
three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Three things that happened today:

1) We had an unplanned fire drill that put us outside in 87 degree humid heat and direct sunlight for longer than fifteen minutes and I got a burn.

2) I completed ten out of twelve items on my to do list.

3) I got a stipend check in the mail!


unraveled wednesday

Join Kat @ AsKatKnits for some fun!

Knitting a great hat pattern called Excess. Unfortunately, I haven't been paying as close attention as I should and there are a few "design elements" but they aren't terrible. And I'm listening to Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. I'm loving this Malabrigo Finito yarn--I think the photo is quite accurate for color, I wish you could squish it.


ten things tuesday

Ten things:

1 — A favorite song: Someone New
2 — A favorite movie: Elf
3 — A favorite TV show: MASH
4 — A favorite book: The Poet of Tolstoy Park by Sonny Brewer
5 — A favorite quote:
6 — A fun fact about me: I can only play one bingo card at a time
7 — A favorite flower: peony
8 — Something I crave: potatoes--mashed, fried, baked
9 — Pet peeve: blackfly bites
10 — A photo of me taken over ten years ago:
ACK! A friend of mine sent this to me--we had a very long bus ride, I think it was my senior year of high school, and were trying to make the time pass.


just finished

It's not high literature but it captured my fancy. It's the prequel to Practical Magic which I'm going to re-read.

From the publisher:
Find your magic

For the Owens family, love is a curse that began in 1620, when Maria Owens was charged with witchery for loving the wrong man.

Hundreds of years later, in New York City at the cusp of the sixties, when the whole world is about to change, Susanna Owens knows that her three children are dangerously unique. Difficult Franny, with skin as pale as milk and blood red hair, shy and beautiful Jet, who can read other people’s thoughts, and charismatic Vincent, who began looking for trouble on the day he could walk.

From the start Susanna sets down rules for her children: No walking in the moonlight, no red shoes, no wearing black, no cats, no crows, no candles, no books about magic. And most importantly, never, ever, fall in love. But when her children visit their Aunt Isabelle, in the small Massachusetts town where the Owens family has been blamed for everything that has ever gone wrong, they uncover family secrets and begin to understand the truth of who they are. Back in New York City each begins a risky journey as they try to escape the family curse.

The Owens children cannot escape love even if they try, just as they cannot escape the pains of the human heart. The two beautiful sisters will grow up to be the revered, and sometimes feared, aunts in Practical Magic, while Vincent, their beloved brother, will leave an unexpected legacy.


I am...

Reading: Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine.

Listening to: a motorcycle roaring down the street

Loving: Maggie time--my parents are going to NYC to see our friend's play The Band's Visit and I've got the dog!

Thinking: about the end of the school year

Feeling: pissed off--I asked someone in my family to help me and they said no

Celebrating: Memorial Day

Grateful for: Service men and women who have given everything so I can be pissed at petty things (shame on me)

Weather: 63 degrees and cloudy

Enjoying: I'm learning some new knitting techniques and it's a fun challenge

A quote I want to share:

“Know that the only remedy for love is to love more.”
― Alice Hoffman, The Rules of Magic


sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Stars Ablaze

1 - Do you ever wish you were someone else? no

2 - How old are you? 52 years 6 months and 29 days

3 - Age you get mistaken for: 35-ish

4 - Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: yas

5 - What did you do on your last birthday? I traveled to Central Maine for a workshop

6 - What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? I would like to be credit card debt free

7 - What is your hair color? strawberry blonde

8 - Have you ever dyed your hair? yes, but it's been 5 or so years

9 - What is your eye color? dark green hazel

10 - If you could change your eye color, would you? I would like greener eyes

11 - Do you wear contacts/glasses? glasses

12 - Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it: I am who I am

13 - Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body? my eyelids are drooping

14 - Do you have any tattoos? I have six

15 - Do you have any piercings? juse my ears

16 - Left or right handed? right

17 - Do you drink? seldomly

18 - Do you smoke? not since December 27, 1998

19 - Do you have any pets? dust bunnies--they are very tame

20 - Do you have any “rules” about food? not really



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


need to get out more

I spent the afternoon at a track meet. It meant a lot to my students that I went. But I didn't go for them. I went because a chum of mine, who I haven't seen since 1994 was there, cheering on her daughter. Sarah got in touch with me earlier in the week to say she'd be there and it would be great to meet up. And it was great!

