
self-care sunday

Give your body a treat. Pick something from your wardrobe that feels great next to your skin.

I am wearing my favorite boyfriend cut jeans and a super soft tshirt. And my hair is pulled up (which I seldom do). Everything feels good.

april challenge

Time for my annual April Blog Challenge! Seems like I'm always coming out of my winter slump and in need of some inspiration this time of year. Feel free to join in.

Click here for the prompts!

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Thought Provoking Questions, Part 2

1. If you had to teach something, what would you teach? high school social studies

2. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life? living by the motto "To thine own self be true"

3. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? clutter

4. When you are 80-years-old, what will matter to you the most? health and family

5. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards and just do what you know is right? right for whom?

6. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? this age

7. Would you break the law to save a loved one? depends on the laws that would have to be broken

8. What makes you smile? puppies, hugs, good yarn, laughter

9. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? yes

10. If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be? accept others for who they are and not who you want them to be

11. If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I wouldn't

12. What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human? we all laugh and cry

13. If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose? To Kill A Mockingbird or Night

14. Would you rather have less work or more work you actually enjoy doing? work I enjoy doing

15. What is important enough to go to war over? nothing

16. Which is worse, failing or never trying? never trying

17. When was the last time you listened to the sound of your own breathing? last night I did rhythmic breathing to put myself to sleep

18. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? think

19. What does ‘The American Dream’ mean to you? a lot

20. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? I already am


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


forgot to mention...

A fascinating book group selection--we each responded to individual images, it was fun to share.

From the publisher:
A beautiful, heartfelt, funny and inspiring collection of photographs capturing the spirit of a city

In the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton set out on an ambitious project: to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. Armed with his camera, he began crisscrossing the city, covering thousands of miles on foot, all in an attempt to capture New Yorkers and their stories. The result of these efforts was a vibrant blog he called "Humans of New York," in which his photos were featured alongside quotes and anecdotes.

Humans of New York is the book inspired by the Internet sensation. With four hundred color photos, including exclusive portraits and all-new stories, Humans of New York is a stunning collection of images that showcases the outsized personalities of New York.

Surprising and moving, Humans of New York is a celebration of individuality and a tribute to the spirit of the city.

finished re-reading

Originally posted 5/9/2013

From the publisher:

Bernadette Fox is notorious. To her Microsoft-guru husband, she's a fearlessly opinionated partner; to fellow private-school mothers in Seattle, she's a disgrace; to design mavens, she's a revolutionary architect, and to 15-year-old Bee, she is a best friend and, simply, Mom.

Then Bernadette disappears. It began when Bee aced her report card and claimed her promised reward: a family trip to Antarctica. But Bernadette's intensifying allergy to Seattle—and people in general—has made her so agoraphobic that a virtual assistant in India now runs her most basic errands. A trip to the end of the earth is problematic.

To find her mother, Bee compiles email messages, official documents, secret correspondence—creating a compulsively readable and touching novel about misplaced genius and a mother and daughter's role in an absurd world.

I wasn't really sure what to think of this book based on the overview from the publisher. But what a treat! This book is laugh out loud funny in several places. Even though you have to suspend belief, it's worth it to follow the improbable tale of Bee piecing together what happened to her mother, Bernadette. It's an epistolary-style book but it incorporates all types of messages: letters, texts, journals, billboards, emails, and other sources. The secondary characters start out as stereotypes but the arc of the story is surprising.

I really loved this book. I wanted to start reading it again just as I finished it.

saturday 9

The Fool on the Hill
Chosen because Monday is April Fool's Day.

1) As an April Fool's prank, Taco Bell once announced they had purchased The Liberty Bell and renamed it The Taco Liberty Bell. Describe your perfect taco. I like a loaded taco--meat, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cheese, quacamole, cheese and maybe some cheese

2) Similarly, as an April Fool's prank, the Ford Motor Co. was supposed to wipe out the national deficit by purchasing the naming rites to a beloved monument, renaming it the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial. What model car do you drive? a Ford Fusion

3) In 1998, Burger King got in on the April Fool's Day fun by promoting a special "Left-Handed Whopper," designed to be easier for a leftie to hold. Describe your perfect burger. it depends on my mood--generally, though, I like it cooked medium-rare

