

goodbye 2018

In 2018, I gained: professional networks.

I lost: the sense of dread that followed me for the past year.

I stopped: fretting.

I started: meditating every night. I notice a dramatic improvement in sleep.

I was hugely satisfied by: decluttering!

And frustrated by: my inability to keep it up--the box situation was getting bad again.

I am so embarrassed that I: am in an officer position and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I don't even know where to ask for advice or information.

Once again, I: set goals and met them! Reading, knitting, financial, travel...

Once again, I did not: redecorate my classroom. I have put in more personal touches, though.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: my hair is stronger than ever thanks to products my Pennsylvania sister introduced me to.

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: I'm processing things better.

I loved spending time: with my parents, sisters, and nieces and nephews.

Why did I spend even two minutes: stressing about events before attending them?

I should have spent more time: standing up for myself when I needed to.

I regret buying: a bottle of perfume without trying it first--it's the same brand as my signature scent and I thought it would work with my chemistry but it doesn't.

I will never regret buying multiple colors of comfy shoes that fit even though with that money I could have bought just one pair and saved the rest.

I didn’t exercise enough.

The Attack of the Facebook Mansplaining Trolls drove me crazy.

The most relaxing place I went was when I was in Central Maine and treated myself to a pedicure and time at Barnes & Noble.

Why did I go to bed so late?

The best thing I did for someone else was to take my parents to a medical treatments in Portland--I know it relieved them of the burden of driving and it was meaningful for me to do this for them.

The best thing I did for myself took steps to fix my finances.

The best thing someone did for me my friend Louise took care of me while we were in New York--it was something simple and it meant a lot. It's hard for me to ask for help and she just took care of it/me.

The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, plan a trip!


I am...

Reading: Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich

Listening to: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Loving: vacation time

Thinking: about New Year's plans

Feeling: like I'm starting to unwind

Celebrating: the start of the New Year

Grateful for: time to reflect

Weather: it is 20 degrees and cloudy

Enjoying: flannel

A quote I want to share:


sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)


1. Are flowers a nice gift to give someone? it depends on the occasion

2. Do you wear any jewelry? today I am not, but generally, I accessorize my outfits

3. Have you ever laid in a field of flowers? yes

4. Do you like tea? yes--my favorite is Constant Comment

5. What would you do with a million dollars? start a charitable trust

6. What word do you have trouble saying? No

7. Favorite fairytale? I used to love Sleeping Beauty

8. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no

9. Do you prefer the city or the country?
country--but I would like it to be closer to a city than I am now

10. Are you a big fan of makeup?

11. Favorite drink?
iced coffee from Dunkin'

12. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve stayed awake? I can only remember traveling for 36 hours or so

13. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? several times

14. Do you like spring? sure

15. Lipstick or lipgloss? neither--I'm more of a lip balm fan

16. Favorite color? brown

17. Do you like to decorate? no

18. Do you ever go barefoot when you’re outside? well... I go without socks when I can but usually have on sandals of some sort

19. Are aliens real? It's no fun being an illegal alien...

20. Does you zodiac sign fit your personality? yes

21.Favorite sea animal?

22. Are you a nice person? yes

23. Favorite word? giggle

24. Night or day? it depends--am I on vacation? Is there school tomorrow?

25. What would make you happy right now? someone cooking for me

self-care sunday

The last Sunday of 2018. I decided to usher in the new year by getting rid of the old year--in that I've become lax in keeping up with decluttering and have quite a stash of boxes piled up (literally) all over the kitchen again. I'm going to crush the boxes! I'm going to clear the clutter!


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


finished reading

The story takes place one night in 1905, when Officer Virgil Holt interviews an alleged murderess--and master illusionist--The Amazing Arden. Two narratives, one as the night unfolds and the other, Arden's story, wind together throughout the book. My book group will have a lot to talk about. It is a quick read. I rather liked it.

From the publisher:
Water for Elephants meets The Night Circus in The Magician’s Lie, a debut novel in which the country’s most notorious female illusionist stands accused of her husband's murder --and she has only one night to convince a small-town policeman of her innocence.

The Amazing Arden is the most famous female illusionist of her day, renowned for her notorious trick of sawing a man in half on stage. One night in Waterloo, Iowa, with young policeman Virgil Holt watching from the audience, she swaps her trademark saw for a fire ax. Is it a new version of the illusion, or an all-too-real murder? When Arden’s husband is found lifeless beneath the stage later that night, the answer seems clear.

