

I had such an awesome trip! Everybody got along, the weather was good, and there were no incidents or accidents involving us. I kind of can't believe I'm home already. My sisters and their families are doing great--we laughed and talked non-stop. I got to spend quality time with all my nieces and nephew, and that makes me all gooey inside.

But I'm glad to be home. It's time to start thinking about school. I've got a couple more books to read before school starts and then it's time to begin preparing. I might even take a short shopping trip, who knows?

month in review...

Swiped from Janet:

1) Candle scents this month: Autumn Wreath by Yankee Candles

2) What I read this month: the first Harry Potter book, A Discovery of Witches, Big Machine, Miranda's Big Mistake, The Weird Sisters, To Fetch A Thief, Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt, Minding Frankie and House Rules

3) Top three songs I was drawn to: Bruno Mars: The Lazy Song, The Foo Fighters: Learning To Walk, and David Bowie: Let's Dance

4) Movies I saw: Happy Accidents, CrazyLove, Law Abiding Citizen

5) Favorite tv moments of the month: I'm getting into True Blood and the BBC's Sherlock

6) Something yummy I made: I haven't made anything

7) Restaurants where I ate: TBones, Sal's Italian, Flavors, the Publick House

8.) Five things I am loving this month: my pedicure, my car, my GPS, my iPad, and my family

9) A goal I had for this month: keeping a lid on my finances

10) This month I looked forward to: going on my trip to Pennsylvania and Virginia

11) Something I want to remember about this month: my road trip to Pennsylvania and Virginia

12) A photo I took this month: the empty trunk, I should have taken a picture of the full trunk, too!


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Fifteen Movie Questions Meme

1. Movie you love with a passion. City of Angels

2. Movie you vow to never watch. Passion of the Christ

3. Movie that literally left you speechless. Crash

4. Movie you always recommend. The Princess Bride

5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie. Tom Hanks

6. Actor/actress you don’t get the appeal for. Renee Zellweger

7. Actor/actress, living or dead, you’d love to meet. Carol Burnett

8. Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture required!)

9. Dream cast. I really think the Ocean's movies were the dream cast

10. Favorite actor pairing. Paul Newman and Robert Redford

11. Favorite movie setting. Europe... hope that's not too vague

12. Favorite decade for movies. I almost think the 90s

13. Chick flick or action movie? chick flick

14. Hero, villain or anti-hero? depends on who's most compelling

15. Black and white or color? color, although I do enjoy b & w


saturday 9

I'm Not In Love

1. Have you ever been in love but tried to deny it? yes

2. Someone throws a party in your honor. The only guests are your past lovers. You're current spouse or significant other is cool with this. They ask you to speak and say something good about those assembled. Would there be someone there you could not say something good about? no, I could say something nice about each

3. How long can you go without your cell phone? Do you own a so-called “smart phone”? forever, I don't have a smart phone

4. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? no

5. Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? (If either or both have passed, answer as if they're alive.) well, mum is dead so I'll spend the day with Dad. And this is said even after a 10-day road trip!

6. Tell us one thing about your first boyfriend or girlfriend. he is the smartest person I know

7. Has an ex ever written something about you on facebook or their blog that was nasty about you? never

8. What was the last thing you borrowed and never returned? a book

9. Who is someone famous that you've met? soap stars, I can't even remember their names... Oh, and Stephen King!


friday fill-ins

Join in the fun here!

1. Summer is almost gone... well, vacation is.

2. The agenda is unchanged for the day.

3. Aargh! There is a spider in the shower at this hotel.

4. I got up too early in the morning.

5. Seven: hours of driving should get us there.

6. It's a long ride don't you think?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a family reunion, tomorrow my plans include going home and Sunday, I want to start recuperating!


on the road again...

We are ensconced in a real dive of a hotel. It's sketchy. But, it does have wi-fi!

Today was a long day of travel. I know I've had other days as long but today seemed extra long. Maybe it was saying goodbye to my sister and her family.

Tomorrow shouldn't be as long. And hopefully the weather will hold and we'll have another great day of travel.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Saying goodbye to my sister and her family. And leaving Virginia.


side trip...

Headed to Poplar Forest for the day--Thomas Jefferson's summer home, designed like Monticello, only mini.

It's going to be a scorcher, unfortunately.


ten things tuesday...

On the road edition:

1) I'm enjoying a leisurely morning with my sister, we're both on our laptops, sipping coffee and watching the news. The dog is at my feet.

2) The weather in Pennsylvania was overwhelming to me. Over 100 degrees plus a heat index of 5 or 6, it was oppressive.

