
musing mondays

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There are a lot of books being made into movies, these days (“Anna Karenina“; etc). So, this week’s musing — courtesy of http://abookandashortlatte.wordpress.com — asks…

• Have you ever read a book after watching the movie/television version only to find that you don’t like the book as much as the adaptation?

This is a good question--I can't think of anything I've read after seeing the movie that was better. Although, I liked this last Twilight, Breaking Dawn 2, I thought was better than the book, but it's hard to say since the book was broken in two parts for the movie.


caite said...

ooops...wrong name.
What I said was that IMHO, 99.9% of the time the book is better.
but there is that .1%

CMash said...

I wold much rather create my own imagery because there have been a few times that I have seen an adaptation and it just didn't live up to what I imagined. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week.

The Gal Herself said...

One notable exception to the "book is always better" rule is The Godfather. Just try re-reading Mario Puzo's book. The plot is there, and he deserves credit for that. But it's so trashy and poorly written! It has none of the movie's sophistication or majesty. Whenever I make that comparison, I realize again how important the vision of the director and the gifts of the cinematographer are to the art form.