We became friends when she was teaching at the middle school--I was student teaching and she was teaching science. She had been so lonely and homesick until we met and I introduced her to my friends and suddenly we were a gaggle of young women on the town!

It was fun to reminisce and catch up. Her life has been filled with family (ten kids!) and she has returned to teaching this year so we had lots and lots to talk about.

I bumped into a few former students at the meet--and we posed for photo ops. And my student-athletes were so excited I was there for the final event of their high school career--and we posed for photo ops.

What a whirlwind.

saturday 9

G.I. Blues
Memorial Day is a federal holiday that honors men and women who served and died in the United States Armed Forces. We want to make sure that message is not lost this weekend.

1) Are you a veteran? Are there veterans in your family? Do you know anyone who is active military? (We are grateful and want to hear about it.) My Pennsylvania brother in law served in the Air Force for six years and my Virginia brother in law was a career military man, retiring after 28 years.

2) In this song, Elvis sings about marching, and complains that the Army doesn't give Purple Hearts for fallen arches. Do you have any aches or pains to report this morning? no *knock wood*

3) This song is from the 1960 film of the same name. In the movie, Elvis is in The 32nd Armor Regiment of the United States Army. That's the same regiment he served with in real life. He had the 32nd written into the script as a shout-out to the soldiers he came to know, but realized he'd likely never see again. Is there an old friend you're missing this weekend? so funny you should ask--I spent some time this afternoon at a regional high school track meet (I know, right?) hosted at my school at the invitation of a chum of mine that I haven't seen since 1994! We stood in the sun and watched all the runners, hurdlers, and jumpers while catching up. I got to meet two of her ten children. (TEN???)

4) Memorial Day kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food? plain potato chips

5) Let's celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with ice cream. What's your favorite flavor? Cone or cup? I plan to have some Ben & Jerry's peanut butter cup later--in a cup, although I do love a sugar cone!

6) This marks the weekend when Americans step up their outdoor activity and do things they may not have been able to do during the winter months. For example, when is the last time you applied mosquito repellent? today!

7) Or swam? uh--it's been more than a decade

8) As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or fan on? neither, but the windows are wide open

9) Random question: How do you define success? when I'm satisfied with whatever it is


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading The Rules of Magic.

Ever since coming home, he'd been running away from himself, and drink was one way to do that. There were pockets of magic in some of the tavern's booths, where plans had been hatched long ago. It was a good place to have a mug of ale and disappear.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

1. There are 12½ days of school left.

2. The first day of school is in 83 days.

3. I can't wait for vacation.


unraveled wednesday

Join Kat @ AsKatKnits for some fun!

I'm working on a set of traditional dishcloths (this might be my favorite dishcloth pattern!) and I'm reading The Rules of Magic


just finished reading

This series gets better and better!

From the publisher:
It is Winter Carnival in Quebec City, bitterly cold and surpassingly beautiful. Chief Inspector Armand Gamache has come not to join the revels but to recover from an investigation gone hauntingly wrong. But violent death is inescapable, even in the apparent sanctuary of the Literary and Historical Society - where an obsessive historian's quest for the remains of the founder of Quebec, Samuel de Champlain, ends in murder. Could a secret buried with Champlain for nearly 400 years be so dreadful that someone would kill to protect it?

Although he is supposed to be on leave, Gamache cannot walk away from a crime that threatens to ignite long-smoldering tensions between the English and the French. Meanwhile, he is receiving disquieting letters from the village of Three Pines, where beloved Bistro owner Olivier was recently convicted of murder. "It doesn't make sense," Olivier’s partner writes every day. "He didn't do it, you know." As past and present collide in this astonishing novel, Gamache must relive the terrible event of his own past before he can bury his dead.