3) The Pennsylvania portion of the trip went w-a-y too fast. I miss my sister already.

4) My dad is a go-go-go type of traveler. He wants something planned for every minute, instead of the rest of us who are laid back, do whatever travelers.

5) We have laughed. A lot.

6) My youngest niece is attached to me. She wants to hang out with me all the time. It's been fun.

7) I haven't taken any pictures! This always seems to happen to me. I'm going to remedy this today.

8) The girls and I played Harry Potter Charades last night. It was funny. They don't really understand how to play.

9) My sister makes the best whoopie pies. I'm about to have another one with my coffee.

10) It's been such a delight to share this trip with my parentals. And my niece. We've bonded even more.


mountain lake...

Spent a lovely day at Mountain Lake--the setting for the movie Dirty Dancing.

more travel...

Not a lot of time in Maryland or West Virginia--but enough to say we were there! Now we're settled in at Virginia. Doesn't feel quite as hot. But it's still hotter than we're used to.

I've been smothered in dog kisses and niece hugs and kisses!


sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Twenty-Fiver Meme

1. Tell us about something that made you laugh last night. oh, where to start--funny things were said at dinner, lots of family in-jokes and good times

2. What were you doing at 8 PM last night? giving back rubs

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? looking at Google maps

4. What happened to you in 2006? (Feel free to republish an old post from '06.) I got inked

5. What was the last thing you said out loud? "Hey, Sugar" (that's the dog's name)

6. How many beverages did you have today? one so far

7. What color is your hairbrush? I don't own a brush, my comb is white

8. What was the last thing you paid for? the coffee run--we're awaiting the coffee now

9. Where were you last night? in Pennsylvania!

10. What color is your front door? the door on this house is white

11. Where do you keep your change? either in my wallet or in a change jar

12. What’s the weather like today? it's uncomfortably hot and humid

13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? some kind of chocolate

14. What excites you? everything

15. Do you want to cut your hair? no, I had it cut not too long ago

16. Are you over the age of 35? yes, I am

17. Do you talk a lot? sometimes

18. Do you watch Franklin and Bash? no, I've never heard of it

19. Do you know anyone named Steven? I do

20. Do you make up your own words? frequently

21. Are you a jealous person? no

22. What does the last text message you received say? I don't text

23. Where’s the next place you’re going to? Virginia!

24. Who’s the rudest person in your life? no one comes to mind

25. Are you crushing on anyone that you shouldn't be? just George


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

I'm having a strange reaction to this card--not because I feel as though I'm the supporting character but because I may be the friend who gets the attention.

vacation fun...

Sister/niece bonding time with wonderful massage chairs and pedicures!


saturday 9

White Wedding

1. Tell us about the most recent wedding you attended. two years ago, I went to my friend Angela's wedding and it was quite lovely

2. Do you enjoy attending weddings, or do they bore you to tears? I guess I enjoy them... particularly if I know the couple well

3. Does marriage in general make you feel confident and good inside, or skeptical? since I've never been married I guess I'll go with skeptical

4. Do you have a photo blog? (If so, feel free to share the link with us.) no

5. Do you find yourself driving less due to the high gas prices? considering I'm on a 1500 mile road trip, I'd say I'm driving more

6. What's the high temperature today where you are? currently it's 83

7. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Agree, or no? agree

8. What's the hottest you've ever been in your life? near the equator it was pretty darn hot

9. Non-temperature related last question: In your opinion... who's hot? George Clooney


friday fill-ins

Join in the fun here:

1. Life is a thrill ride.

2. The mall is one of the best places to people watch EVER because people are harried, hassled, and everyone is there.

3. if I was going somewhere, the one thing I have to bring is my GPS.

4. Vacation will be over soon enough.

5. Next year, I'll plan another great vacation.

6. I tried and I found I actually could.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging out with my family, tomorrow my plans include a family bbq with everyone here and Sunday, I want to head to Virginia!


travel day 2...

Went through Connecticut first--Hartford wasn't too bad.
Then through New York, which seemed to take forever.
And here we are in Pennsylvania!

Another long day of travel but great fun was had by all. I'm so glad to be here.


travel day 1...

Settling in for the night at the Publick House in Sturbridge. We had a delicious meal at their restaurant. We made good time and the travel went well.
Through all of Maine and New Hampshire into Southern Massachusetts.

And I'm not much of a snacker when I drive. This time I brought Dole Real Fruit bites in pineapple. They are divine!

ready to roll...

So, I'm ready to roll an hour early. But I slept well and have checked and re-checked everything. I am good to go! Now, I have to wait for the rest of the clan to be ready.


i can see clearly...