4) In 1962, when color TV was still new, a Swedish station pranked viewers by telling them they could convert their black/white sets to color by cutting up a nylon stocking and stretching it across the screen. Of course, in 1962, more women wore nylons and screens were smaller. How big is your TV? Are there any nylon stockings in your home? my screen is 28, I think... it's not big and I'm sure there are some nylons around here somewhere

5) In 1957, the BBC ran an April Fool's story about how the Swiss were enjoying a "bumper spaghetti crop," with spaghetti literally growing on trees. Viewers who called the station, asking how to grow a spaghetti tree of their own, were told to place a sprig of spaghetti in a can of tomato sauce and hope for the best. Have you ever fallen for an April Fool's prank? I have over the course of my teaching career

6) When Crazy Sam was growing up, her mother would surprise her on April Fool's Day by slipping a rubber worm or plastic spider in her lunch box. When you were in school, did you more frequently brown bag it or buy your lunch in the cafeteria line? when I was in elementary grades, I ate school lunch but middle school and on was brown bag

7) This week's song was an international hit for Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66. Because of the song's bossa nova arrangement, everyone assumed the lead singer, Lani Hall, was Brazilian. She was a folk singer from Chicago. Sergio Mendes discovered her at a charity benefit. Can you think of a time when doing good really paid off for you? it makes me feel good to do good--so, every time!

8) In 1968, when this record was popular, Pierre Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada. Today his son holds that office. When did you most recently visit our neighbor to the north? hmmm, it's been about a month--it's about fifteen minutes from home

9) Random question: Name three websites you visit every day. Blogger, Facebook, Instagram


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm listening to Where'd You Go, Bernadette.

We were led to the sunroom, where Mr. Kangana had set up his marimbas the night before. The children who had to go potty did, then kneeled behind their instruments. The shades were drawn, leaving the room quite dark. The children had difficulty locating their mallets, so I began to raise the shades.

Ollie-O materialized and grabbed my hand. "That's a nonstarter." He turned on the lights.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Thing one: We've been having Winter Carnival at school this week.

Thing two: Grades close tomorrow.

Thing three: Very excited for the weekend! Not that I have much going on but it's been a hectic week.


ten things tuesday

Ten things I do during my planning period. In random order:

1) Photocopy. As much as I try to integrate technology, I find the kids ask for paper.

2) Walkabout. Usually a trip to the restroom, but a bit of a walkabout down the halls.

3) Lesson Plan. I try to be a week or so ahead of where I am.

4) Correct. I detest taking student work home, so I spend a lot of time correcting during planning and study hall periods.

5) Laminate. One of the best gadgets I've ever purchased! Why on earth did I wait for 20 years to buy one?

6) Shuffle paper. I try to organize and reorganize the piles on my desk at least daily.

7) Catch up on grading. Part of the paper shuffling that is #6 includes the stray assignments that were turned in after classes. I am pleased to report that I rarely lose student work.

8) Email. I'm pretty on top of incoming emails as I receive them, but outgoing takes me some focus. So I wait until there aren't any students around to compose.

9) Read. Text samples, professional materials, catalogs, whatever is in the piles.

10) Regroup. I will often take 3-5 minutes to use the Calm app.



I am...

Reading: re-reading Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Listening to: nothing

Loving: the productivity of the meetings I've had for negotiations

Thinking: about what to wear tomorrow

Feeling: tired

Celebrating: I followed along with all the money and percentage stuff!

Grateful for: a wonderful negotiations team!

Weather: it is 22 degrees but the "real feel" is 13

Enjoying: I admit I have a little crush on the superintendent

A quote I want to share:

“Can you believe the weather?'...'Actually, I CAN believe the weather. What I can't believe is that I'm actually having a conversation about the weather.”
― Maria Semple, Where'd You Go, Bernadette

“One of the main reasons I don't like leaving the house is because I might find myself face to face with a Canadian.”
― Maria Semple, Where'd You Go, Bernadette (This is only funny because I live 10 miles from the Canadian border)


self-care sunday

I spent a lot of time resting this weekend. I needed it. Still do.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Thought Provoking Questions, Part 1

1. When was the last time you tried something new? two Saturdays ago! I ventured out of my comfort zone at the Women's Art Retreat

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? uhm... I don't really compare myself to anyone

3. What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say? "Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom" advice from my grandmother

4. What gets you excited about life? waking up

5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way? pretty much all of them

6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago? hmmm... drawing a blank on this one

7. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know? oh, I'm a definite questioner

8. Who do you love and what are you doing about it? I love George from afar

9. What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree? Pineapple belongs on pizza

10. What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago? drawing a blank on this one

11. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength? I think it's a sign of humanity

12. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? nothing

13. Do you celebrate the things you do have? yes

14. What is the difference between living and existing? living is taking time to savor moments

15. If not now, then when? maybe tomorrow?

16. Have you done anything lately worth remembering? yes

17. What does your joy look like today? in all honesty, today is a challenging day for me... joy is fleeting

18. Is it possible to lie without saying a word? of course

19. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend? not long without a come to jesus discussion

20. Which activities make you lose track of time? noodling around online, knitting, reading, napping


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

Young and Beautiful

1) Lana Del Rey wrote this song for the soundtrack of The Great Gatsby. She wanted it to reflect the feelings of Daisy Buchanan. Have you read The Great Gatsby? I have read it and taught it.

2) In the 1970s, Robert Redford portrayed Jay Gatsby. In the 2013 version, Leonardo di Caprio played the part. In real life, both "Gatsbys" have helped raised funds for the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). Are you careful about recycling and conserving water/electricity? I could step up my recycling, but I'm very careful about water and electricity

3) Lana Del Rey admits that she dropped out of college because she simply could not get the required math credits. When confronted with basic addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, do you do it in your head? Reach for pencil and paper? Or do you take advantage of the calculator that's on your desktop or phone? the basics I do in my head but I'm not afraid of asking Siri for assistance

4) She enjoys Kurt Cobain, Eminem, Elvis and Sinatra. Which of those four gentlemen did you listen to most recently? believe it or not, Eminem

5) Speaking of Sinatras, she has described her high maintenance look -- big hair, long nails, elaborate eye makeup, full lips -- as "Gangster Nancy Sinatra." How long does it take you, on an average day, to prepare to face the world? probably 15-20 minutes

6) She's a big soccer fan, and her favorite team is Liverpool FC. Here in the US, college basketball fans are currently obsessed with March Madness. What's the last sporting event that you watched? I watched the boy's varsity basketball team win the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! Go Vikings!

7) Her younger sister, Caroline, studied photography and is responsible for some of Lana's publicity pictures. Have you ever gotten a job because of a relative? no

8) In 2013, when this song came out, Pope Francis became the first pope from a Latin American country. Latin America generally includes Mexico, most of Central and South America, and in the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. What's the farthest south that you've ever traveled? Aruba

9) Random question -- What button would you prefer your life to have: rewind, fast forward or a pause? pause


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm listening to The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man (Ruddy McCann #1). It's amusing!

I stared at him, astounded. He was several inches shorter than I with a rounded chin and dark, warm eyes. His suit was charcoal gray wool, his facial features bland, his smile was cautious--welcoming, but careful not to come off as too jovial in case I was here to discuss putting Aunt Mildred in the ground.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Thing 1: It is 45 degrees out! Hooray!

Thing 2: Tomorrow is a workshop day here at school--no students. No real agenda for our department, so perhaps some time to noodle around in my classroom!

Thing 3: After having a super busy weekend (last weekend) and several meetings this week (both after school and evening), I am delighted to have NOTHING planned for this weekend!


ten things tuesday

Ten things that would make today perfect:

1) A chef to cook dinner for me.

2) Might as well have a maid to clean it up.

3) An afternoon coffee... that would hit the spot.

4) A nap.

5) A foot massage.

6) A big hug.

7) Replies to the three emails I sent.

8) A color printer/photocopier at school that I can use.

9) Warmer temps. The sun is deceptive.

10) Not having morning duty.



I am...

Reading: still reading The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man

Listening to: an airplane flying overhead

Loving: I spent a lot of extra time at school today and made all kinds of lesson plans

Thinking: about contract negotiations--the process

Feeling: satisfied

Celebrating: I think we might have this contract wrapped up by April!

Grateful for: a fantastic working relationship with the superintendent

Weather: it is 22 degrees but the "real feel" is 15

Enjoying: I could whoop I'm so excited about negotiations!