But when Virgil happens upon the fleeing magician and takes her into custody, she has a very different story to tell. Even handcuffed and alone, Arden is far from powerless—and what she reveals is as unbelievable as it is spellbinding. Over the course of one eerie night, Virgil must decide whether to turn Arden in or set her free… and it will take all he has to see through the smoke and mirrors.

saturday 9

Winter Wonderland

1) This is an unconventional take on an old familiar song. Over the holidays, do you prefer traditional carols? Or do you like to mix it up with more contemporary fare? I like mixing it up--this is one of my favorite Christmas albums!

2) Now that Christmas is behind us, are you enjoying a relaxing week? Or do you have socializing/celebrating/chores to do?
I have a bazillion things yet to do

3) Winter is a time for cocooning. What book or movie did you enjoy in 2018 that you would recommend to your fellow Saturday 9-ers? I would highly recommend the Louise Penny Three Pines mystery series to fans of mysteries

4) Looking back on the past year, what was one of your happiest moments?
my trip to NYC was pretty darn special! Visiting the New York Public Library was a dream come true!

5) What was the smartest thing you did all this past year? I did a financial manoeuver that saved me endless, endless worry

6) As 2018 comes to a close, what are you most grateful for? my health and the health of my loved ones

7) This week's featured artist is Herb Alpert. Because of the style he popularized and the name of his band, people assume he's Hispanic. Yet his parents were Jewish immigrants from Romania. What's something we'd be surprised to learn about you? I hoard boxes

8) He performed an instrumental version of "The Star Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl XXII. How did your favorite sports teams do in 2018? the high school teams did quite well in soccer this fall--and basketball looks like an improved year, too

9) Random question: When did you last check your social media feed? between 3-4 o'clock this morning when I couldn't sleep


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading The Magician's Lie.

The road was long and rough, and every bump on it shot through my leg like fire. I'd asked for another dose of laudanum but was given barely a drop, with the lecture that sometimes people who took too much of it simply stopped breathing, not that I had any way of knowing such a thing. Despite the burning pain, I kept my mouth firmly shut the whole ride home. I wouldn't scare Mother by moaning, and I wouldn't give Ray the satisfaction of knowing how badly I was hurt. If not for him, I would have danced.


finished reading

I wanted to love it and rave about it but no. It was too long. I enjoyed it very much, but I didn't love it.

From the publisher:
Laurie is pretty sure love at first sight doesn't exist anywhere but the movies. But then, through a misted-up bus window one snowy December day, she sees a man who she knows instantly is the one. Their eyes meet, there's a moment of pure magic...and then her bus drives away.

Certain they're fated to find each other again, Laurie spends a year scanning every bus stop and cafe in London for him. But she doesn't find him, not when it matters anyway. Instead they "reunite" at a Christmas party, when her best friend Sarah giddily introduces her new boyfriend to Laurie. It's Jack, the man from the bus. It would be.

What follows for Laurie, Sarah and Jack is ten years of friendship, heartbreak, missed opportunities, roads not taken, and destinies reconsidered.

three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

1) Once again:




unraveled wednesday

Join Kat @ AsKatKnits for some fun!

Knitting for Christmas (yes, I'm late) the Back Porch Shawl otherwise known as the Shawl That Never Ends Boringest Knit Ever. And I'm listening to One Day in December. I am determined to finish this shawl!


ten things tuesday

Ten things about today:

1) Slept in.

2) It didn't storm. It was cold, though.

3) I left a big tip at Dunkin' this morning. We really love the coffee rolls.

4) Dad volunteered to stay out of the kitchen. Barb & I made lasagna. And laughed. A lot.

5) Local sister and her youngest daughter joined us for gifts and lasagna. It was a lot of fun.

6) Goddaughter and her family stopped by for gifts and some singing around the piano.

7) Got to FaceTime with Pennsylvania sister.

8) Got to chat with Virginia sister.

9) I'm glad I took my iPad with me so Dad could see the screen easier than my phone.

10) I need a nap!

lovely day

I wish everyone could have the wonderful day I had! Love, laughter, lasagna, and even a few gifts.



I am...

