
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: Swiped Meme

Do you need to write down things to remember them? at school I do

Do you keep a diary/journal? not anymore

Are you scared of thunderstorms? no

Do you have any unusual fears or phobias? nothing unusual... which means just the usual

Whats your favourite Disney movie? Mary Poppins

Have you ever painted a house? no

Whats the tallest tree you've ever climbed? I've never climbed a tree

Do you always wear identical socks? yes

Do you live by any motto or philosophy? "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." Henry David Thoreau

Do you lick the yogurt or dessert lid? no

Do you lick the spoon clean after making something sweet? yes

Have you ever played the bongos? yes, it was fun

Have you ever handled a snake? no

Have you ever assembled furniture by yourself? I have

When did you last go to the beach? last July

When if ever did you last go to London? I was there in 1987

What do you do to cool down when its hot? sit by the fan and complain

What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? shark

Do you have a favorite mug? no

Do you know any self-defense or martial arts? nothing formal

Who's your favourite movie action hero? Harry Potter

Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? yes

Do you collect anything? yarn and books

Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? courtesy

Do you stick to conventional fashions or like to try and be original? I'm pretty conventional

Have you ever given someone a handmade present? I have, last Christmas everyone got something hand knit

If you could have any feature from an animal what would you want? a dog's resiliency


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

California Nights

1) Lesley Gore premiered this song on an episode of Batman. She played Pussycat, the protegee of Catwoman. (That explains her outfit in the video.) How many of Batman's nemeses can you name? Poison Ivy, The Joker, Mr. Freeze

2) At least five actors have played The Caped Crusader already (Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale) and Ben Affleck will play him in 2016's Batman vs. Superman. Who is your favorite Batman? (If any Batmen were inadvertently omitted, Sam apologizes.)
George Clooney, of course

3) Unlike most superheroes, Batman doesn't have any superpowers. This Saturday, you're more fortunate. We're bestowing any superpower on you that you want. Which would you like? I would like the power to magically have clutter disappear

4) Though she's singing of warm California nights, Lesley Gore was a New Yorker, born in Brooklyn and, in February of this year, dying in Manhattan. Which coast have you spent more time on, the West Coast or the East Coast? East Coast

5) Not many people know that while she was making records, Lesley was also a student at Sarah Lawrence and graduated with her BA in 1968. What's something we would be surprised to know about you? I was born with clubbed feet and had to wear braces to straighten them out for several years

6) In 1967, when this song was popular, the best selling new camera in the United States was the new Polaroid Swinger. Think about the most recent photo you took. Did you use a camera, a tablet, or a phone? I used my iPad

7) The big fashion trend of 1967 was bright tights, in shades like Hot Pink, Shock Orange and Grass Green. Tell us about something you wore when it was trendy but now you look back and think, "Oh, God, that was awful!" tapered pants--dear lord!

8) In 1967, drivers complained about "gas wars." The price was unpredictable and would rise and fall, day by day, as much as 30¢ per gallon. How much does it cost you to fill up your tank today? $3.78 so about $40

9) Random question: Are there dishes in your kitchen sink right now? there is a glass and a bowl and a spoon


friday 5


  1. How do you keep your cool when forces beyond your control mess up stuff that’s usually within your control?
  2. well, I usually do an internal spazz out and then regain my composure and soldier on
  3. When working with others, what’s one thing about someone else’s working style that might drive you bananas?
  4. someone who keeps taking breaks when we haven't done any work
  5. In what kind of situations do you find it not so challenging to remain at peace even when most others are being driven mad?
  6. when I'm with a group I am pretty good at keeping my cool
  7. When you come home at the end of a long work week, which of your basic needs are you most likely to attend to first?
  8. sleep
  9. What would be a good theme song to describe your week so far, and what song best summarizes your expectations for the weekend?
  10. Lenny Kravitz: It Ain't Over Til It's Over


booking through thursday

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What book would you love to see turned into a movie?

(Yes, with the understanding that it would be everything you hoped it could be, doing justice to the story, the characters, the writer’s vision, and so on. Not a hatchet-job horror.)