A quote I want to share:


today, everybody's Irish

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Cookie Questions

1. Do you eat Oreos? yes

2. If you eat Oreos, which are your favorite – original, double stuff, golden original, golden double stuff, Oreo brownies, Oreo ice cream? I prefer double-stuff

3. Do you twist your Oreos apart? no

4. Are you able to pass by a plate of cookies and not take one or are you a bit of a 'Cookie Monster'? I can pass it by

5. Tell us about your favorite cookie. Crunchy, soft, chewy, crumbly, other? my favorite cookie is a soft, chewy cookie

6. Have your tastes changed since you were a kid?

7. Enquiring minds want to know if you are a dunker and, if so, do you dunk in milk, coffee, or tea? not a dunker

8. It is that time of year and they are selling them on every corner and in front of every store! Do you buy Girl Scout cookies and if you do, which is your favorite? Thanks-a-lot and Lemonade

9. Raw cookie dough. Yay or Nay? depends on the cookie dough--but yay

10. Do you like cookies with filling? yes

11. Do you prefer organic cookies? no

12. Large cookies, or small cookies? just regular cookies

13. Do you like familiar flavours in cookies? I am not sure I've had a cookie with unfamiliar flavors in them

14. Do you make your own cookies, or buy them? buy

15. Please tell us something random about your week!! I have two sessions of contract negotiations this week--could make an interesting week


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

Molly Malone

1) Are you of Irish descent? I am

2) Legend has it that the heroine of this week's Irish ballad was a real lass. 17th century birth and burial records confirm that a woman with that name lived in Dublin. Can you think of another song about a real historic figure? Joan of Arc by Leonard Cohen

3) Molly sold fish from a cart that she wheeled through the streets. What's the last seafood you ate? I had an egg roll with shrimp in it

4) The lyrics tell us that, after her death, her ghost continues to wander the streets of Dublin with her wheel barrow. Do you believe in ghosts?
I do not

5) This week's featured band, The Dubliners, are obviously from Dublin. They were introduced to American audiences on The Ed Sullivan Show. Today, Stephen Colbert tapes his show in The Ed Sullivan Theater. Who hosted the last talk show you watched?
Andy Cohen

6) Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional St. Patrick's Day dish. Is it a favorite of yours? it's all right--I like colcannon a lot, too

7) According to Irish legend, leprechauns earned the gold in the pot they guard by repairing shoes. Crazy Sam can't remember the last time she got a pair of shoes repaired. When the heels wear away, she discards the shoes and buys new ones. What about you? Do you get your shoes fixed (either by leprechauns or just by ordinary repairmen)? there are no cobblers in my vicinity

8) Do you look good in green, the signature color of St. Patrick's Day? yes, it's one of my signature colors

9) Random question: Did you more recently sneeze or cough? neither--I blew my nose


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm still reading The Garden of Small Beginnings.

From page 112:
"Was your husband a gardener, Lili?" The question surprised me. Normally people avoided talking about Dan, myself included. I shook my head and smiled.

"Not at all. Like me, he was used to being in the city and probably didn't even think of this space out here as a garden."

His lips twitched. "He probably wasn't alone in that."

I nodded. "It's much nicer now."


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Thing one: it is 45 degrees out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thing two: last night's library book group was one of our best discussions--A Place For Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza.

Thing three: my school book group is meeting tomorrow to going to be interesting. We studied the Humans of New York photojournalism book.


ten things tuesday

Ten random things.

1) I need to get over myself. I went to a recognition dinner but didn't get recognized and it annoyed me. And maybe I don't deserve any recognition. But still, it annoys me. I need to get over myself.

2) I am trying to organize a family sip & paint type of event for this summer's fun. I can imagine my sisters, my parents, and their various kids and grandkids taking part.

3) Last night was my only freebie of the week. Tonight was the VFW dinner, tomorrow is a union meeting after school followed by library book group, Thursday is a union function, and Friday is my school book group.

4) It did not rain today.

5) I got a lot of lesson planning done between school and the VFW dinner.

6) I want to start wearing dresses and skirts and light cardigans. I'm tired of winter clothes. Clunky shoes.

7) Daylight Saving time kicks my butt.

8) I wish I had access to a color printer at school. I resent having to print school materials at home. Plus there's the crinkle factor of hauling stuff back and forth--inevitably something gets crinkled or torn.

9) Laminating the papers I printed tonight will make them last until the end of my career. I lurve my laminator.

10) I laminated a slew of Bitmojis and have made little signs out of them. My students think it's adorkable. This is my current fave:



I am...

Reading: The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man

Listening to: Prince "Let's Go Crazy"

Loving: today is my only free afternoon this week

Thinking: about how to organize the week

Feeling: a bit cranky about the time change

Celebrating: nothing officially

Grateful for: planning family time in June

Weather: it is 36 degrees but the "real feel" is 25

Enjoying: some peace and quiet (the song is done)

A quote I want to share:
“Being a repo man requires what Milt calls “nerves of stupidity”:”
― W. Bruce Cameron, The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man: A Novel


self-care sunday

Talked with Dad and all of my sisters. And my bestie.