Reading: One Day in December

Listening to: Dirty John (taking a break from my Elf marathon)

Loving: my holiday spirit

Thinking: that I should finish wrapping

Feeling: peaceful

Celebrating: slowing down

Grateful for: a day to do what I want

Weather: it is 11 degrees and clear

Enjoying: Christmas

A quote I want to share:


self-care sunday

Woke up without an alarm today! It was mid-morning by the time I got to the laundromat and noon-ish when I got my marketing done. By one o'clock I was relaxing and enjoying the sunshine streaming into my windows.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

End of Year Questions

What did you do last year that you had not done before? professionally took some major leaps of faith

Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions/goals for the year and will you make/set more for next year? What are they? What are your new ones? yes, I did and I will set some for next year but I don't know what they will be yet

Did anyone you know give birth? Or become pregnant? Or adopt? Yes, I have a great-niece Sophia and my eldest nephew's wife is ready to deliver any time now and I can't think of any adoptions

Did anyone you know die? Or have a serious illness/injury? my college bestie's sister passed away

What places have you visited? most memorably: NYC

Any new pets? Lost a pet? no to both

What would you like to have next year that you lacked this year (doesn't have to be a physical thing i.e. love, job security, peace of mind...)?
hmmm--I would like to cook again

What date from last year will remain etched in your memory and why? January 29: Dad rang the "I beat cancer!" bell!

What was your biggest achievement last year? professionally--I worked on revising the state learning results for social studies

Did you get sick or injured? *knock wood* nothing significant or serious

What was the best thing you bought? a new mattress and box spring

Where did most of your disposable income go (money leftover after you pay for food, medical care, basic clothing, transportation and shelter)? uh--here and there

What song will always remind you of last year? Doesn't have to be a song released last year. "Hand Clap" by Fitz & the Tantrums

What do you wish you would have done more of? knit

What do you wish you would have done less of? worry

What was your favorite new TV program? Movie? Album/Songs? Or if you didn't pick up any new ones, what are you still watching/listening to? Any recommendations? New program: A Million Little Things; movie: Won't You Be My Neighbor; album: Barbra Streisand's Encore

What was the best book you read this year? How many did you read? the Louise Penny "Three Pines" mysteries were outstanding! And The Heart's Invisible Furies was probably my favorite book this year

What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently? I turned 53 and a couple students threw a "surprise" party for me--I don't feel anything

What political or social issue stirred you the most?
the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting

Who was the most interesting new person you met? this year's crop of students!

What changed at your job? lots--there are about a dozen new teachers

What changed in your home?
the major decluttering project

Describe how a relationship changed. they deepened and strengthened

Do you think you are still the same person that you were at the beginning of the year? How so? for the most part, yes

Summarize the year in three words or less. Bonus points for doing it in one word. Explain. Professional development rocks!

How have people around you changed? some self-awareness

What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts) the power of encouraging words

What was your favorite outfit for warm weather? Cooler weather? I have a lightweight dress that I lived in this summer and in cooler weather--well--hmmm--I have a hoodie that I love

Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favorite thing you made?
I made a double-brim hat which had all kinds of new knitting techniques

What changed about your physical appearance? (Hair? Wrinkles? New makeup style? Etc) a few more wisdom highlights

What are your hopes and dreams for the new year? (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance) I want a year of peace and love


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


matinee day

I enjoyed this movie immensely!

saturday 9

Happy Holidays! (from the archives)

1. As you can see, Sam loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. Yet some children are reluctant to climb into Jolly Old St. Nick's lap. Did you enjoy the tradition or were you shy? Or did you by pass it altogether -- either because you wrote him a letter or because your family didn't celebrate Christmas? I love all things Santa!

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there? I'm on the nice list! I did some hard work to get my act together this year

3. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If so, which one traveled the farthest?

4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year?
I planned to but now that my car needs expensive repairs, it looks like that's going to be it

5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie? Have you seen it yet this year? Elf and I have not watched it yet--I'm saving it for Christmas Eve

6. Thinking of movies, Christmas is lucrative for Hollywood. Have you ever gone to a movie theater on Christmas Day?
it used to be a tradition for my friends and I to go

7. Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment at the company Christmas party? it's been so long since I've been to one, I can't remember

8. What's your favorite beverage in cold weather? hot cocoa

9. Share a memory from last Christmas. Had a lovely day until I got my car stuck in freshly fallen 2 feet of snow.


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading Catch Me If Yukon: A Passport to Peril Mystery.