I am reminded of my trip to Quebec--all the locations mentioned in the book were part of our tour!

ten things tuesday

Ten fun questions:

  1. Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
  2. I'm a gatherer
  3. If you were to get rid of one state in the U.S., which would it be and why?
  4. I might add Delaware and Maryland
  5. We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?
  6. I would retire so fast
  7. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
  8. Ah--I solve all the world's problems
  9. What’s your favorite ’90s jam?
  10. Londonbeat: Thinking About You
  11. If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
  12. I would be a pampered pooch
  13. What was the last gift you gave someone?
  14. some dishcloths I knit
  15. What were you like in high school?
  16. I was very snarky
  17. What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?
  18. Watch What Happens Live--I record it nightly
  19. Any advice for your previous boss?
  20. Listen. I mean really listen.



I am...

Reading: Bury Your Dead.

Listening to: mail delivery trucks

Loving: being home

Thinking: about how stressful and trying today was

Feeling: worn out

Celebrating: I wore a great outfit

Grateful for: a comfy home

Weather: it's sunny and 66 degrees--kind of windy but warm

Enjoying: the sunshine

A quote I want to share:

“The night is a strawberry.”
― Louise Penny, Bury Your Dead


feel the love

The royal wedding made me happy. School is stressful as we finish up the year. The news is filled with natural disasters and more school shootings. I need escapism. And the royal wedding was my escape. I love the pomp and ceremony, the elegance, the flowers, the ridiculous hats, the music, and the protocol. I want Harry and Meghan to be happy.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Care Bears

What never fails to cheer you up? looking at puppies and laughing
Which friend do you have the most in common with? my bestie
One thing that never fails to anger you? school shootings
Favorite way to spend a sunny day? reading on the porch
Create a fortune cookie note based on your week. steady on!
Favorite way to exercise? sleep
Favorite thing about your best friend? unconditional support
What kind of things do you like to create? I like creating engaging and unique lesson plans and I like knitting hats
What languages would you like to learn? Irish and Italian
A topic you’re really knowledgeable about? Colonial American History
When do you feel you look your best? when I'm not stressed
What types of music do you like to listen to? depends on what I'm doing--but most people are surprised that I love Funk music
Something that leaves you completely in awe? the sky
What is your most childish aspect? I geek out over small things
A time where you had to be really brave? when I had pulmonary embolisms
How do you like to keep warm? soft blankets
What brings out your soft side? it's always out
What is your favorite way to treat yourself? my daily Dunkin' iced coffee
Something you’re proud of about yourself? I cultivate and foster an inclusive atmosphere in my classroom
Something you don’t care about? school policies that have nothing to do with fostering education


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

Last Night a DJ Saved My Life!

1) This song is about a girl who is heartbroken about a boy who won't take her calls. Do you screen your calls, deciding to let some go to voicemail? Or do you pick up whenever you possibly can? (We're referring to calls from people you know.) if it's someone I know, I pick up

2) When she was feeling her lowest, she heard a song on the radio that lifted her spirits. What's the last thing you heard on the radio? I was listening to the Fleetwood Mac Channel 30 on Sirius Radio--I think the last thing I heard was "Dreams"

3) This song includes the sound of squeaky wheels, indicating a sudden stop and perhaps a near-miss. Tell us about your most recent traffic mishap. uh, I caught a yellow light that turned red

4) "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life!" is featured in the 2002 video game, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Do you spend much time on video games? I have not played video games beyond Atari games

5) This week's featured artist, Indeep, was a trio. We've had many groups, some duos and tons of solo artists on Saturday 9, but not many trios. Can you name another popular trio? the Supremes, the Police, Crosby, Stills & Nash, the Dixie Chicks, The Bee Gees, The Jonas Brothers, Hanson, ZZ Top, Wilson Phillips, Lady Antebellum, The Band Perry, Nirvana, The Doors, I think CCR was a trio--but those are off the top of my head and I'm getting hazy

6) The last time Indeep performed together was in 1997, at a New Year's Eve show in Paris for French TV. Have you celebrated a holiday in another land? I celebrated Mardi Gras in Spain--they called it Carnivale and it was spectacular! I was also in Ireland for Halloween and All Saint's Day which was fun--lots of mischief on Halloween, moreso than the candy haul in the US