I'm working on an idea for our family gathering this summer... more details to come!  😉

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Popular Queen Songs

Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world? family and friends

Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable?
the satisfaction of handling tricky situations

Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth? blatant intolerance

Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently? not particularly

We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to? Star City Syndicate made up (mostly) of music teachers from the region--they are truly fantastic

Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?
not actively

We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of?
the reputation I have cultivated over the course of my career

Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music? oh--like any era, some I like, some I dislike

I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live? Ireland

Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken? of course!

Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself? over the years, petty shit rolls off away from me

The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up? reading

Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians. U2, Mary J Blige, Dolly Parton, Carole King, kd lang, Sting, Elvis Costello, the Beatles, Eric Clapton

Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you?
no thanks

Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?
good humor

I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be? financial security for my old age


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


art retreat

Sometimes artsy activities give me anxiety. The old voices in my head telling me I'm not talented enough or good enough--I'm looking at YOU Mrs. Little (my kindergarten teacher who ruined my artistic impulses).

Today started with an art therapist guest speaker extolling the virtues of self-care. The RED group moved on to the Alcohol-ink Tile painting activity. It was so cool! Alcohol-based ink that you set on fire!!!

Hard to capture the vivid colors...

Next up was Altered Journals. We altered the run-of-the-mill Composition notebooks. I haven't decided what I will use mine for.

And after a delicious lunch of soup & salad, it was time for Guided Watercolor Painting with a local artist. She was incredible--so patient and encouraging! I get what she was explaining to us. But having never held those types of brushes before, I couldn't physically follow in a way that satisfied me. But I'm pleased with my first watercolor journey.

We started with a small card-sized iris


saturday 9

Up on the Roof

1) JT sings that, when the world gets him down, he goes up on the roof to find peace. When you're "feeling tired and beat," what do you do to cheer yourself up? noodle around on the internet, take goofy selfies

2) He sings that, at night, the stars put on a show for free. Are you economizing, or sticking to a budget? I am trying to live within my means

3) In addition to recording this song for his album, Flag, James Taylor surprised the song's composer, and his good friend, Carole King by performing it the night she received her Kennedy Center Honor (see link above). Tell us about a good turn a friend has done for you recently. I've been rather sick this week and a couple close friends have been checking in

4) James Taylor and Carole King have been good friends for decades, but they have never been romantically involved. Do you have platonic friends of the opposite sex? yes, I have several

5) James was born in the Boston hospital where his father worked as a resident physician. Are there any doctors or nurses in your family? no medical doctors

6) When James was young, his family moved to Chapel Hill, NC. James has vivid memories of how beautiful the area was in all four seasons. What's your favorite time of year? either the lush green of summer or the radiant fall

7) In 1979, when this recording was popular, ESPN launched. Do you often watch that cable sports channel? to be honest, I don't think I have ever tuned to that channel on purpose

8) Also in 1979, the Voyager spacecraft sent photos back to earth that revealed Jupiter's rings. Without looking it up, can you name all the planets in our solar system? I can--because I know the song--and I still count Pluto!

9) Random question: Our Saturday 9 Wizards give you a choice -- you can be 20 years old and gorgeous, 30 years old and brilliant, or 40 years old and rich. Which do you choose? Hello 40 and rich!

women's day

#BalanceforBetter is the theme for this year's International Women's Day, which is observed each year on March 8. The 2019 initiative is aimed at gender equality, a greater awareness of discrimination and a celebration of women's achievements, according to the International Women's Day website.

the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm just starting to read The Garden of Small Beginnings.

The young guy told us his name was Mike, and he was here because he'd been at the botanical gardens the week before and saw a poster for the clas and signed up on a whim. "I like to do all kinds of things," he said, shifting from foot to foot. "I skateboard, snowboard, mountain bike, surf, run, play in a band, but I was standing under a tree last week, just being in nature, you know, which I dig a lot, and realized I don't do anything slow and mellow. Then I turned around to leave and there was the poster for this class right there in my face. It was like a sign from the universe, you know what I mean? So I went with it, and here I am."


