

I sincerely hope to get some sleep tonight. This is four days in a row that I've had a tough time sleeping. I'm exhausted. I'm worn out.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Drama swirling around me.


heavy duty

I did not sleep last night. And I went to a workshop this afternoon that filled my brain with so much information! Now I'm just hanging around, waiting for the retirement dinner for Ron. More about that later. It's time to relax.

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I downloaded the library book The Magicians by Lev Grossman on my Nook but I haven't read much of it because I picked up my next book group selection: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Oh, I'm also listening to an audiobook, inspired by a previous Monday Musings: Rob Lowe's Stories I Only Tell My Friends, which I'm really enjoying his reading.

• What did you recently finish reading? I picked up A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron. I really enjoyed it!

• What do you think you’ll read next? Psychology for Dummies to prep myself for reading the Advanced Placement Psychology textbook! I suppose I'll read The Magicians next!


ten things tuesday...

Ten favorite female film characters:

1) Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) in Aliens.

2) Annie Hall (Dianne Keaton) in Annie Hall.

3) Thelma (Geena Davis) and Louise (Susan Sarandon) in Thelma & Louise.

4) Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) in The Devil Wears Prada.

5) Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) in When Harry Met Sally.

6) Annie Walker (Kristen Wiig) in Bridesmaids.

7) Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) in Star Wars trilogy.

8) Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) in the Harry Potter series.

9) Roberta Hertzel (Kathy Bates) in About Schmidt.

10) Celie Harris Johnson (Whoopi Goldberg) in The Color Purple.


musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?

Fortunately my Nook has a dictionary in it. But before that I have a dictionary in every room. I like looking up new words.

just finished reading...

Told from a dog's perspective, it's the eternal quest to figure out "why am I here?" I enjoyed this book--at times funny, at times sad, but not cutesy. I kept thinking of my childhood dog, my best friend for fourteen years, and hoping her life was satisfying and that she knew she was loved. It was a quick read and I want more.


nerd girl problem...

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Imaginary Meme, part two
It's the 200th Sunday Stealing! Congratulations to Bud and JUDD!

21. Have you felt that life is like being on a roller coaster? frequently

22. Favorite year so far? this is one of the best school years I've ever had! I hate to see it end but I'm really ready for summer

23. Do you consider yourself religious? no

24. How do you dress to impress? impress myself, yes!

25. Have you ever been to Connecticut? I have

26. Do you eat sushi? not often

27. Would you smoke pot providing there was no risk or driving involved? no

28. What do you think of Idol Winner Phillip Phillips?? most of his songs sounded alike, but I like him

29. Do you believe that animals have souls? yes

30. Who did you last talk to? Share, if you dare. my neighbor about the noisy bitch  neighbor that moved out

31. What is one thing that always annoys you? self-centeredness and inconsideration

32. Do you believe in a higher being? no

33. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? no

34. Any plans for this weekend? read, nap, knit

35. Would you like to rule your country, if you could? no

36. Do you like watching films about the nature of animals? yes! I miss Meerkat Manor

37. What's the difference between lust and/or lust? there's a difference?

38. Do you have a soul? absolutely

39. One best friend or many good friends? a balance of both

40. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? what's to believe?


Soldiers' secrets:

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

and on the back it says: and I'm ok with it.



Found this adorable sweater pattern on Ravelry. Since Dad won't let me dress Maggie up, I may just make this sweater for her and take pictures of her in it. I shared it with my sister (the other Bichon owner in the family) and she asked me to make one for her dog. Unfortunately, the really jazzy yarn isn't made anymore. But I'm bound and determined to find a substitute.

saturday 9

Self Esteem

1. How was your self esteem growing up? it was almost as good as it is now

2. Do you ever have a hard time with morals? when other people try to dictate morals, yes, that is a problem

3. Do you eat in bed? If yes, what? nope

4. What was the last movie you hated and why? hmmm... nothing comes to mind

5. Have you ever felt that you lost it all? If yes, explain. yes, after a major relationship ended--it was like our friends chose sides

6. Have you ever been stalked? in a sense, yes

7. Do you believe in 'self help' for problems, or do you prefer therapy? I prefer therapy but self-help does serve its purpose

8. What celebrity do you think should make a run for office? they have no mystique, so no one

9. Do you believe in happy endings? (We do. That why this is the last question!) yes, I do!


friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. These three words describe my significant other (or dog, cat, baby, grandchild, best friend!): great listener, caring, interesting!

