
ten things tuesday

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day! Here are ten things about teachers, according to TeachHub.

1) The report calculated all the hours teachers spent working during school hours, working on school grounds before or after required school hours, time spent working outside of school, and on extracurricular activities like coaching or clubs. The data demonstrated that teachers on average are working 10 hours and 40 minutes a day. That’s a 53-hour work week!

2) During an average school day, teachers are spending: an average of almost 5 hours on instruction (in class and providing tutoring or extra academic support).

3) During an average school day, teachers are spending: 45 minutes planning, preparing, or collaborating with colleagues.

4) During an average school day, teachers are left with a whopping 23 minutes for lunch and personal time!

5) There are 6.2 million teachers in the United States.

6) Teachers spend an average 11.6 of hours on non-compensated duties.

7) In ancient Greece teachers were paid higher wages than skilled craftsman. They received gifts from citizens also. The highest paid teachers in Greece were music teachers.

8) In the U.S. the percentage of teachers over 48 is rising every year. The percentage oft teachers under 35 is decreasing.

9) According to the National Association of Head Teachers, almost 25% of head teachers in England and Wales reported by survey they drank too much or were alcoholics.

10) "I like a teacher that gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." ~ Lily Tomlin


Diana_CT said...

And how many of those 5 hours of instruction time are you on your feet.

That is what will kill me, is standing all the time.

The Gal Herself said...

My nephew (12) recently met a teacher who completely rocked his world. It's funny because at the parent/teacher conference, his mom decided this teacher was just too annoying and vain and full of himself. What my sister forgot is that SHE is not his audience, 12-year-olds are, and that bravado appeals to them.

He's a good example of why I hope more people under 35 decide to enter your profession.