
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The Imaginary Meme, part two
It's the 200th Sunday Stealing! Congratulations to Bud and JUDD!

21. Have you felt that life is like being on a roller coaster? frequently

22. Favorite year so far? this is one of the best school years I've ever had! I hate to see it end but I'm really ready for summer

23. Do you consider yourself religious? no

24. How do you dress to impress? impress myself, yes!

25. Have you ever been to Connecticut? I have

26. Do you eat sushi? not often

27. Would you smoke pot providing there was no risk or driving involved? no

28. What do you think of Idol Winner Phillip Phillips?? most of his songs sounded alike, but I like him

29. Do you believe that animals have souls? yes

30. Who did you last talk to? Share, if you dare. my neighbor about the noisy bitch  neighbor that moved out

31. What is one thing that always annoys you? self-centeredness and inconsideration

32. Do you believe in a higher being? no

33. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? no

34. Any plans for this weekend? read, nap, knit

35. Would you like to rule your country, if you could? no

36. Do you like watching films about the nature of animals? yes! I miss Meerkat Manor

37. What's the difference between lust and/or lust? there's a difference?

38. Do you have a soul? absolutely

39. One best friend or many good friends? a balance of both

40. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? what's to believe?


The Gal Herself said...

I think it's *wonderful* how much you enjoyed this school year! Your students are very lucky.

I am Harriet said...

Read, nap, and knit all work for me:)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.