2. A holiday weekend is a delight!

3. Oh, how I adore reading & napping & knitting.

4. Everyone is friendly if one takes time to be friendly.

5. Inevitably, I will buy more knitting needles.

6. My mentor is someone who never ceased to encourage me.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on some dvrd shows, tomorrow my plans include breakfast with my bestie and then a pedicure and Sunday, I want to get my car inspected!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Feeling guilted into attending a meeting.


w.w.w. wednesdays

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I downloaded the library book The Magicians by Lev Grossman on my Nook, but it expired and I picked up A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron. And I'm still reading text book samples which drains my brain so I don't really want to read anything else.

• What did you recently finish reading? I quit reading The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver for my book group. Did not like. At. All.

• What do you think you’ll read next? Psychology for Dummies to prep myself for reading the Advanced Placement Psychology textbook! I'm going to finish both the books I started reading; I did re-new The Magicians.


ten things tuesday...

Ten things:

1) I'm in a reading slump. I hate when I get like this.

2) It was 80+ degrees yesterday. The classroom was ghastly hot. But my apartment wasn't bad.

3) I think I'm fighting a cold. I'm putting up a good fight. I went to sleep last night before 7:30. Weird dreams.

4) I was approved for my personal day, June 5. My bestie took the same day off and we're going to play hooky together.

5) This morning, I added the final exam schedule to my school site. I'm trying not to wish time away but I can't wait.

6) I miss the research process that used to involve using note cards. It used to be so much fun to manipulate the cards and rearrange the information.


8) Tonight is the season finale of Glee. It's also the first of the finale of Idol. I am not going to stay awake to watch.


10) I showed the afghan I made for my sister to some students and they want me to make them one! So, I've got to get crackin' to get them finished before school is out. Which I won't. But I will make them.



It's my blogoversary!

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• What do you do with the book before you start reading it?

Now that I've entered the world of the e-reader, I go to the Options and read the book details. When I read a paper book I tend to look for an author's photo, read the back or dust covers, and anything else in the beginning. Sometimes I will look at the table of contents to read over the chapter names.



I finished my first big project all by myself--the Georgia Afghan! I made it after reading about it in the The Friday Night Knitting Club series. It's going to be my sister's birthday present. I still need to finish it off, but I'm very pleased with how it came out for my first big solo project!

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Imaginary Meme, part one

1. Have you ever peed your pants as an adult? no, but I've come awfully close

2. Who do you have a celebrity crush on now? George

3. Would you date someone you met online? been there, done that

4. Do you wear underwear always? yes

5. Do you hate yourself at times? no

7. Do you like dirty movies? no

8. Could you believe Josha Ledet was voted off Idol? I have to admit I was surprised but his rendition of Imagine was a bit lackluster

9. When was the last time that you bought a car? five years ago

10. Have you ever been camping? I have been camping and will probably not go again

11. How many times a day do you go on facebook? a couple

12. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? The Hunger Games

13. Have you ever worried that you'd cut off a limb? no

14. Where did you get your last email from? Be Happy

15. Favorite website? Google

16. Are you down with ghetto? huh?

17. Will the world end in fire or ice? uhm

18. Do you believe in the afterlife? not really

19. Would you be upset if facebook stopped working? for awhile

20. How did you start your blog? it was a therapy assignment because I was having a hard tome to journal


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


s'up with that?

Sudden sore throat is annoying. No! No no no!

saturday 9

Somebody That I Used To Know

1. How do you feel when you realize that an impasse will cause a relationship (any type) to end? well...generally relieved, it's not usually something that happens overnight

2. You’re planning a trip that would be an eight-hour car ride, a four-hour train ride, or a two-hour plane ride. With money and time being no object, which would you most likely choose and why? probably car because nothing else is convenient to the end of the earth where I live. We actually have to drive to get to the convenient planes or trains.

3. What is your ideal past time on a lazy summers day? reading on the porch

4. Name a CD you own that no one else on your friends list does. I doubt that anyone else has any Luka Bloom so I'll go with his debut Riverside

5. What's a wish of yours? to not make a fool of myself at school this summer

6. What is something your going to do a lot of this week? I'm going to try to knit a lot

7. Is there someone you wish would just fall off the face of this earth? yes, I have a couple of candidates

8. What did you do last night? I napped and knitted and caught up with a bunch of tv shows

9. Where is the next place you'd like to go vacation? Ireland, but really, I'll settle for anywhere


just curious

If you wear a lined skirt, do you wear a slip, too?

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. When we take notes on the overhead, most of the kids are nice & quiet!

2. My head is in the clouds.

3. It'll be a great, relaxing weekend.

4. Germany is a place I always wanted to visit, but haven't yet.

5. When I'm sad I try to let it go; when I'm happy I try to savor it.

6. I love learning about my community.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing and maybe going to bed early, tomorrow my plans include running errands and Sunday, I want to enjoy Dad's birthday party!


birthday love

Today is my dad's 75th birthday. I hope when I am 75, I am like him--active, vital, and happy. I am working on a list of 75 reasons he's so special to me as part of my gift to him.

