
musing mondays

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• Do you tend to read to the end of a chapter or can you stop anywhere?

I like to stop at a break in the text whether it is the end of a chapter or the beginning of a new section. I don't like to stop just anywhere, but it depends on the book and the length of the chapter. I'm currently struggling to read a book I'm not enjoying (it's for my book group and I am bound and determined to finish!) so I am stopping anywhere.


Cathy De Los Santos said...

I too am currently struggling but it must be finished! Here's my Musing
Check out my Giveaway
Cathy @ Addicted To Books

caite said...

book club..ok, maybe you have to finish it. otherwise, life is too short to waste on bad books.

wcs53 said...

Good answer. That's pretty much where I am, too. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with you. I can't stop anywhere (it really throws me off). I usually read to the end of a chapter very rarely will stopping anywhere occur. Here is my MM: A Great Escape

WutheringWillow @ A Paperback Life said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

My main reading time is when I ride on the bus to and fro from work. I have got to stop when the bus stops or else I’d be late for work/dinner/shower/whatever activity I have to squeeze in next. ;-)

JC Jones said...

I really hate it when I have to keep reading a book I would skip because of a book club. Like you I always try to hang in there. Thanks for visiting.

Unknown said...

haha frequent breaks are the best way to go through a tough read sometimes. the tortoise and the hare right?
which book are you reading?
thanks for stopping by! have a great week!

Yvonne said...

I try to stop at the end of a chapter. That's my preference, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.