7) Britain's Royal Family is in the news this weekend, with attention centered on the nuptials. The Royals made news in 1982, as well. When this song was popular, Michael Fagan gained momentary fame by breaking into Buckingham Palace. He found The Royal Bedroom, where he came face-to-face with the Queen. He reports that Queen Elizabeth sleeps in a nightie that "reached down to her knees." What did you wear to bed last night?
a knee-length nightie like the Queen

8) In 1982, you could buy a loaf of white bread for 50¢. Today, the national average price for that loaf of bread is more than $2.50. When you go grocery shopping, do you comparison shop and make purchases at more than one store? Or do you prefer one-stop shopping? definitely one-stop shopping

9) Random question: What's the first famous quote that comes to your mind? "Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!" Ernestine Ulmer


friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading Bury Your Dead (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #6).

Lanlois nodded once, his face hard, and the coroner stepped away from the pool of light, across the sharp border into darkness. And there he waited.

In case.

Everyone in that room knew "in case" of what.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

1) I love my outfit today! I got tons of compliments, too.

2) It is my dad's birthday. I got him a fire pit for the backyard. He's so excited to use it.

3) I got a lovely gift from my Pennsylvania sister--a sister necklace!


ten things tuesday

Ten things random things:

1) From my wishlist--Bedphones.

2) I am digging my manicure. It's bright green with some texture on my thumbs and ring fingers.

3) Lately, I've been knitting dishcloths. Lots of dishcloths. Mindless knitting.

4) I did not talk to my Virginia sister yesterday and it's weird. We communicate every day! Until yesterday. Must remedy. (Aha--she's at a conference!)

5) My landlord is going to redo my bathroom. After 23-ish years, it needs a redo. I wish I knew when it was all going to happen. I get a vague "in the next couple of weeks."

6) I think I've finished my lesson plans for the rest of the school year. 18 days (not counting weekends).

7) The trees are greening. I keep thinking of Robert Frost's:
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

8) My dad's 81st birthday is this week. I'm getting him a fire pit for his back yard. He picked it out but I'll get it for him.

9) I love my job. I love my students. But I can't wait to hang out and read over the summer.

10) A chef would be fun. Or a housekeeper like Alice from the Brady Bunch--cooking and cleaning up.



I am...

Reading: Bury Your Dead.

Listening to: Watch What Happens Live from my DVR

Loving: the countdown to summer: 19 school days of school

Thinking: about food, I'm not sure what to make for supper

Feeling: fine

Celebrating: today--I had a great day

Grateful for: highly organized lesson plans

Weather: 73 but really super windy

Enjoying: my students' reactions to the movies I'm showing in class(es)

A quote I want to share:


just finished reading

I accidentially read books 4 and 5 in the wrong order, but it didn't really matter. I love this series so much! I want to binge read them!

From the publisher:
"What happened here last night isn't allowed," said Madame Dubois.
It was such an extraordinary thing to say it stopped the ravenous Inspector Beauvoir from taking another bite of his roast beef on baguette.
"You have a rule against murder?" he asked.
"I do. When my husband and I bought the Bellechasse we made a pact....Everything that stepped foot on this land would be safe."

It is the height of summer, and Armand and Reine-Marie Gamache are celebrating their wedding anniversary at Manoir Bellechasse, an isolated, luxurious inn not far from the village of Three Pines. But they're not alone. The Finney family—rich, cultured, and respectable—has also arrived for a celebration of their own.
The beautiful Manoir Bellechasse might be surrounded by nature, but there is something unnatural looming. As the heat rises and the humidity closes in, some surprising guests turn up at the family reunion, and a terrible summer storm leaves behind a dead body. It is up to Chief Inspector Gamache to unearth secrets long buried and hatreds hidden behind polite smiles. The chase takes him to Three Pines, into the dark corners of his own life, and finally to a harrowing climax.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Mary's Questions