We grabbed for handholds again as the car swayed on the cable. I glanced toward our destination--at the building with its ranch-style design, open decking, and dark exterior siding--and was surprised to find it rather unremarkable looking. Perched on stilts that bore into the side of the mountain, it looked less like a Four Diamond restaurant and more like a Swiss mountain retreat whose occupants were professionally trained female assassins that James Bond would have to eliminate in order to save the world.

ho ho humbug

I was running errands around 2:30 and some lights came on and the steering was turning really hard in my car--so I immediately took it to the dealer's garage to see if they could look at it. Turns out the bolts of my steering system had completely sheared off. Because of the holiday, it will probably be a week until it can be fixed. So I'll be zipping around in my bright blue rental car.

Ho ho humbug!

finished reading

The perfect book for this hectic week at school.

From the publisher:
A charming romantic comedy about a hard-up single mum inheriting a stately home – and a host of headaches – The perfect novel for curling up with during the long winter nights. Sophy Winter is not your typical Lady of the Manor….When she unexpectedly inherits Winter’s End – a crumbling mansion in the beautiful Lancashire countryside – it seems like all Sophy’s prayers have been answered. She eagerly swaps life as an impoverished housekeeper in favor of her own team of staff. But Sophy quickly realizes the challenge on her hands – the house is decrepit and its eccentric inhabitants are a nightmare. And once it is discovered that Winter’s End played host to a young Shakespeare, the entire village of Sticklepond becomes curious about Sophy’s plans, especially charming Jack Lewis. But is he really smitten by Sophy…or her newly-acquired cash? Meanwhile, Sophy’s gorgeous head gardener Seth is the strong and silent type. But does his passion bloom for anything beyond the horticultural? As Sophy gets to grips with squabbling relatives, collapsing buildings and the ghostly presence of one of her ancestors, she wonders if Winter’s End is not so much a gift from the gods as a mixed blessing.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

1) We have a half-day of school tomorrow but it might not happen after all:

2) I really need to figure out if I'm going to finish my sister's shawl in time! I mean, it's an extra gift but I still would like to give it.

3) One of my students thanked me for being an excellent teacher. It meant a lot.


ten things tuesday

Name 4 things that you do in order to be happier, 3 things to be healthier, 3 things to be wiser.

In order to be happier, I:
1--stopped holiday traditions that left me feeling overwhelmed (like cards to everyone and baking for everyone)
2--started telling people in my life what I appreciate about them (especially my students)
3--stopped watching the evening news
4--said no a few times

In order to be healthier, I:
5--started meditating daily (my favorite app is Simple Habit)
6--started listening to my body about bedtime
7--put myself in time out when I need a break

In order to be wiser, I:
8--read every day
9--listen carefully
10--practice gratitude and living in the moment



I am...

Reading: A Winter's Tale

Listening to: Vanerpump Rules (my guilty pleasure)

Loving: one of my students told me that this is her favorite year of school because she starts and ends the day in my classroom

Thinking: that this week is already nuts

Feeling: tuckered

Celebrating: Chex mix

Grateful for: Chex mix (a colleague gave me a HUGE tin of it!)

Weather: it is snowing--another 2-4 inches are expected

Enjoying: Chex mix

A quote I want to share:


self-care sunday

I luxuriated in my time today. I read. I knit. I napped. I went to my dad's christmas concert.

finished reading

A fun diversion of a book! Just what I needed to lift my holiday spirits. A read-in-one-sitting book.

From the publisher:
Jessica, (not Jessie), figures that nothing could be better than a trip to the Emerald Isle for Christmas break. So she takes a flying leap and follows her boyfriend home for the holidays, not only sure that he will finally agree they're destined for each other, but also that Ireland will provide the perfect backdrop to the beginning of their happily-ever-after.