I didn't get to spend time with him today although we did exchange several chatty emails. He was busy and I was also busy. Plus we have a family party scheduled for Sunday.

Not only was his birthday announced on the radio, it was in the local newspaper (his friends put in an ad) and Facebo*k is flooded with messages to him and about him. He is a much-loved man. Especially by me.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

The noise coming from the neighboring classroom. It's really getting to me today.


w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I downloaded the library book The Magicians by Lev Grossman on my Nook. And I'm still reading text book samples which drains my brain so I don't really want to read anything else.

• What did you recently finish reading? I quit reading The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver for my book group. Did not like. At. All.

• What do you think you’ll read next? Psychology for Dummies to prep myself for reading the Advanced Placement Psychology textbook! I don't know what I'll read for pleasure--I just started The Magicians.



So I'm struggling to get a good picture of my new tattoo. It's my opposite hand, but I'll keep trying. It is an open book with swirls coming out of it and "imagine" across the top. And it looks very yellow but it's blue/green/yellow and it will fade as it heals.

And here's a recent Plinky prompt:
If tattoos only lasted for one year, would you want one?

ten things tuesday

Ten things, in no particular order:

1) I got a tattoo yesterday. It hurts. I'll post a photo soon with its own post. It's tough to take a picture of my opposite arm.

2) Today was mammogram day. The digital imaging makes things much less painful and much faster.

3) I can't wait for knitting class tomorrow and knitting group on Thursday. I want to work away at my projects.

4) We have a union meeting after school on Thursday. I'm not sure I want to know what the issues are. Oh boy.

5) My dad's birthday is Thursday. He's turning 75. 75 used to seem so old but he's so active that it's nothing.

6) I surrender on the book group book. I just don't like Barbara Kingsolver. And I especially don't like The Lacuna. And I'm not the only one in our group that's having a really hard time with the book. So much so that we rescheduled the meeting and considered skipping the book all together.


8) I'm watching today's Anderson and it's about fears and phobias. I can so relate to some of these people. But I also realize I'm much, much better than I used to be.


10) I'm getting satisfied with the blanket I'm making for my sister's birthday. She doesn't read my blog so I am safe mentioning it. I can't wait to finish it and post photos.



Well... awkwardly having fun dancer at best.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• Do you tend to read to the end of a chapter or can you stop anywhere?

I like to stop at a break in the text whether it is the end of a chapter or the beginning of a new section. I don't like to stop just anywhere, but it depends on the book and the length of the chapter. I'm currently struggling to read a book I'm not enjoying (it's for my book group and I am bound and determined to finish!) so I am stopping anywhere.



I'm feeling melancholy today. Not sure why. Maybe today I spent too much time alone. It could be the weather. Or it could be a combination of all three. I was talking with a friend about how some years this holiday bothers me and other years it doesn't. I guess this year it did bother me.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Get Out Of Jail Free Meme, part two

21. Has there ever been anyone that now you regret meeting? no one I can think of

22. What's the last film you saw? Would you recommend it? I saw the Hunger Games and I enjoyed it

23. Would you rather have roommates or live alone? oh, I would much rather live alone

24. Do you like any of your friends a little more than just a friend? no

25. We loved the results yesterday on Saturday 9. Post a rather current song that you'd like us to hear. I liked Phillip Phillips' cover of Damien Rice's Volcano

27. If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do? If you are one, tell us what the best parent of being a parent is. hmmm... I would make the best of it

28. Do you give money to homeless people when they ask? no one ever asks me

29. A weekend in Las Vegas or Miami? Why? I would choose Vegas on the curiosity factor

30. What was your reaction to the president supporting gay marriage? hooray!

31. You are totally alone on a Saturday. What do you do? what I normally do... play on the computer, knit, nap

32. You have 3 months left to live, what is your bucket list? I don't have a lot of big things on my list--just little things that would be fun. If I found out today, I would speed up the process of learning to knit socks

33. You're having a bad day, what one thing can make your day better? a hug or time alone

34. Ever use a tanning bed? before my trip to Aruba, I got the "redhead special" which consisted of thirty sessions that were about five minutes each so that I wouldn't crisp up

35. Is there anything you would change about your body if you could? yup

36. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction? what time is it?