If you could, where would you max out a credit card? a furniture store--I need some new pieces
Why do you like the music you listen to? it charges my emotions
What are your favorite colors? earth tones and jewel tones
Do you collect anything? I collect books
What's your dream job? I don't know
Favorite cosmetics brands: aveeno and neutrogena
Favorite scents: sandalwood, puppies, bread and brownies baking, peonies
Favorite flavors: chocolate, peanut butter
Favorite magazines: O the Oprah magazine, People, The Week, Redbook
Favorite piece of jewelry: lately there's a silver multi-stranded necklace that I've been wearing often
Favorite Holiday: St. Patrick's Day
Favorite season: not winter
Coffee or tea? I enjoy both
Where would you go on vacation if you could go anywhere? Washington, DC, or Ireland
What kind of geek are you? I love "school supplies" and books and yarn


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

Mother and Child Reunion

1) The title of this song, "Mother and Child Reunion," came from a dish Paul Simon had at a Chinese restaurant. "Mother and Child Reunion" was chicken and egg drop soup. When did you last eat chicken? I ate chicken pesto pasta for lunch yesterday

2) Paul Simon's mother, Belle, was an English teacher Monday through Friday and then gave piano lessons on the weekends. Have you ever worked more than one job? I have had three jobs at once--working at a supermarket, hostessing at a restaurant, and wrapping gifts at a gift shop

3) Mother Winters taught Sam to always dispose of the dry cleaning bag, as storing clothes in the bag may discolor the fabric. Do you have any useful household hints to pass along? mix equal parts of Dawn dishsoap and white vinegar (heat the vinegar) to make a soap scum busting shower cleaner

4) Have you put away your winter clothes yet? I have

5) Flowers and plants are popular on Mother's Day. How is your yard or garden? Is it green and/or blooming? it is greening--buds are just barely starting

6) In the 1600's, the British began celebrating "Mothering Sunday." Children presented flowers to their mothers after Sunday service. When did you last place flowers in a vase? Where they store-bought, or picked from someone's garden?
they were Valentine's Day carnations

7) The German word for "mother" is "mutter." What other German words do you know? Gesundheit! Achtung! Nein! Ja! Danke schön and Bitte schön!

8) When Sam was a teen, her mother used to scold her for monopolizing the family landline. With the advent of cell phones, do you think parents and children still clash over telephone etiquette? my students have no telephone etiquette

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars! Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate with almonds? either of the milk chocolate options, please!


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading A Rule Against Murder (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #4).

There, off to the side and slightly hidden by the woods, was the huge marble cube. At least now there was someone to ask.

"Not a clue," was the gardener's answer to his question. "A huge truck dropped it here a couple of days ago."

"What is it?" Reine-Marie touched it.

"It's marble," said the gardiner, joining them as they stared.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Three things that happened for Teacher's Appreciation Week:

1) I won a $10 gift card to Teachers Pay Teachers. Teachers Pay Teachers is an open online marketplace where teachers sell their original lesson plans and other course materials to other teachers, and also share for free.

2) I won a $25 gift card to Teachers Pay Teachers.

3) One of my students surprised me with Reese's peanut butter cups because she knows they are my favorite.


unraveled wednesday

Join Kat @ AsKatKnits for some fun!

I'm working on a set of traditional dishcloths (this might be my favorite dishcloth pattern!) and I'm listening to A Rule Against Murder


ten things tuesday

Ten things you might not know about me.

1) I am sentimental. I am easily moved and frequently tear up.

2) I am addicted to Dunkin' Donuts coffee and chocolate (especially Dove milk).

3) I strongly detest personal grooming--ie underarm shaving is the worst.

4) I don't like talking on the telephone unless it's a social call. My friends and family know this and email or text me.

5) I love teaching more now than when I started teaching. Which is something wonderful to say after 20 years.

6) I enjoy my own company. And I don't mind quiet.

7) When I don't have on a necklace or scarf (or other accessories) I feel underdressed--regardless of what my day's activities include.

8) I have exceptionally soft skin. Even when it needs moisturizing lotion.

9) I don't like temperature extremes--in weather or food. I whine all winter and also when the temperature soars in summer.

10) I can eat the same foods over and over without getting tired of them.



I am...

Reading: A Rule Against Murder which is book 4 of the series--I accidentially read book 5 before 4. Ugh!