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Thing 1: I'm attending a Women's Art Retreat:
Join us Saturday, March 9 at Washburn Elementary for a day of creativity and relaxation! The day will begin with artist, author, and art therapist Ellie Jalbert speaking to the group about the benefits of art as a therapeutic outlet. Attendees will then break out into art sessions; they will attend three sessions during the day. A healthy lunch of soup, salad and baguette will be served. During the lunch hour we’ll have demonstrations of different art techniques for attendees to watch and hopefully take inspiration from. Enjoy a sweet treat and prize drawings. The event will wind down with a group yoga session guided by Kate Hanes.

Art projects included will be:
Alcohol Ink Tiles with Denise Violette and Beth Ann Cummings.
Create one of a kind design on ceramic tiles with alcohol inks. There is no ‘wrong way’ with this medium, it is relaxing and fun to see where the ink might lead you. You’ll then mount dried tiles on canvas for a ready-to-display art piece.

Altered Journals with Pam Crawford and Lois Brewer
Remember those black & White school notebooks? Get ready to think of them in a whole new light! Take your time and create a journal for whatever you feel. Recording your thoughts, inspirational sayings, bird sightings? If you can dream it, you can decorate it.

Watercolor Painting with Filomena Irving.
Join us for a guided hour of painting with watercolor. Have fun with color and lines! Sign your name and display with pride.

Thing 2: I need to pick up some batteries to replace my smoke detector on Sunday. Spring forward always means fresh batteries!

Thing 3: The icicles hanging from the front of my apartment building are taller than 6 feet! When they fall they always make the loudest crash!


wordless wednesday

finished reading

Kind of a far-fetched plot. Some cliche characters. But an interesting study of modern family. Told from shifting narrators, I think every character has their say.

From the publisher:
A girl emerges from the woods, starved, ill, and alone…and collapses.

Suzanne Blakemore hurtles along the Blue Ridge Parkway, away from her overscheduled and completely normal life, and encounters the girl. As Suzanne rushes her to the hospital, she never imagines how the encounter will change her—a change she both fears and desperately needs.

Suzanne has the perfect house, a successful husband, and a thriving family. But beneath the veneer of an ideal life, her daughter is rebelling, her son is withdrawing, her husband is oblivious to it all, and Suzanne is increasingly unsure of her place in the world. After her discovery of the ethereal sixteen-year-old who has never experienced civilization, Suzanne is compelled to invite Iris into her family’s life and all its apparent privileges.

But Iris has an independence, a love of solitude, and a discomfort with materialism that contrasts with everything the Blakemores stand for—qualities that awaken in Suzanne first a fascination, then a longing. Now Suzanne can’t help but wonder: Is she destined to save Iris, or is Iris the one who will save her?


ten things tuesday

Ten things in my purse:

1) Charging cord.

2) 3 purse packs of tissues.

3) Wallet.

4) Change purse.

5) Passport.

6) Post-its.

7) 4 pens.

8) Hand sanitizer.

9) Lip balm.

10) Eyedrops.



I am...

Reading: The Garden of Small Beginnings

Listening to: nothing right now

Loving: how much fun I've been having at school

Thinking: about meditating

Feeling: I think I've caught a cold

Celebrating: the boy's basketball state championship victory!

Grateful for: a canceled faculty meeting today

Weather: it is 25 degrees but the "real feel" is 17 and there is a wind chill advisory

Enjoying: I started a new knitting project and I'm in love with it!

A quote I want to share:


mystery dinner

The mystery dinner was so much fun! It was rather chaotic--with a lot of pockets of talk all around the restaurant. Our table wasn't in the best place but that meant that there was a lively crowd. The meal was quite delicious! Overall, it was a lot of fun. Next time, I will ask more questions of the characters.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Curious as a Cat

1. I wish I had enough money to ________. retire

2. If you had to enter a competition for the "Most Uselessly Unique Talent," what would your talent be? unraveling knots

3. When it might hurt their feelings, how do you feel about telling your friends the truth? my friends would expect nothing less of me

4. Peanut or plain? peanut

5. Is there someone you would like to take your place in life for one day? Who and why?
no and because I can't think of a clever answer

6. Who was your favorite teacher and why? a couple of elementary teachers left a lasting impression on me because they fostered my love of reading

7. What do you think is the ugliest thing or event on Earth? intolerance

8. What is your least favorite of your personality traits or quirks? I am not patient with myself

9. I wish I could see ________ because _________. Hamilton; teach this era in history

10. Tell us your favorite children's story. I don't really have one

11. Explain how to play your favorite game. One of my favorite AP Psychology games to play is Petals Around the Rose: explain the name of the game but they need to figure out the significance; use four or five dice and roll them: announce how many petals are aound the rose in the dice toss (but don't say how you got that number, that's for them to figure out)

Dice showing 3 or 5 have dots in the center of their face. These dice represent the roses. The petals are the dots surrounding this center dot.
For example, a die with a 5 on it has 4 petals around the rose. A die with a 3 on it has 2 petals around the rose. A die with 1 only has one dot on its face. It is a rose without petals.