37. Is there anything that you should be doing right now? there's always something else I should be doing

38. At what age do you think that sex becomes less important? Why? I don't

39. What is your favorite breakfast food? an omelet and bacon

40. Your phone rings at 4am, who do you expect it to be? I don't... those phone calls really freak me out


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week two spoke to me.


saturday 9

Touch Me In The Morning

1. Who or what sleeps with you? I'm such a terrible sleeper, it's a good thing I sleep alone

2. Last time you saw your high school best friend? hmmm, I haven't seen her in a while but we facebook often

3. What do you do when you're sad? distract myself, after wallowing for a set period of time

4. What do you wear when you are relaxing around the house? judo pants and a t-shirt

5. What did you do immediately after high school? college

6. Is anyone on your bad side right now? just my nemesis

7. What's the first thing you do when you get online? check email

8. What jewelry are you wearing? none right now

9. Post a current song that you like. (Or name it and tell us why you like it.) 'Cause I saw him live last night: Ellis Paul's Rose Tattoo


feeling appreciated

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. What a beautiful sunny sky, we've had four consecutive days of rain!

2. I know, right?

3. It's no surprise that my students forgot to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week.

4. The Stockinette stitch wasn't easy, but I finally got the hang of it.

5. I like to try new foods.

6. Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone is one of my most favorite songs!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Ellis Paul concert, tomorrow my plans include errands and laundry and Sunday, I want to knit!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Wrestling with the photocopier and losing.


w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I'm reading The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver for my book group, but I'm not enjoying it. And I'm reading text book samples which drains my brain so I don't really want to read anything else.

• What did you recently finish reading? Divas Don't Knit by Gil McNeil, it's actually also called the Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club by Gil McNeil

• What do you think you’ll read next? I just downloaded the library book The Magicians by Lev Grossman on my Nook!


what would you say if I took those words away?

As seen at Leesepea's:

*and I swiped the title of her post

ten things tuesday

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day! Here are ten things about teachers, according to TeachHub.

1) The report calculated all the hours teachers spent working during school hours, working on school grounds before or after required school hours, time spent working outside of school, and on extracurricular activities like coaching or clubs. The data demonstrated that teachers on average are working 10 hours and 40 minutes a day. That’s a 53-hour work week!

2) During an average school day, teachers are spending: an average of almost 5 hours on instruction (in class and providing tutoring or extra academic support).

3) During an average school day, teachers are spending: 45 minutes planning, preparing, or collaborating with colleagues.

4) During an average school day, teachers are left with a whopping 23 minutes for lunch and personal time!

5) There are 6.2 million teachers in the United States.

6) Teachers spend an average 11.6 of hours on non-compensated duties.

7) In ancient Greece teachers were paid higher wages than skilled craftsman. They received gifts from citizens also. The highest paid teachers in Greece were music teachers.

8) In the U.S. the percentage of teachers over 48 is rising every year. The percentage oft teachers under 35 is decreasing.

9) According to the National Association of Head Teachers, almost 25% of head teachers in England and Wales reported by survey they drank too much or were alcoholics.

10) "I like a teacher that gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." ~ Lily Tomlin


this week...

I hope my students take the hint. I put a notice up on the board last week.

musing monday

Click here to play along.
• If you were going to write a book, what would you write about? Would it be fiction, or nonfiction?

I'd like to be a text book consultant. That would be cool. Or an essayist. But I have no desire to write a book, fiction or nonfiction. Maybe one day I will. Then it will probably be fiction. I think I would have a good chick-lit voice.




PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Get Out Of Jail Free Meme, part one

1. When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you use the restroom? yes

2. If you have to go grocery shopping, would you rather go alone or with someone? alone, so I can get just what I want/need without having to go up and down every aisle

3. It's your best friends birthday, would you buy them a gift even though they didn't buy you one for yours absolutely!

4. You win the lottery. Lump sum or small payments over a period of time? Why? payment over time

5. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? unless it's the funk, reasonable

6. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person? well, neither, really... but if forced to choose, beach

7. When do you brush your teeth? morning and night

8. Can you watch scary movies alone? I can, but I choose not to

9. Soft bed or firm? And in fantasy land, who's in it with you? firm, and no one--I'm trying to sleep!

10. Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about? I'd have to go out for coffee but then I'll hang out at home

11. What's one of your worst memories (that you are comfortable sharing)? when I was subpoenaed to appear at court, with the court date just before Christmas... that ruined the holidays

12. Do you like to keep the peace or be confrontational? I like to address situations that need addressing, I don't want to live in a passive-aggressive world

13. Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close friends? at work, with large groups of people but personally, few close friends

14. What are your plans for October? hmmm... my 47th birthday

15. If money were not a problem, where would you like to live? someplace more temperate than here

16. What is your ideal profession? something dealing with adolescents

17. Are you (or were you) close to your Mom and Dad? yes!

18. What is one fear that you can't seem to overcome? oh, there are many!

19. Are you good at math? not particularly but I can get by

20. Editor's note. There is no question 20. It is sort of like getting a "Get out of Jail Free" card. We will do 21 to 40 next time. Peace & love!