New specs! Great with my red hair.

not the only one...

I thought it was just me, I'm relieved. Because I do.

ten things tuesday...

Ten things I need to do to get ready for the trip:

1) Banking. Must make car payment and get cash.

2) Finish cleaning out my trunk.

3) Get a cooler.

4) Get Mrs. Dunsters for my sister.

5) Pack. Gawd almighty, I've gotta pack!

6) Wash the dishes and take out the trash.

7) Therapy. It should be quite interesting.

8) Pick out some music for the trip.

9) Lunch with my bestie.

10) Gas up the car and check out the fluids.


this fits...

monday movie meme

Play along with the Bumbles.

This week's movie topic is all about favorites movies seen this year, to date.

A new one to me was Law Abiding Citizen which was one I watched late at night and it made me jump a couple of times. Plus Gerard Butler.
And another movie I've re-watched that is simply amazing is The Fisher King.

finished reading...

This book was recommended to me by a "What Book Should You Read?" test. It was funky and outrageous. It was kind of weird and as I'm not a fan of fantasy fiction, I almost pitched it. But there was something compelling about the writing that kept me reading. I kept wondering how it all fit together, how the flashbacks worked together. And, ya know, it just kept me reading. I don't know that I would recommend it but it was an interesting read. I could see it as a movie, it would be fun and original.

Not every book I read this summer has to be one I love. Right?


should start...

I think I need to think about packing. 10 days on the road with my parents and niece driving to visit my sisters in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Epic!

music in the park...

So glad I finally made it to Music In The Park. I got a touch of sunburn. Other than that, my bestie and I were able to talk and enjoy the music. Sunshine, nice breeze and it wasn't uncomfortably hot.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Honesty Meme

Complete the Sentences:

Right now I'm feeling... carefree

When I'm alone I feel... relaxed

When I'm surrounded by people I feel... energized

One thing I hate is... anxiety

One thing I really like about myself is ... that I try new things

When I'm feeling sad I... dwell

When I daydream it's usually about... being home

I'm afraid of... ridiculous things

I'm happiest when... I accomplish things

One thing that really worries me is ... being dependent

If I could change one thing about myself it would be... I would be a neatnick

If I could be with anyone right now I would be with... my sisters

The family member I am closest to is... Dad

If I was really honest with my father I would tell him... I have some trepidation about our trip.

One thing I regret about my life is ... that I made some stupid financial mistakes when I was younger

If I only had one more day to live I would... do what I do everyday

If I was really honest with my mother i would tell her... I have some trepidation about our trip.

One thing about me that nobody knows is... I'm not as together as I seem

I hope that someday in the future... I am as together as I seem

When I think about my family I feel... happy

Something I'm really embarrassed about is... the clutter

One thing about me I never want to change is... my quirks

One thing I feel really proud of is... my independence

Blogsville has helped me to... find interesting people to connect to

One thing I like about blogsville is... that it's entertaining



saturday 9

The Devil Went Down To Georgia

1. Do you believe in the concept of the devil? not as such

2. What's your favorite nickname that you're called? Kwizgiver

3. What would you do if someone cheated on you? end the relationship, obviously there are issues

4. Do you ever cry at a movie? sure

5. Have you got “a ball & chain” or are you single? Are you happy with your status? I am happily single and not desperate

6. Who do you got to for advice? my parents

7. When was the last time someone yelled at you? I really can't remember

8. When was the last time you spoke with someone that you met online? I haven't, other than through comments

9. Where did you go on your honeymoon? OR Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? it's not something I think about, I'm single


good service...

So, I got my cable bill today and almost swooned. How can it cost that much? I decided to cut back on some services to bring my bill down. After twenty minutes with a very nice service rep, I was wrapping up the call by suggesting I had other options to think about--such as one of the local satellite providers. That made the service rep offer to switch me to a different department that might be able to help. Twenty more minutes was worth almost $30. Now that's customer service. I am satisfied. And I can't believe I had the nerve to do this.

friday fill-ins

Join in the fun here:

1. I hold the world when I open a book.

2. Dad is someone I like to travel with because he likes to make plans and I like to go with the flow.

3. That day, I made a decision.

4. Let's make the most of this year.

5. Trust your gut.

6. I love dancing in the dark.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging around, tomorrow my plans include Breakfast Club and a pedicure and Sunday, I want to clean out my car to get ready for the trip!


just curious...

When a commercial drives you nuts, what do you do when it's on? Watch it, mute it, or change the channel?

cool summer song...

just finished reading...

