. Colleagues who are friends and students who challenge me in all the right ways. I am inspired by so many. I get to be creative and even the tough times make me a better teacher.

5) I am blessed by my health care professionals. They treat me like me, not like a number. My oral surgeon called me last night to see how I was making out. That was much appreciated and unexpected.

6) I am blessed by technology and service providers. I got a courtesy call this morning that will save me about $40/month! And I updated my tech toys so they all are in tip top shape and working together.

7) I am blessed that I am not too uncomfortable after having my wisdom teeth out. Unfortunately, I was feeling so good I let the pain meds (prescription and OTC) get away from me so I am in some pain. But the discoloration is not nearly the bruising I expected. And the swelling isn't tooooooo bad.

8) I am blessed that I can afford to take care of myself. Sometimes my budget is tighter than others, but I am managing to stay out of the hole of debt I put myself in after college.

9) I am blessed that my patience finally paid off and I found a pair of cute boots that actually fit and are comfortable. This may seem frivolous to some, but with my foot and ankle issues (which are heredity--my sisters have the same issue) I have been unable to find something appropriate. I am blessed by my wonderful wardrobe so that even though I am a fattie, I look fantastic!

10) I am blessed to live in the moment. That come Thanksgiving I will be mindful of all of these blessings. My heart is full of gratitude.

8 or 11 pm on AMC!

thanksgiving meme

1. Are you celebrating Thanksgiving at home or elsewhere this year? With whom will you spend Thanksgiving Day? I'm going to my parents' and we've actually ordered out our traditional meals. Since I've had my wisdom teeth out and Dad's having an extraction on Wednesday, so he probably won't be able chew much, either. But it's about being together. It's always about being together.

2. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving? usually I have a granola bar or oatmeal

3. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV? I love the Macy's parade on TV.

4. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day? our Thanksgiving meal is usually the mid-day meal, so we don't usually have apps or snacks. Sometimes we'll have an olive tray or pickles.

5. What do you wear on Thanksgiving? I generally wear my earth-tones, a skirt or dress pants

6. What's your Thanksgiving table like -- do you use special plates/silver/glasses, etc? Do you have a centerpiece? A color scheme? Candles? usually the table is laden with food so there isn't space for a centerpiece

7. Do you serve buffet-style or family-style? What do you have to drink? we serve family-style... I drink water although occasionally I'll have a glass of wine

8. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for? we do a combination of grace and everyone saying what we're thankful for

9. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on? usually later on

10. What do you do with your leftovers? I pack them up at Dad's


can't wait!

it's over!

So, I'm sitting here feeling only slightly worse for wear. The procedure went much better than I expected! I have minimal pain, minimal swelling, and have been feeling pretty good. I thought everything was funny, coming out of the anesthesia. I was seeing double, but laughed my ass off. This is so not what I was expecting. Not that I'm complaining, at all! All the good wishes and prayers paid off! Now let's hope the rest of the recovery goes this smoothly.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• Do you read the ending before you start a book? Do you ever skip ahead to read the ending?

I've never read the ending first or skipped ahead to the ending. I don't like spoilers. That goes for books, movies--anything! I want to experience the story for myself. And maybe it's because I read a lot of mysteries--I don't want to know who the guilty party is!

When I was a younger, my sisters would tease me by telling me the ending of stories or books I was reading. I thought it was torture!


more of the same...

Today I watched two of my favorite chick flicks: Love, Actually

and Crazy, Stupid, Love. And I knitted. I am doing a good job with the jitters and I'm not freaking out. But now that I can't have food or drink (you know, the 12 hours before the procedure) so I'm obsessing over having a snack, which I typically do not do at night, and sipping on something, which I typically do all evening. Gah!


on the back: it meant a lot more to me than it probably should

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: Have you's and What if's?

1. Have you anything to confess today? I am a yarnaholic.

2. Have you ever broken a law? If so, what was it? I regularly travel faster than the posted rate.

3. Have you ever committed an act of betrayal against a friend or family member? explain. not that I can think of

4. Has someone else done something that, to this day, makes you cringe when you think about them committing the act?. of course

5. Have you ever found yourself sexually aroused by someone that you absolutely should not have been? no

6. Have you ever cheated at school? how so? yes, I did not attend an assembly--I rationalized that it was my planning period and I needed to get ready for classes

7. What if you came across a backpack stuffed with one hundred thousand dollars. Would you keep it? well, a lot factors in--where did I find it?