The most recent book I finished, Still Life With Breadcrumbs by Anna Quindlen, is my choice. I liked the book's setting and characters. And because the main character is a photographer I felt like it was a visually rich book.

finished reading

I really liked this book. It's the story of Rebecca Winter, age sixty, reflecting on her life as a once-renowned photographer. Her life is at a crossroads and she takes an unexpected path. Although I am not at all like Rebecca, I understand her. I appreciated how the setting caused her vulnerability. How a somewhat jaded and formerly feted woman is lost in the wilds. I liked the secondary characters, too. And I'm not sure which romance I appreciate more--the dog, Jack, or Jim.

This is the June selection for my book group and I'm looking forward to discussing it. There's much to talk about.


doctor, doctor, gimme the news...

I don't know how I've managed this--but I'm down 13 pounds since December. My blood pressure is great. My blood work is great. I'm great.

w.w.w. wednesday

MizB at A Daily Rhythm has made some changes to her weekly meme line up and W.W.W. Wednesdays is no longer a weekly meme. But I love this meme and am going to continue it on my own.

• What are you currently reading? I'm reading Still Life With Breadcrumbs by Anna Quindlen and finally started The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizingby Marie Kondo. and I'm listening to As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride by Cary Elwes.

• What did you recently finish reading? A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall, it was a confection of a book!

• What do you think you’ll read next? I'm not sure!


ten things tuesday

Linking up with Ten On Tuesday this week.

This week's topic is 10 Things You Did This Weekend.

1) Friday, after school I went to the track meet qualifying event thing. I don't know what it's actually called, but they were qualifying for states. I snapped quite a few photos with my students.

2) Saturday morning I had a manicure.

3) I did my weekly marketing after the manicure.

4) And I gassed up the car and checked the oil. After brushing off the snow. I know, right? Snow in May????

5) I went to lunch at my favorite cafe, Cafe Sorpresso and had a fabulous meal.

6) I finished reading a book.

7) Sunday I went on a little road trip with my niece for lunch at Grammy's restaurant.

8) I got my laundry done.

9) Took care of my neighbor's cat all weekend.

10) Monday I hung out with my parents for a few hours, it was warm enough to sit on the screened in porch!


musing mondays

Click here to play along.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• I’m currently reading…
• Up next I think I’ll read…
• I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
• I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I can’t wait to get a copy of…
• I wish I could read ___, but…
• I blogged about ____ this past week…

This week’s random question: Where is the strangest place you’ve ever read a book? OR… Where is the strangest place you’ve ever found a crazy-good book, unexpectedly?

When I was in Barcelona, I discovered a small bookstore in the old part of the city; the only book in English was Anne Rice's Interview With The Vampire. I spent the rest of the day at a cafe with my nose in the book. Not only was it better than I expected, it was atmospheric and the book truly came alive for me.


sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: Very Much Questions Meme

1. What was the last clothing item that you bought? This pair of Land's End shorts

2. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you choose? I enjoyed being 30

3. When you say “lol”, are you really laughing? usually

4. What is the most interesting thing you’ve done in the past year? probably hand-knitting everyone's Christmas gifts, I started early!

5. If you started a business, what would it be? personal shopping

6. Do your friends/family/coworkers know about your blog? I don't try to keep it secret or anonymous, but I don't blather on about it

7. How long does it take you to write an average blog post? 20 minutes or so

8. How do you keep up with the blogs you follow? I try to visit them every day

9. What is your bedtime? usually around 9 or 9:30 with lights out

10. Introvert or extrovert? introverted extrovert

11. What is your biggest wish? that the next few weeks aren't too stressful

12. What is the best job you ever had? this one

13. Dog person/cat person/both/neither? dogs

14. If you had $1,000 to spend any way you wanted, what would you do with it? I would take a trip for my birthday

15. How do you “dress” your toast? I like it buttered with either mixed fruit jelly, strawberry jelly, or marmalade

16. How do you feel about snow? I am not a fan

17. What was the worst job you ever had? working at a garage, when I would have to measure the underground tanks with a huge dipstick

18. What song can you not stop listening to? Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

19. Love your name or hate it? love it

20. How did you choose your blog/twitter handle? my students christened me with it


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


just finished reading...