There were several times that I laughed out loud (no, really, I did!) while reading this book. Miranda is such a loveable goof, working as a junior stylist at a celebrity salon. The supporting cast of characters were more than stereotypes and their antics were hilarious. Even though it's almost 500 pages, I didn't get bored or restless and enjoyed every bit. It's a great chick-lit read.


a summer image... courtesy of cat loves

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Clogged drain and drippy faucet. Where is the plumber?


just finished reading...

We came home because we were failures. We wouldn’t admit that, of course, not at first, not to ourselves, and certainly not to anyone else. We said we came home because our mother was ill, because we needed a break, a momentary pause before setting off for the Next Big Thing. But the truth was, we had failed, and rather than let anyone else know, we crafted careful excuses and alibis, and wrapped them around ourselves like a cloak to keep out the cold truth. The first stage: denial.

When I read this first paragraph I knew I was in for it. This is a book about the intricacies of the sister dance. I couldn't put it down. There were paragraphs and sentences I had to re-read just for the deliciousness of the wording.

What I liked about it was the narrator's perspective--one of the sisters yet all of the sisters. That omnipresent being who was part of the weird sisters yet apart. Another thing I liked was the use of Shakespeare throughout--the characters speak in verse and couplets easily. Named for Shakespeare's leading ladies: Rosalind, Bianca, and Cordelia, they come together with their own private dramas.

I can't come up with anything I didn't like. This was a great summer read.


ten things tuesday...

Ten things that begin with the letter E:

1) Elephants: When I was a little girl, I was sneezed on by an elephant. It was disgusting and nasty, smelly and viscous. Yet I still think they're majestic.

2) Evenings: Summer evenings are the best time of the day. With the sun going down and the cooler air, it's beautiful.

3) Ears: Puppy or baby ears are just so adorable. And I find I rub my ear lobes when I'm stressed out.

4) Earrings: Love to accessorize my outfits with earrings.

5) Eggs: Scrambled eggs are a particular favorite. Although I love a deviled egg.

6) Eeyore: I love Pooh and all the characters, how they blend together into a family.

7) E-reading: Last year, when I bought Myles it was kind of a whim. But I can't imagine reading without him, reading DTBs seems awkward. (dead tree books)

8) Europe: My favorite memories are from travel in Europe.

9) Eire: The Irish name for Ireland--it's the first time I went somewhere that no one knew any of my family and people liked me for me. The experiences are still so intense and memorable, even after 20+ years. I need to go back.

10) Eating: A great pleasure.


♥ puppies

monday movie meme

Play along with the Bumbles.

This week's movie topic is all about heat.

I immediately thought of Dog Day Afternoon. And I seem to remember some unbearable heat from the movie M*A*S*H. Then I remembered Good Morning, Vietnam (because of a Tweet).



1) listening: to the Glee Project

2) eating: strawberries

3) drinking: diet Polar orange dry

4) wearing: a skirt and tshirt and underthings

5) feeling: a little tired

6) weather: smells like rain

7) wanting: chocolate

8) needing: a massage

9) thinking: about the week

10) enjoying: vacation!

just finished reading...

The third of the Bernie & Chet series--this time begging the question: how hard is it to find an elephant in the desert? Turns out, harder than one might think!

Chet, an almost-graduate from K-9 Cop school, narrates the tale of a missing circus elephant and trainer. Bernie Little, Chet's owner and detective agency owner, uses his contacts in the shady world to piece together clues which take them into Mexico.

Another quick read and fun romp with Bernie & Chet getting involved with an amusing cast of characters--from a sad circus clown to a woman of ill repute, with corrupt Mexicans tossed into the mix.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Plaid Hat Meme

1. When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water? start the water then get in

2. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? no

3. Were you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? no

4. Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? yes

5. How old do people say you look? usually in my early 30s

6. How old do you act? well, I think I act my age

7. What’s the last song you sang? Wrapped Around Your Finger by the Police... it was playing on a mixed CD my sister made for me

8. Have you recently become a member of anything? not that I can think of

9. What are your plans for next weekend? breakfast with the Breakfast Club and a pedicure

10. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? usually eyes closed

11. Whats the sexiest thing about Sarah Palin? nothing

12. Who’s the sexiest famous woman alive? Catherine Zeta Jones

13. Who’s the sexiest famous man alive? George Clooney

14. Does your family have a crazy uncle? no

15. Have you ever smuggled something into another country? not knowingly

16. Do you live in a city with a good sports team? no

17. What is the most unusual? I'd say this question which is missing a subject

18. How do feel about the Goth people? they're interesting

19. Can you fix or your significant other your own car? no

20. Would you want to kill Casey Anthony yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it? no, I wouldn't


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.