8. What if you were the most powerful person in the world. How would you use that power? like super-powers? like political powers? Hopefully, I would use my power for good.

9. What if you found a magic lamp? I would make wishes

10. What if you could change one thing about the world. What would that one thing be? an end of strife

11. What if you could take one thing back. What would that one thing be? I wouldn't waste my energy on the negativity

12. What if you were stuck on an island forever but had all the water, food and shelter you needed. What would you do? knit

13. What if the internet didn't exist? I would miss it if it just stopped working... but if I had never existed, I would not know what I am missing

14. What if you never started blogging? I would still be regularly keeping a paper journal

15. What are your November 22 Thanksgiving plans? hopefully I will be able to eat solids by then, regardless, I'm going to spend time with my family


how vacation should start...

It was a delightful day. Started with breakfast with my Breakfast Club--we had so much fun yakking over breakfast. Then I got my soft food groceries for next week: 3 different kinds of pudding, two flavors of jello, apple sauce, yogurt, and even some decadent chocolate peanut butter Hagen Daaz ice cream! I met some friends for lunch and again had fun yakking and laughing. Then I went to the LYS to get some needles to cast on a new cowl project and wound some yarn (from hanks to cakes) and have been hanging around since. Now it's time to chat with my sister while I'm enjoying Last Holiday, a Queen Latifa film.

saturday 9

Live And Let Die

1) "Live and Let Die" was nominated for an Oscar as best song. Do you have a favorite movie song? Change The World from the Phenomenon

2) The latest Bond movie, Skyfall, is crazy successful. Have you seen it/do you want to see it? I do want to see it but I will probably wait for DVD

3) What do you think makes Bond movies so enduringly popular? it's fantasy--and Bond is smoooooooth

4) Do you have a favorite among the actors who have played "Bond, James Bond?" Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, and I really do like Daniel Craig

5) Bond orders martinis -- "shaken, not stirred." What's your regular drink order? water with lemon

6) Moving from the bar to breakfast -- do you have a favorite cereal? I like bite-size frosted mini-wheats and original or peanut butter Puffins

7) Let's daydream about warm weather. Would you rather swim in a lake, the ocean, or an outdoor pool? well, I'm not much of a swimmer, I'm more of a toe dipper, so any of them are good as long as the water isn't too cold

8) Did you get 8 hours' sleep last night? no but I will probably nap

9) What are you wearing on your feet right now? they are naked!


friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. If you want confusion, start here.

2. Inside I'm singing la la la

3. I have to ask you if you've had your wisdom teeth out.

4. Eschew vices; cultivate good habits.

5. I didn't have time to bake for book group this afternoon.

6. Shopping is something I love beyond all reason.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to book group, tomorrow my plans include The Breakfast Club and a lunch out with other friends and Sunday, I want to get ready for my oral surgery!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Running out of time in the middle of a great class discussion--everybody was into it.


w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I am listening to Diane Keaton's memoir while knitting. And I started The Search by Nora Roberts after reading about it while visiting other players' answers last week. And I also started Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks

• What did you recently finish reading? I finished Dare Me by Megan Abbott--spot on look at high school life. An intense book!

• What do you think you’ll read next? I need to finish up the ones I've started!


ten things tuesday...

Ten idioms, one of which I used today and my students didn't have any idea what I was saying:

1) Method To My Madness: Strange or crazy actions that appear meaningless but in the end are done for a good reason.

2) Put a sock in it: To tell noisy person or a group to be quiet.

3) Wag the Dog: A diversion away from something of greater importance.

4) All Greek to me: Meaningless and incomprehensible like someone who cannot read, speak, or understand any of the Greek language would be.

5) Hell in a Handbasket: Deteriorating and headed for complete disaster.

6) Fuddy-duddy: An old-fashioned and foolish type of person.

7) Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket: Do not put all your resources in one possibility.

8) Like a chicken with its head cut off: To act in a frenzied manner.

9) A Slap on the Wrist: A very mild punishment.

10) Pussyfoot: Act in a cautious or noncommittal way. (The one I used in class)


squeaky clean

I had a very dental day. This morning was a thorough cleaning, including the buffing part which I really hate. Then this afternoon was the consultation with the oral surgeon for my wisdom teeth extraction. The minute the doctor entered the room, my hands started shaking. I hate being so stressed out about nothing. I know, logically, that nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen. The dentists and hygienists are not going to kill me.

I know. I know. I know. I just can't help freaking out.