A fluffy confection of a novel. There really isn't much to complain about because there's not much to it. It's fun. I would say it's a YA.

From the publisher:
An irresistibly sweet romance between two college students told from 14 different viewpoints.

The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that Gabe and Lea should get together.

Lea and Gabe are in the same creative writing class. They get the same pop culture references, order the same Chinese food, and hang out in the same places. Unfortunately, Lea is reserved, Gabe has issues, and despite their initial mutual crush, it looks like they are never going to work things out. But somehow even when nothing is going on, something is happening between them, and everyone can see it.

no joke

saturday 9

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

1) This recording was made live at St. Patrick's Cathedral, during Sen. Robert Kennedy's funeral. (Hear it here.) While both of Bobby's older brothers were decorated war heroes, he served too -- enlisting in the Navy in 1943. Are you a veteran? Are there veterans in your family? (We are grateful and want to hear about it.) my brothers-in-law were both stationed at Loring Air Force Base (nearby). One served six years, the other retired a couple of years ago. I am proud of both of them.

2) Memorial Day also kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food? potato chips

3) Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life. the scent of clove reminds me of my mother, as does Merle Norman cosmetics; Youth Dew reminds me of my grandmother; Drakkar Noir reminds me of "the one that got away"

4) When was the last time you had your hair cut or trimmed? about a month ago

5) Crazy Sam runs on Dunkin'. Are you loyal to a particular brand of coffee? I am loyal to Dunkin'

6) If money was no object, what home improvement would you like to make this summer? I would have the whole place painted and redecorated, it would be nice to have some new furniture

7) What was the last thing you bought purely for your own enjoyment? lunch today

8) When was the last time you rode a bike? oh, dear lord, I have no idea

9) Sam worries that many of her song selections reflect her decidedly Baby Boomer sensibilities. Is there a song or a performer that you'd like to see featured in a Saturday 9 this summer? Annie Lennox, Elvis Costello, Jason Mraz, Talking Heads, Billy Joel, John Denver, Adele, Sam Smith, Bon Iver, Ed Sheeran, Florence & the Machine, Imagine Dragons, The Fray, and Hozier... phew!


friday 5

Mail Order

  1. What is your most recently mail-ordered item?
  2. I just got a sweater I ordered online, does that count?
  3. What’s a catalog you’ve always wanted to order from but never have?
  4. jjill
  5. What is physically the largest item you ever mail-ordered?
  6. I think it was my luggage set
  7. What catalogs do you still receive in the actual mail?
  8. I get several clothing catalogs--like Land's End and LL Bean
  9. What are some obscure or unusual catalogs you’ve received?
  10. nothing comes to mind other than Bas Bleu



Today's the day. I've had it. I am tired of students taking advantage of my good nature. I am tired of people at school constantly asking me for everything. I am tired of my schedule being tinkered with. I am tired of having to be flexible and not make waves. I am tired of the stress. I am tired of students complaining. I am tired of being treated like a convenience store.

There. It's out of my system. I can move along.

booking through thursday

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Do you have siblings? Do they like to read? From the archives.

My sisters are all avid readers. We like sharing book titles and lending Nook books. As a matter of fact, my Virginia sister and I just finished reading the same book, Sheltering Rain by Jojo Moyes. We plan to discuss it this holiday weekend.

still going strong...


finished reading

I believe this is the author's debut novel from 2002. And it's a lovely look at family--function and dysfunction. I found it hard to relate to Kate, but all the other characters resonated with me. Moyes has become one of my favorite authors, this debut is a wonderful exploration of mothers and daughters and the many forms that love takes.

From the publisher:
Estranged from her mother since she ran away from her rural Irish home as a young woman, Kate swore an oath that she'd always be a friend to her daughter, Sabine. But history has a way of repeating itself, and Kate now faces an ever-widening chasm between herself and her daughter. With Sabine about to make her own journey to Ireland to see her grandmother, Kate is left wondering how they ever made it here, and what she can do to close the gap between them.