Listening to: nothing

Loving: my students

Thinking: about my landlord

Feeling: tired--I was up at 3:15 this morning

Celebrating: knowledge with a party tomorrow in my AP Psychology class--their high stakes exam was today!

Grateful for: a fun assignment that my students love!

Weather: it is 55 degrees and sunny, but windy

Enjoying: Teacher Appreciation Week

A quote I want to share:

finished reading

I accidentially read this fifth book before the fourth. It's fantastic! Wow! More!

From the publisher:
Chaos is coming, old son.
With those words the peace of Three Pines is shattered. As families prepare to head back to the city and children say goodbye to summer, a stranger is found murdered in the village bistro and antiques store. Once again, Chief Inspector Gamache and his team are called in to strip back layers of lies, exposing both treasures and rancid secrets buried in the wilderness.

No one admits to knowing the murdered man, but as secrets are revealed, chaos begins to close in on the beloved bistro owner, Olivier. How did he make such a spectacular success of his business? What past did he leave behind and why has he buried himself in this tiny village? And why does every lead in the investigation find its way back to him?

As Olivier grows more frantic, a trail of clues and treasures— from first editions of Charlotte’s Web and Jane Eyre to a spider web with the word “WOE” woven in it—lead the Chief Inspector deep into the woods and across the continent in search of the truth, and finally back to Three Pines as the little village braces for the truth and the final, brutal telling.


sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sleepy Rambles Survey

1. Would you ever try Fear Factor for one million dollars? Why or why not? no--I don't need a game show to point out my irrational fears

2. If you use hair spray, what brand do you use the most? I do not use it

3. Is "Catcher in the Rye" in your library by any chance? the public and school library = yes, my personal library = no

5. What is the best thing about a Barbie doll? the awesome accessories

6. Cherry or peanut ice cream? peanut

7. From one to ten, how big of a movie buff are you? I would say... 4

8. Who is a celebrity you think will never get into trouble? Tom Hanks

9. What is a museum you would like to go to? the Frick or the Tate

10. Personally, do you look better with short hair or long hair? short

11. What is the first thing you think of when I say ‘Jack’? splat

12. What do (or did) you call your grandparents? paternal = Grammy and Grampy, maternal = Pepere and Nana

13. What color do you usually paint your nails? I don't have a usual color

14. What would be a cool earring design?
I have no idea

15. Besides nightmares, what is the scariest thing about sleeping? excruciating leg cramps


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


today is a very good day

I don't know what prompted it but all day I've been crazy about the song MmmBop. The original and the updated.

Both versions are so catchy and they make me happy. Also making me happy this weekend is Duncan Hines Perfect for One cake in mug kits. Oh yes.

saturday 9

Standing on the Corner

1) In this song, four friends congregate on Main Street to look longingly at pretty girls. In your town, where is the best place for people watching? I'm not sure there is a best place... it used to be the mall but that's a ghost town now

2) This song was written for the Broadway musical, The Most Happy Fella. Who is the happiest person you know? Maggie--my parents' dog

3) The members of The Four Lads met at Toronto's St. Michael's Choir School. Growing up, did you attend parochial or public school? public school

4) The Four Lads always wore jackets and ties when they performed. Do you enjoying dressing up? Or would you rather keep it casual? I like to look nice so I don't really know how to answer this--I'm on the dressy side of casual?

5) While this song was a hit for The Four Lads, they were completely overshadowed in 1956 by Elvis Presley and "Heartbreak Hotel." Who do you think dominates today's music scene? I know I'm out of touch with the music scene--I don't know who Childish Gambino, Kendrick Lamar and other popular rappers

6) The Wizard of Oz aired on TV for the first time in 1956. Sam was never crazy about those flying monkeys. Tell us about something that frightened you when you were a kid.
I watched the Twilight Zone and was scared of the worm that went into someone's ear and ate his brain

7) What scares you now? being on crutches scares me, I don't know how I would manage the staircase to my apartment

8) Since this week's song is about pretty girls: 1956's Miss America was Sharon Ritchie of Colorado. Today Colorado has the distinction of being the home of more microbreweries than any other state in the union. Which are you most particular about -- your beer, your wine, or your coffee? I'm not terribly particular, although I prefer Dunkin' Donuts coffee over Tim Horton's or McDonald's

9) Random question: We all have small, irritating habits, like soup slurping or not replacing the cap on the toothpaste. What's your nasty little habit? I do not chop my salad into bite size pieces, I tend to fold the greens over and shove them in my mouth


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine.