When I got the estimate I almost backed out. Over $1,600. Holy moly. So, I signed up for CareCredit Healthcare since I don't have dental insurance. I'm so thankful I got approved!

What a day.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• For this week’s Musing Monday, I’m going to give you the option to answer any of the following questions — or, if you prefer, you can answer them all! Have fun! {questions were supplied by my readers when asked for suggestions}

• If you had to choose only 3 books to read forever, which ones would you choose? My answer to this will change over time--but today I'd have to choose the complete works of Shakespeare, Stephen King's The Stand, and Knitting Rules by The Yarn Harlot (Stephanie Pearl-McPhee)

• Is there a character that you absolutely love but that you cannot get a good mental picture of? I couldn't get a clear idea what the characters in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro looked like.

• Make a plea for your favorite book. Make others wanna read it! I'd say a book that appeals to men and women is Pillars Of The Earth by Ken Follett--it's got history, romance, intrigue, drama, humor, and everything in between

• If you could create a soundtrack for a book you’ve read recently, which songs would you use and why? I would use several of the Now That's What I Call Music cds plus some mash-ups to make a soundtrack for Dare Me by Megan Abbott

• Do you read outside your preferred genre? Has your preferred genre changed? I do read outside my preferred genre because of my book group--we read a smattering of everything! My preferred genre hasn't changed but I've become more open to reading other genres.

• Do you have a favorite book/movie combination? I thoroughly enjoyed Julie & Julia by Julie Powell and the movie with Meryl Streep... although I loved the Harry Potters!

• Name a book that you thought you wouldn’t like much, but you ended up loving. the Harry Potter series

• If you were Book Czar of the world, is there one book you would like to require every kid to read? To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. A classic.

finished reading

Maybe it's because I teach high school that I could relate as much to this book. I don't know if it's a book for everyone. It certainly captures the rhythm of high school life well. The lingo, the atmosphere, the attitude were all spot on. I could not put this book down. I stayed up reading this. There were a couple of implausible parts--like I can't imagine that the teens would party with their coach without word leaking out and that situation wouldn't blow up. Especially with the use of technology these days.

From the publisher:
Addy Hanlon has always been Beth Cassidy's best friend and trusted lieutenant. Beth calls the shots and Addy carries them out, a long-established order of things that has brought them to the pinnacle of their high-school careers. Now they're seniors who rule the intensely competitive cheer squad, feared and followed by the other girls — until the young new coach arrives.

Cool and commanding, an emissary from the adult world just beyond their reach, Coach Colette French draws Addy and the other cheerleaders into her life. Only Beth, unsettled by the new regime, remains outside Coach's golden circle, waging a subtle but vicious campaign to regain her position as "top girl" — both with the team and with Addy herself.

Then a suicide focuses a police investigation on Coach and her squad. After the first wave of shock and grief, Addy tries to uncover the truth behind the death — and learns that the boundary between loyalty and love can be dangerous terrain.



I need discipline! I just ordered these boots. I am supposed to stop shopping. But I haven't. I need discipline!

veterans day

I am grateful, appreciative, and humbled.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: Who Are you? Part 7

Part 7: Self Image

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you: if it's a school day, I get up, get ready, stop at Dunkin' Donuts for an iced coffee, get to school, teach, come home, noodle around online, do some school work or knit, and go to bed to read and sleep

85. What is your greatest strength as a person? I am a great listener

86. What is your greatest weakness? I am a hoarder

87. Are you going to run for President in 2016? president of what?

88. Are you generally self-contained? generally, yes, I'm not a flamboyant person

89. Are you generally organized or messy? outside my home, I am highly organized

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at: good: giving advice, coordinating colors/outfits, shopping; bad: exercising, balancing my checkbook, being in large crowds

91. Do you like your neighbours? Do they like you? yes and I hope so!

92. Are you different in public then you act among friends? no, I'm always myself

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? declutter!

94. Where do you see yourself in 4 years? here

95. If you could choose, how would you want to leave this world? in my sleep, peacefully

96. If you had only one week to live, what three things would be bumped up on the bucket list? I wouldn't do anything differently, and I wouldn't bump up my bucket list--unless I miraculously get enough money to do things

97. What is one thing about you that really stands out? my presence--how I live in my skin

98. What three words best describe your personality? interested, appreciative, intense

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you? kind, fun, patient

100. What advice do you have to give? Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom. (my standard advice)


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


hangin' 'round...