For Joy, seeing her granddaughter is a dream come true. After the painful separation from Kate, she's looking forward to having time with Sabine. Yet almost as soon as the young woman arrives, the lack of common ground between them deflates her enthusiasm. And when Sabine's impetuous, inquisitive nature forces Joy to face long-buried secrets from her past, she realizes that perhaps it's time to finally heal old wounds.

w.w.w. wednesday

MizB at A Daily Rhythm has made some changes to her weekly meme line up and W.W.W. Wednesdays is no longer a weekly meme. But I love this meme and am going to continue it on my own.

• What are you currently reading? I'm reading Still Life With Breadcrumbs by Anna Quindlen and finally started The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizingby Marie Kondo. and I'm listening to As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride by Cary Elwes.

• What did you recently finish reading? Seating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead and Sheltering Rain by Jojo Moyes. I enjoyed both books!

• What do you think you’ll read next? I'm not sure!


new music

I love both Josh Groban and Kelly Clarkson. This is wonderful!

ten things tuesday

Linking up with Ten On Tuesday this week.

This week's topic is 10 Things You Would Say If You Gave a Commencement Address.

1) You won't always get what you want. And it is sometimes better that way.

2) Be open to the possibilities. Try not to dismiss opportunities and offers if they don't jive with what you think.

3) Have patience. Life has its own time table. And it's unpredictable.

4) Get a hobby. Develop interests of your own.

5) Love takes many shapes and forms. There is true beauty in platonic love. Soul mates are not necessarily romantic mates.

6) Unplug. Take time away from electronics. Don't talk on the phone or text when there's a live person across from you.

7) Visit your friends and family in person. Hanging out, talking about nothing and everything is fun.

8) Make time for yourself. Self care is important. And for many people it's hard to prioritize ourselves into the lists of obligations. But taking care of yourself helps you take care of others.

9) Live within your means. Instead of keeping up with the Jones' keep up with yourself. Mind your credit. Honor your obligations.

10) Nap.


musing mondays

Click here to play along.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• I’m currently reading…
• Up next I think I’ll read…
• I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
• I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I can’t wait to get a copy of…
• I wish I could read ___, but…
• I blogged about ____ this past week…

This week’s random question: What types of “special” books do you own? For example, do you have any really old books? Any collections based on your interests (eg. architecture, etc)?

I have a small selection of knitting books, patterns and technique. But I also have some interactive books like the Griffin & Sabine trilogy by Nick Bantock, I find those to be exceptionally fun books. At school, I have quite a few Civil War books, filled with photos, maps, and primary source documents.


sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The RaNdOm Meme

1. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as? a stressed out teacher

2. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? ketchup, mustard, relish

3. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask? what does he want his legacy to be

4. It’s your first day of vacation, what are you doing? sleeping in

5. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies? junior mints

6. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email? pop ups

7. What do you think Captain Hook’s name was before he had a hook for a hand? Killian Jones

8. Rock, paper, or scissors? rock

9. Let's say a brick fell on your foot, and your kid is standing right next to you, what is your 'cleaned up’ swear word? booger

10. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet? too loud

11. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person? the sound of their laugh

12. At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter? sugar babies

13. What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city? the Double Eagle II liftoff statue

14. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other? education reform initiatives

15. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test? 2

16. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose? hot peanut butter-chocolate fudge

17. What food item would need to be removed from the market altogether in order for you to live a healthier, longer life? everything

18. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second? depending on my mood, I would probably take the sure bet $50

19. If you had to choose, which would you give up: cable TV, or DSL/cable internet? cable TV

20. What is your highest level of education? Bachelor's Degree

21. How much is a gallon of gas in your city? What was the highest it’s been? currently $2.73 (thanks GasBuddy) and it's been almost $5

22. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid? brown paper bag

23. What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur? housekeeper

24. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic? stuck in traffic


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

No Myth

1) The girl in this song is "just looking for someone to dance with." Who was your most recent dance partner? I was dancing in the car with my niece

2) Michael Penn wonders if he'd do better with the ladies if he was Romeo or Heathcliff. What fictional character represents your romantic ideal? there are way too many to choose from!