But it turns out his family--and his gorgeous ex-girlfriend--don't feel the same way, and even the family goat seems to be conspiring against her well-laid plans. The only person making the trip worthwhile is the very last one she should be thinking about, but Grady, the local farmhand, has a way of showing up when Jessica needs him most...and least.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Fashion Asks

What season has your favorite looks? I like the transitions of fall--you start layering but the knits aren't too bulky

Formal or casual? casual

Thrift store, boutique, or online? any

What’s your favorite decade for fashion? I don't know that I have one

Do you like to accessorize? yes! I love scarves and wear them even when they aren't popular--or necklaces

What does your basic outfit look like? it depends--is it a school day? a weekend? is it cold out?

What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? I'm not sure about the wording of this--but I spend the most money on winter coats

Do you wear hats? not often but I LOVE knitting hats

What is your opinion on wearing socks and sandals together? not for me

What colors do you like to wear? I like jewel tones and earth tones, I try to avoid a lot of pastels

What are some of the strangest outfits you have seen? pajamas worn as outdoor clothing is always a head scratcher

What fashions do you hate? visible bra straps

What are you favorite styles? clothing that fits well

What do you think of body piercing? I don't think of it

Do you like dyed hair? sure--you do you


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


reclaiming whimsy

December 15, 2018
Reclaiming Whimsy

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

A whimsical and frolicsome mood can inspire you to engage in playful pursuits today. However, the joy you feel while making the most of your leisure time may be undercut by a twinge of anxiety that seems unrelated to your current circumstances. Self-examination will likely lead you to the conclusion that there are issues from your past interfering with your ability to connect with your inner child. Once you address these today, your ability to bask in the wonder of worldly bliss and to enjoy play will likely return. You may be pleased to discover that you can still take pleasure in all of your latent youthfulness and mischievousness.

Before we can fully regain the youthful fervor that once allowed us to experience unadulterated wonderment, we need to be sure that there are no unaddressed issues from our childhood or young adulthood lingering in our subconscious minds. Many of the more traumatic events that defined our early period of development can sap our ability to experience pure joy. When we address these directly using a course of reflection and affirmations, we come to realize that the ability to experience awe and whimsy were never entirely lost to us. Reconnecting with our inner children is merely a matter of making an effort to experience and savor as much beauty and as much playfulness as we possible can. You will develop a renewed connection to your inner child that is stronger than ever today when you divest yourself of unnecessary emotional baggage.

saturday 9

We Need a Little Christmas

1) At the beginning of this recording, Daffy says he hopes all his friends remember his size, style and favorite color. What piece of clothing would you like to add to your wardrobe? I've already added far too much

2) His friends are late for Daffy's holiday soiree. Think about the last get together you attended. Were you early, late or right on time? I was right on time

3) It hasn't a snowed a single flurry where Daffy is. Have you had to shovel yet? yes, yes I have. Quite a bit.

4) Daffy sings that he's looking forward to fruitcake. How about you? Are you a fruitcake fan? I can take it or leave it

5) Daffy is an American Black Duck. Their usual diet doesn't generally include fruitcake. These ducks more commonly dine on seeds, foliage and bugs. What was your most recent meal? I had a deli ham salad sandwich and locally made chips

6) The only Christmas card Sam has received so far this year is from her insurance agent. She never sees her agent socially. In fact, she doesn't think she's seen him at all in 2018. Have you received many cards this year? If so, were they from people you feel close to? two cards... one I am close to the other, not so much

7) When do you start holiday shopping: Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, Halloween? I start in earnest sometime after Halloween

8) Sam was recently driven crazy by kids running through store aisles wearing elf hats with bells. Do you have any apparel that makes noise?
I do not, other than a pair of shoes that squeak on the floor of my classroom

9) This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you. I upped my local donation game this year--the local animal shelter, the local veterans groups, the local homeless shelter--all sorts of local groups


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading Mistletoe and Mr. Right.

I cast a glance at my boyfriend, my doubts a towering stack of pebbles now. Maybe the place beside me in the future doesn't fit him, either.

Except it should. There's no reason for my worries.

I need time to think, to separate my frustration from clear thought, but with Christmas Eve tomorrow and my flight out not scheduled until the twenty-sixth, I'm stuck. In a situation of my own making.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

1) I want chex mix.

2) This has been a hella week. I have some fun plans for the weekend to make up for it.



ten things tuesday

Ten things I need to do to get ready for the holidays:

1) Check my list twice. I think I'm done but need to inventory.

2) Pick up gift bags.

3) And decorative paper to fluff in the bags.

4) Send my Virginia package.