So glad to get home from the conference in Augusta. The conference was pretty good. Thursday's trip down was really stressful because of the nasty weather--rain, sleet, snow! And yesterday's drive home was much better, although I did have a near-miss with a deer. I'm glad to just hang around this weekend with not much planned. I've got some videos to watch and some knitting to do. Naps to take.

saturday 9

Good Morning, Heartache

1) Do you come up with your brightest ideas early in the morning or late at night? well, it actually depends on if I'm brainstorming or if I'm just randomly inspired, but generally I'm good in the morning

2) Are you more likely to feel romantic at night or in the morning? night

3) Do you shower in the morning, after work or before bed? I like to shower in the morning

4) Billie Holiday was just 44 when she died. Is there an artist whose early demise surprised and saddened you? most of them, especially John Lennon

5) Billie was known as "Lady Day." Do you have a cool nickname? (If not, feel free to give yourself one right now.) I don't have one... unless you count Kwizgiver

6) When was the last time you had the blues? last week, but it didn't last long

7) Crazy Sam is eating Trader Joe's Snickerdoodles as she composes this. What's the last snack food you ate? I had a mini-whoopie pie

8) Do you worry about preserving endangered species? Or do you believe in survival of the fittest? I do worry and I support those charities

9) Would you ever hire a lawyer who runs commercials on TV? Do you know anyone who has? I don't know if I would ever use one of those lawyers, I don't know anyone who has


friday fill-ins

Join in the fun here!

1. One time, I went to a conference that did not inspire me.

2. Commiserating is something that makes me smile.

3. Seven words I love: freedom, laughter, love, knitting, hugs, friendship, and teaching.

4. Driving in the first snow; is always a significant challenge.

5. I looked out the window today and saw the sky was clear and I was very relieved.

6. I'm inspired and that's saying something!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to returning home, tomorrow my plans include running errands and Sunday, I want to watch a movie and knit!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Waiting for a disorganized person to get organized.



So, the election is over. I'm very pleased with the outcome. Presidential and local elections and issues actually fell how I voted. I'm particularly glad that Maine is in favor of same-sex marriage. Love is love is love.

In other news, Hamlet was performed at school today and it took my two senior classes. I managed to get a lot of work done during that time. But I did miss my Advanced Placement Psych group. I have so much fun with them.

Tomorrow, I'm heading to Augusta after school for the annual state social studies conference. Last year was a fun trip with a blah workshop. I don't want to go. I have to miss my knit night. And we're supposed to have crap weather. I'm afraid it will be an uncomfortable ride. We'll see. Maybe I'll be delightfully surprised.

I've got my Nook, I've got my knitting. If it really sucks, I can sit in the car and entertain myself.

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I started Dare Me by Megan Abbott And I stalled out on Audrey's Guide To Witchcraft not because I don't like it but because other books got in the way; and I am listening to Diane Keaton's memoir while knitting.

• What did you recently finish reading? I finished my book group's November selection: The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman. What a fantastic book!!!! One of the best I've read this year.

• What do you think you’ll read next? I need to finish up the ones I've started!


ten things tuesday

With a hat tip to the History Channel, here are ten presidential election facts:

1) Grover Cleveland was elected president (1884) then lost his re-election campaign (1888) and came back again to win the presidency for a second time. (1892)

2) Only 12 U.S. Presidents have been elected to office for two terms and served those two terms. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to office four terms prior to the Twenty-second Amendment.

3) Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution has only three requirements for a president. (1) Must be at least 35 years old, (2) have lived in the United States at least 14 years, and (3) be a natural-born citizen.

4) John Kennedy is the youngest elected U.S. President at 43.

5) Ronald Reagan is the oldest elected U.S. President at 73. (second term)

6) The tallest U.S. President was Abraham Lincoln at 6'4"

7) The shortest U.S. President was James Madison at 5'4"

8) James Buchanan is the only bachelor to be elected president.

9) Ronald Reagan is the only divorced man to be elected president.

10) Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to run for President in 1872.



Finally finished the socks! Finally!

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• What is the most recent book you purchased, or brought home from the local library? What made you pick it? Have you started reading it, right away, or will you wait for a bit?

Most recent books:

Dare Me by Megan Abbott (this was actually a gift)

Knit the Season by Kate Jacobs

How to Knit A Love Song by Rachel Herron

The Knitting Circle
by Ann Hood

and Spinning Forward by Terri DuLong

I sense a theme...

I started Dare Me but will intersperse the others in my school reading.



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.