3) The lyrics refer to "knots I have yet to untie." Do the shoes you're wearing have laces?
no, only my sneakers and "hiking boots" do

4) Name a character from mythology. Hera

5) Michael Penn is the brother of Oscar winner Sean Penn. Give us the title of a Sean Penn movie. Taps

6) Their father, Leo Penn, was a busy TV director from the 1960s through the 1990s. He specialized in detective shows (Magnum PI and Cannon) and medical shows (Trapper John and Marcus Welby, MD). Are you more likely to watch a program with lots of car chases, or one that's set in a hospital? hmmm... tough choice, probably more car chases

7) 1989, the year "No Myth" was popular, is the year of the first HDTV broadcast. Do you watch many shows in "high def?" yes

8) 1989 was also the year The Simpsons premiered. Who is your all-time favorite animated character?
Bugs Bunny and Snoopy

9) Random fill-in the blank: If I never had to ______________ again, it would be too soon. take out the trash


friday 5


  1. What experience have you with canoes, kayaks, and rowboats?
  2. very limited--I'm not a boat person
  3. What experience have you with ping pong?
  4. I think I had a semester of college where I majored in ping pong, I played so often
  5. If you were spanked as a kid, which of your parents’ implements did you fear most?
  6. the raised voice
  7. What experience have you with live auctions?
  8. none, but I've always wanted to attend one
  9. When were you last up a creek without a paddle?
  10. oh boy... luckily it's been awhile, I can't even remember


booking through thursday

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Some people read one book at a time. Some people have a number of them on the go at any given time, perhaps a reading in bed book, a breakfast table book, a bathroom book, and so on, which leads me to…

  1. Are you currently reading more than one book?
  2. If so, how many books are you currently reading? 
  3.  Is this normal for you?
  4. Where do you keep your current reads?
From the archives.

I'm eyeball reading two books and listening to another book. They're all very different books, so I don't have to worry about getting confused. Two are on my Nook and the audio is on my iPad.

finished reading...

This book has been on my To Be Read list for such a long time! Essentially, it's an examination of people who have too much but not enough. Winn Van Meter is a 59-year-old man who has been married for thirty years to Biddy, they have two daughters, Daphne and Livia. 7 months pregnant Daphne is getting married to a suitable New England upper crust young man. And the shenanigans that go with a wedding weekend are the backdrop to this novel. I don't relate to the characters although I understand them.

It was a summer read, for sure.


ten bookish questions

Stolen from Musings From A Bookmammal

1. How long did it take you to finish your last book? 4 days

2. How many times do you stare at your bookshelves each day? a couple of times, it makes me happy

3. How many Goodreads friends/books do you have? 52 friends and 994 books

4. Do you ever quote books in public? yes, especially classics: "It was the best of times..."

5. Do you ever re-read books? not very often, but for book group I do

6. Do you judge a book by its cover? I am a cover snob

7. Do you take pictures of your books before you read them? no

8. What are your biggest distractions from reading? binge-watching TV shows

9. Where is your favorite place to buy books? I have a Nook, so Barnes & Noble

10. Do you always have a book with you? in some form or other, yes!


ten things tuesday

Ten things about today:

1) This class is having a study hall since several students are taking another AP test. I enjoy this group so much. I hate to see them graduate. I had almost all of them when they were sophomores so I know them well. It's been a fun year.

2) I started planning backward--from final exams to Memorial weekend to now. The end is near.

3) It's rainy and dreary. But, the leaves are going to pop!

4) I got an email from a friend I haven't heard from in a few weeks. It was weird that he abruptly stopped corresponding, so it's nice to be in touch again.

5) I like my outfit today. I've gotten tons of compliments.

6) My hair is a frizzy mess today.

7) I want to knit.

8) I don't want to finish Parks & Rec. I've enjoyed binge watching and will be sad when I catch up with the current season.

9) The policy review committee is meeting after school today to revisit the cell phone use policy. I think we'll also be reviewing the food/drinks in class policy. I hate that we have policies that I have to enforce that I really don't care about. Not only do I not care, being forced to enforce takes away from my teaching time.