12. What do you keep in the trunk of your car? a travel safety bag, blanket, camp chair, golf umbrella, windshield washer fluid, several rolls of wrapping paper... I can't remember what else

13. Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a simple activity — running, chopping vegetables, folding laundry, whatever. What’s it like when you’re in "the zone"? when I'm in the zone, I'm usually knitting and listening to a book--or at school working on lesson plans--and I am unaware of any noises or distractions around me

14. What’s your dream tourist destination — either a place you’ve been and loved, or a place you’d love to visit? What about it speaks to you? Ireland speaks to me--it felt like home

15. What parts of nature do you like best?
when it's not extreme

16. What kind of program do you enjoy most on TV--detective shows, comedies, game shows--and why?
I love unscripted reality shows (like Alone, Top Chef, What Not To Wear)

17. Do you know any professional athletes? no

18. What will the next must-have technological innovation be? Jetpacks? Hoverboards? Wind-powered calculators? I have no idea

19. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? yes and no

20. What if you woke up tomorrow with the ability to understand animals. What do you think you’d hear from them? hopefully they are as random as I am

21.What is something that makes you melancholy? losing touch with people who matter

self-care sunday

Covering a lot of self-care bases today--I'm venturing outside my comfort zone to attend a Mystery Dinner with my bestie. I'm excited.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


bragging rights

It was a very exciting, double-overtime game!

Final score: 49-47 in 2OT!!
First state championship in 50 years.
(Photo: Troy Bennett | BDN)

All four of these boys are in my classes.

saturday 9

Come Saturday Morning

1) What are your plans for this Saturday morning? I am leaving shortly for a manicure

2) In this song, a man sings of going away for the day with a friend. Where did you go on your last day trip? my bestie and I went on a shopping trip to Central Maine--it was a lot of fun

3) The lyrics say, "we will remember long after Saturday's gone." What's something you've done recently that you predict you'll remember for a long time to come? the boy's basketball team at my high school are playing the state championship game today--this is going down in history

4) This song was the Oscar-nominated theme from the movie The Sterile Cuckoo. What's the first movie song that pops into your head? "Change The World" by Eric Clapton from Phenomenon.

5) In the movie, Liza Minnelli played Mary Ann Adams, an eccentric girl everyone called "Pookie." Have you ever been known by a memorable nickname? Who gave it to you? I have had a shortened version of my first name as a nickname since birth

6) Today's group began their career as The Grads. Recording artist/producer Herb Alpert liked their sound but hated their name. Alpert picked "sandpiper" at random out of the dictionary. Do you still have and use a bound dictionary? Or do you rely on the internet for word searches and spelling? I have dictionaries in every room, although I admit I use the internet far more frequently

7) The biggest news story of 1969, the year this song was popular, was one of the biggest news stories of all time. On July 20, Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon. Other than the moon landing, what's the most consequential event that you've seen in your lifetime. How do you feel it changed America, and the world? I would say September 11 was the most far-reaching event in my lifetime--it changed travel and safety

8)1969 was a big year for music festivals, with Atlanta, Toronto and Woodstock all holding famous fests. Have you visited Georgia, Ontario or New York (state)? I have been to NY but not Georgia or Ontario (Toronto is on my bucket list)

9) Random question -- According to some plant enthusiasts, house plants do better when they're spoken to. Do you talk to your plants?
I have the Black Thumb of Death and cannot keep a plant alive regardless of talking to it, playing music to it, or following directions


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm listening to True Places.

Contents of the backpack as logged by Officer Rodriguez, Charlottesville Police, stored in hospital locker unless as otherwise noted.

Sleeping bag, synthetic
Long sleeve shirt, men's large
Knit cap in navy blue wool
Gloves, fingertips cut off
Down vest
Canteen, Army issue
Turquoise hair clasp
Cookpot fire-blackened, no lid
Plastic container, 2 quart, with lid