5) Send my Pennsylvania package.

6) Celebrate with my bestie--we're planning a baking day.

7) My dad's concert on Sunday.

8) Our family sing-a-long party.

9) How The Grinch Stole Psychology Class.

10) Dig out my ugly sweater for Ugly Sweater Day.



I am...

Reading: Little Fires Everywhere

Listening to: noise from the post office

Loving: a lovely card I got in the mail today

Thinking: of nieces and nephews

Feeling: the love

Celebrating: family

Grateful for: keeping contact with nieces and nephews

Weather: it's 13 degrees and cloudy

Enjoying: relaxing in my recliner

A quote I want to share:


self-care sunday

Today's self-care Sunday is social self-care (cultivating meaningful relationships with others). My bestie and I got together for lunch and shopping in the local downtown shops before attending my dad's choral concert. After the concert, we met up with another friend and went to a local eatery for pie and conversation. I feel connected to my dad by attending his concert and connected to my friends by spending quality time doing errands and just being together. My soul is happy.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)


favorite novel and author? ahh--well, this year I have binge-read the Three Pines mystery series by Louise Penny and each is better than the one before

favorite perfume/scent? I recently used up the end of the fragrance I've worn for over a year or so and thought I would try something new only to order another bottle of Philosphy Live Joyously

coffee or tea? coffee

are you a cat or dog person? dog

which mythical creature would you transform into if you could? something benevolent

favorite time period? in my lifetime, the 1990s

name 3 films that have changed your life and have shaped you into the person you are today.
Mary Poppins
City of Angels
The Princess Bride

diamonds or pearls? pearls

what’s your biggest dream? not to slip on the ice and snow this year and end up on crutches

dream destination? Italy 2020

favorite fictional character? lately it's Armand Gamache

share a quote or passage that means something to you.

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
― Robert Frost

what’s your favorite plant/flower? peony

do you prefer the forest or the ocean? why? well it depends on if I'm alone

what do you value most in people? loving kindness


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

I'm Gonna Put Some Glue 'Round the Christmas Tree (So Santa Will Stick Around All Year)

1) This week's featured songstress, Peggy King, sings that she'd like to extend the Christmas season all year. How about you? Do you wish the season was longer? Shorter? Or do you think things are fine as they are? I really love the holiday season--and I listen to Christmas music all year round, so... I don't know, it's good as they are

2) She specifically mentions toys. Have you purchased/will you purchase any toys as holiday gifts this year?
I donated to Toys for Tots and a local angel tree

3) Search for "glue" on The Home Depot's website and you'll get more than 3,000 results. There's heavy-duty adhesives, all-purpose glue, clear epoxy, wood glue, and more. Do you currently have glue in your home? If yes, how many kinds?
I have two types of glue

4) What's the last thing you used glue for? at school, I use it all the time--mostly in the form of sticks--I used it yesterday when I made an anchor chart

5) This week's featured artist, Peggy King, was a TV staple in the 1950s. With her perpetually upbeat persona, she was known as "Pretty, Perky Peggy King." Do you consider yourself upbeat, aka "perky?" yes

6) Ms. King got her start singing radio jingles for Hunt's tomato sauce. Prepared tomato sauce, properly stored, can safely be kept in the refrigerator for days. Do you have any leftovers in your refrigerator right now? I do not have much of anything in my refrigerator currently

7) Her biggest movie role was in Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955). Do you watch scary movies and shows all year around? Only at Halloween? Or not at all? I watch them when the mood strikes (which isn't often)

8) In 1954, the year this record was released, President Eisenhower dedicated the Marine Corps. Iwo Jima Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, just outside of Washington DC. If you were to play tourist in our nation's capital, what site would you be certain to visit? I haven't been to DC since the MLK monument was made, or the WWII monument, or the FDR memorial--so I would definitely go to those and I would LOVE to get tickets to the African American History Museum

9) Random question: Which of these common household items would you miss most if it suddenly went on the fritz -- your bedside lamp or your hair dryer? I don't use a hair dryer so the bedside lamp wins!


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading Becoming.

Failure is a feeling long before it becomes an actual result. It's vulnerability that breeds with self-doubt and then is escalated, often deliberately, by fear.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Three things from today:

This morning's temp.  Boo!

So I played a cozy fire in my class.

And the kids worked harder than ever!