10) I think I have to stop at the market on my way home. I think I might be out of spoons and forks for lunch. Blah. It's raining! I just want to go home.


musing mondays

Click here to play along.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• I’m currently reading…
• Up next I think I’ll read…
• I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
• I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I can’t wait to get a copy of…
• I wish I could read ___, but…
• I blogged about ____ this past week…

This week’s random question: Do you have a “kindred” reading buddy — someone who very closely shares your taste in books? If not, do you wish you did?

Blogger Alison, at Alison's Book Marks has never steered me wrong. Unfortunately, she hasn't been too active on her blog for a long time.


sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: CAPS LOCK Meme

1. YOU HAVE 10 BUCKS AND NEED TO BUY SNACKS AT A GAS STATION. WHAT DO YOU GET? crackers, nuts, and a bottle of water

2. IF YOU WERE REINCARNATED, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD BE? I would want to be a pampered pooch, much like Maggie

3. WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE REDHEAD? me--and my sisters


5. LAST BOOK YOU READ? I finished The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness

6. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World


8. DESCRIBE THE LAST TIME YOU WERE INJURED. I have a massive bruise on my leg from getting tangled in a dog's lead

9. IF YOU COULD INVENT ONE THING, WHAT WOULD IT BE? something practical, functional, and quirky

10. ROCK CONCERT OR SYMPHONY? rock concert


12. FAVORITE SODA? Polar Orange Dry

13. FLAVOR OF PUDDING? chocolate

14. WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A PEDICURE OR A MANICURE? oh, that's a tough one! I think I'll go with pedicure



17. WHAT’S THE LAST PIECE OF CLOTHING YOU BOUGHT? I bought a pair of Land's End shorts


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

Harper Valley PTA

1) This week's featured artist uses her middle initial (C. for Carolyn) all the time. Do you use your middle initial very often? no

2) In this song, a mother tells off the local PTA. What's the most recent school event you attended -- whether as a parent, a teacher or a student? I went to a track meet today to visit some of my students

3) The lyrics reference the mom's miniskirts, which were trendy in the 1960s. The website Popsugar reports that gingham checks are trendy for 2015. Tell us about the most recent addition to your wardrobe. I bought a pair of Land's End shorts

4) Thinking of moms, Access Hollywood named Carol Brady of The Brady Bunch TV's #1 mom. Who is your favorite TV mom? I was partial to Ma Ingalls or Mrs. Cunningham

5) Mother Winters always gave Sam peppermint tea to calm her stomach. Do you have any tried-and-true home remedies to share? ginger ale or plain potato chips for a queasy tummy, especially if hung over

6) Sam's mother always tips 15% in restaurants. Sam has worked in food service and is more judgmental, tipping between 10% and 25%, depending on the quality of the service. What's your tipping policy? Are you more like Sam or her mother? I am more like Sam's mother although I tip higher than 15%

7) When the tip of her shoelace becomes frayed, Sam's mother snips off the end and then paints the tip with clear nail polish. Good as new! Sam thinks that's crazy because you can just buy new laces for less than $2. Are you more frugal like mother or spendthrift like daughter? definite spendthrift!

8) Mother Winters loves how french vanilla smells and burns her Yankee Candles all year around. Do you use scented candles or air fresheners? not really

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds? today I would like almonds in my chocolate


friday 5

Vinegar and Brown Paper

  1. What kinds of vinegar do you have in your pantry?
  2. white and apple cider
  3. What was the last purchase you made that was carried home in a brown paper bag?
  4. I got a breakfast sandwich this morning that came in brown paper
  5. What home remedies do you swear by?
  6. a spoonful of peanut butter cures the hiccups
  7. How many Jacks and Jills do you know?
  8. not many, I can think of one Jack and one Jill
  9. How would you rate your gift-wrapping skills?
  10. I am awesome


booking through thursday

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It seems like I’m always asking about actual books … but what about poetry? Do you read it? Write it? Like it? Not like it? Do you prefer song lyrics? (Because we can all agree there’s a relation between poems and lyrics, right?)