Mr. and Mrs. Reed reported that they were extremely concerned about the effects of Eleanor's behavior on their other three children (John, 14, Eliza, 9 and Georgie, 7) and, in light of these concerns and also those raised previously during scheduled case meetings, they wished to discuss the best way forward for Eleanor.


three on thursday

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Three things happening in May:

1) Finding out if I am going to be working on a Social Studies Standard Review - Writing Team. It would be working with social studies teachers from around the state to review and rewrite curriculum standards for the state.

2) Dental and eye appointments. In the same week.

3) Senior final exams in my Advanced Placement Psychology class. I created a list of options for a final project and I think there is something for everyone. None are terribly time-consuming but all pull together lots of concepts we've studied this year. I can't wait to see what they come up with!


w.w.w. wednesday

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! Hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

• What are you currently reading? I'm reading The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert, A Rule Against Murder (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #4) by Louise Penny, and Perennials by Julie Cantrell.

• What did you recently finish reading? I finished The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez.

• What do you think you’ll read next? The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman.

finished reading

This is going to be an interesting book group discussion--the story follows the lives of 5 very different women who find themselves drawn together through the bustling coffee shop. Although it's set in a very unstable Afghanistan, it's a rather light read.

From the publisher:
From the author of the memoir Kabul Beauty School comes a fiction debut as compelling as real life: the story of a remarkable coffee shop in the heart of Afghanistan, and the men and women who meet there — thrown together by circumstance, bonded by secrets, and united in an extraordinary friendship.

After hard luck and some bad choices, Sunny has finally found a place to call home — it just happens to be in the middle of a war zone.
The thirty-eight-year-old American’s pride and joy is the Kabul Coffee House, where she brings hospitality to the expatriates, misfits, missionaries, and mercenaries who stroll through its doors. She’s especially grateful that the busy days allow her to forget Tommy, the love of her life, who left her in pursuit of money and adventure.

Working alongside Sunny is the maternal Halajan, who vividly recalls the days before the Taliban and now must hide a modern romance from her ultratraditional son — who, unbeknownst to her, is facing his own religious doubts. Into the café come Isabel, a British journalist on the trail of a risky story; Jack, who left his family back home in Michigan to earn “danger pay” as a consultant; and Candace, a wealthy and well-connected American whose desire to help threatens to cloud her judgment.

When Yazmina, a young Afghan from a remote village, is kidnapped and left on a city street pregnant and alone, Sunny welcomes her into the café and gives her a home — but Yazmina hides a secret that could put all their lives in jeopardy.
As this group of men and women discover that there’s more to one another than meets the eye, they’ll form an unlikely friendship that will change not only their own lives but the lives of an entire country.


ten things tuesday

Ten things you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

1) My car. There's no real public transportation around here--I don't know how I would get to work! I went for a very long time without a car and it was a pain in the ass. Trying to bum rides or taxi around. Annoying!

2) My microwave. I am the queen of reheating!

3) My computer. I work and play on it. I kind of can't remember life without a laptop.

4) My iPhone. I'm using it more and more for routine things--like email and banking--I love snapping photos of checks to deposit. And I can make funny videos for my sisters.

5) My DVR. I went from a VCR and video tapes to being able to record a bunch of shows at one time.

6) Knitting. It is as though I've been knitting my whole life. It's my zen.

7) Nook(s). It feels awkward to hold a book in my hands now. I'm so used to having ounces with any size book in my hand. My Nook(s) are side lit, not back lit, so I don't get the same eye fatigue I get using my laptop or iPad.

8) Napping. I had insomnia my whole adolescence and young adulthood. When I turned 30, I started to sleep. And now I can nap! Not only that, I am able to sleep most nights. Interrupted sleep, but sleep!

9) Filtered water.

10) My electric pencil sharpener. I spent big bucks and got a great one--efficient and quick!