I am a fan of poetry. I enjoy reading and writing poetry. I enjoy teaching elements of poetry to my students, and engaging them in understanding and recognizing poetry. I don't get as much opportunity to work with my students with poetry, though.


w.w.w. wednesday

MizB at A Daily Rhythm has made some changes to her weekly meme line up and W.W.W. Wednesdays is no longer a weekly meme. But I love this meme and am going to continue it on my own.

• What are you currently reading? I'm reading Seating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead and finally started The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizingby Marie Kondo. and I'm listening to As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride by Cary Elwes.

• What did you recently finish reading? I finished The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness for my book group on Friday.

• What do you think you’ll read next? I'm not sure!


ten things tuesday

Ten random things on my mind:

1) I have a sore finger. My right ring finger. I can't tell if it's knuckle or bone or what.

2) I need to figure out what to do for my 50th birthday. I doubt we can afford Disney. Sadly.

3) This Teacher Appreciation Week has been underwhelming so far.

4) We are half-way through the 4th quarter! Grades close Friday. This school year has flown by.

5) The AP Psychology exam was yesterday. Some feedback was that they felt prepared with our review activities--they were good with their time management, which is a huge deal.

6) I started working on the final presentation I have to make for the class I'm taking. Now it's a matter of coming up with a clever way of presenting. I have the information, I have the scope, now it's how to present (for fifteen minutes).

7) Since I have discovered Parks & Recreation, I'm obsessed!

8) One of my colleagues is giving a pep talk to a student on his track team and the poor girl is melting down. I think they're both uncomfortable with me in the room. Heck, I'm uncomfortable listening to them.

9) I like what I'm working on with my classes right now. I hope my students pick up on it.

10) I was invited to participate in a brainstorming session with the superintendent and curriculum director about what we would like our new principal to be like. We found out Friday that the principal resigned. I'm still shocked he's getting done (but in fairness he is perfect for the new position he accepted).



I'm sure we won't see this again, soon. But it was quite nice!



I can't think of what it would take for me to feel appreciated this year. Some of this year's batch of students take me and my easy-going nature for granted. It's not things I want. It's genuine appreciation. I'd like to feel more respected. I'd like them to quit bitchin' about every single thing I have them do in class.

Hmmmmm... I must think about this further. What would it look like? What would it feel like?

musing mondays

Click here to play along.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• I’m currently reading…
• Up next I think I’ll read…
• I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
• I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I can’t wait to get a copy of…
• I wish I could read ___, but…
• I blogged about ____ this past week…

This week’s random question: What would you do if you wanted to buy a book for someone, but didn’t know what they like to read? Would you ask them? Would you choose something you, yourself, like? How would you go about buying them something?

I enjoy buying books as gifts. Even if I am not sure what kind of books the recipient enjoys. Sometimes I think of a genre that they might enjoy or else I buy a buzzed-about book. I might buy a book that I love, depending on my relationship with the person.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't often give books to people I don't know.


binge watching

How I missed this mini-series, I don't know. Luckily, I watched it On Demand!

Since I loved the book, I had high hopes. It's a good series but not nearly as good as the book.

finished reading

It was a quick read, for my book group's May selection. There will be much to talk about since it's based on a Japanese myth. We've read better, we've read worse. It wasn't my cup of tea.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Anyday Meme

1. What is your dream career, and what path do you plan to take to get there? I still haven't decided what my dream career is

2. Who do you aspire most to be like? my parents

3. What do you like in a best friend? someone who will call me on my ridiculousness

4. Do you currently have any squishes (people you really want to be best friends with)? yes

5. What is your ideal platonic relationship? I love the mutual love of frivolous things I get with my friends, so, that's what I want--no judgement

6. Best late night IM/phone conversation story. I stayed on the phone all night with one of my boyfriends, we talked about EVERYTHING

7. List one person you’d like to wear the sweater of, one person you’d like to bake cookies with, and one person you’d like to drive around and get lost with. (can be celebrities or fictional characters, has to be three different people and not all the same person) I would like to wear the sweater of my grandfather, bake cookies with my grandmother, I'd like to drive around with my high school friend JP, and get lost with my friend SB

8. Describe your current best friend(s). she is way busier than I am, which is why we don't spend nearly enough time together

9. What is a strange, little-known fact about you? I am well-traveled

10. What is a career you wanted to have when you were younger, and still kind of want to have now? I wanted to be a stage manager for a major production

11. If you could have tea and pleasant conversation with one person, who would it be? I've been dreaming about an old chum of mine, so that would be my choice

12. If you had a time machine, what era would you go to? I might pop in on the late 40s

13. What celebrity or historical figure would you love to have as your best friend and why? Mae West would have been awfully cool to hang with

14. What fictional character would you love to have as your best friend and why? Professor McGonagall

15. If you could have one wish, what would it be (cannot be related to romance or sex)? sometimes I wish I had a magic wand

16. If you were trapped on a deserted island and could only take one item, what would it be? a library

17. If you could pick one career other than the one you are pursuing/plan to pursue, what would it be? I donno

18. What is your best memory you have with a friend? living in Ireland

19. Do you have any peculiar interests that most people don’t know about? I am very good at trivia

20. What were your favorite childhood toys? Do you still have them? I had a teddy bear that I was terribly fond of, I don't have the original bear but I do have the replacement bear

21. Favorite baked good? whoopie pies

22. If your best friend were here right now, what would you do with them (cannot list best friend as your romantic/sexual partner)? hang out, talk, maybe watch a movie

23. Who would you love to play video games with? somebody patient because I've never played video games

24. If you could visit any country, which one would it be? Ireland

25. Are there any friends you miss having around? there are a couple, yes, but I doubt we have anything in common which is the reason the relationship drifted


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

Careless Whisper

1) You can't miss George Michael's gold hoops in the photo above or in the "Careless Whisper" video. Are you wearing any jewelry right now? none

2) Though the label says this hit is performed by "Wham! featuring George Michael," George Michael is the only member of the pop duo who appears in the video. Do you remember the name of the other guy who was in Wham? Andrew Ridgely, at least I think that's how it's spelled

3) Much of the video was filmed on Watson Island, a man-made island near South Beach. Have you ever been to Miami? I have not been to Florida

4) Born Georgios Panayiotou, George Michael is of Greek descent, the son of the Greek restauranteur in East London. When you think of Greek cuisine, what comes to mind? Baklava is the only name that springs to mind because I don't know a lot of the names but I do love Greek food

5) Today he lives in a tony suburb called Highgate, and his neighbors are Kate Moss and Sting. Tell us about one of your neighbors. one of my neighbors has been a friend of mine for 20+ years, although we respect each other's space

6) George Michael fans can purchase officially licensed merchandise from his website, including an iPhone cover with his photo and signature. Tell us about your cell phone. Is it Apple or Android? Is it a smartphone? I have an iPhone 5c, white, I've had it over a year

7) George Michael sang Stevie Wonder's "You and I" for Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton. What's your favorite love song? I like "My Love" by Paul McCartney

8) In 2014, George had a health scare. He was rushed to the hospital for tests and released the next day. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no, I luckily never have

9) Known for hard partying in his youth, George is now in his 50s and says he's quite happy to spend his evenings eating takeout and watching DVDs. Are you doing any socializing this weekend? I am hanging out with my niece--she joined me for breakfast and laundry

royal watch

Welcome to the family, baby girl!


friday 5

Baby, It's Spring

  1. How do you feel about the smell of babies?
  2. other than diapers, they smell delightful!
  3. Pretty much all animal babies are cute, but which are the cutest?
  4. French or English bulldogs
  5. Veggies are pretty good in their adult form, but put the word “baby” in front of some of their names, and they can be transcendent. Which baby veggies do you especially love?
  6. I love baby carrots, baby corn... really any baby veggies
  7. How cute a baby were you?
  8. I was not particularly cute
  9. How many songs in your digital library have the word “baby” in their titles, and which is your favorite?
  10. "Sleep Like A Baby Tonight" by U2