
friday fill-ins

# 206

1. I feel anxious for some reason.

2. It's time for a laugh and song.

3. It's New Year's Eve.

4. Time to get my party on and how.

5. On New Year's Eve I rarely see midnight.

6. Sometimes it takes practice.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Chinese food and chick flicks, tomorrow my plans include watching When Harry Met Sally and Sunday, I want to get ready for school!

(design by "thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/)"

happy new year...

Wishing good health, good wealth and much happiness.

what should you resolve to change next year?

You Should Make 4 Resolutions

Lose Weight

Save Money

Get Fit

Spend More Time With Family and Friends


My favorite New Year tradition. It's a must-see every New Year's Eve or New Year's Day.


do you have grit?

You Have Grit

You can focus in on your goals and stay the course. It may be hard, but you get the task done.

You believe that it is important to finish what you start, even when you end up hating what you've chosen for yourself.

Keep up the good work. You understand that the good life is about accomplishments, not chasing every whimsical fancy you have.

Make sure to leave room for a little novelty in your life. You focus so intently that you sometimes ignore new possibilities.

just finished reading...

It's a mystery where the crimes take a back seat to the characters. I was much more involved in the characters than in the cases that brought them all together. The private detective, Jackson Brodie, has almost too much empathy for his clients and gets caught up in their lives. The cases are often grisly, but the twists and turns kept me reading. And the characters made me care. I want to know what Jackson Brodie and this cast of characters are up to next.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Unraveling the plot of a good mystery.


new year's meme

I did this a year ago and thought I would try it again.

In 2010, I gained: creativity in the classroom again.

I lost: my after school obligations.

I stopped: fretting. Well the daily fretting has stopped.

I started: enjoying a daily glass of orange soda.

I was hugely satisfied by: by my decluttering start (even though I have a long way to go).

And frustrated by: my inability to find motivation for exercise.

I am so embarrassed that I: got caught up in the drama.

Once again, I: got called into the principal's office.

Once again, I did not: meet Mr. Right.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: better-fitting bras.

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: my ability to separate personal from professional.

I loved spending time: chatting online with my sisters and nieces & nephews.

Why did I spend even two minutes: watching Jersey Shore.

I should have spent more time: reading.

I regret buying: a couple pairs of pants without trying them on.

I will never regret buying my Nook, Myles even though with that money I could have extended my trip.

I nap way too much.

I didn’t reach out to my friends enough.

Contract negotiations drove me crazy.

The most relaxing place I went was taking long drives by myself.

Why did I go to places that make me feel self-conscious to be by myself.

The best thing I did for someone else was pay it forward.

The best thing I did for myself was travel alone.

The best thing someone did for me pay attention and listen.

The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, is getting materials prepared for teaching A.P. US History



What a fantastic tribute!

ten things tuesday...

Ten potential resolutions:

1) Adopt healthier eating habits. Including eating three meals a day, and more fruit and veggies.

2) Exercise. Anything is better than nothing, right? I know I feel better when I move more but, oh, how I hate to exercise.

3) Conquer clutter. This is an on-going battle for me. It isn't really just clutter, it's hoarding. I go through fits and starts where I want to just get rid of everything... but I can't. I've never made it a goal for the year.

4) Pay more attention to the news. It's shameful that I teach history but don't really pay attention to current events. Mostly it's because I can't tolerate the evening news. I could more regularly read online news sources, though.

5) Connect more. I need to maintain my bonds with family and friends. Reaching out to them more so they know how important they are to me. Enjoying relationships is a definite priority.

6) Keep control of my debt. I need to watch out that I don't get over my head in debt. I've been fairly consistent with that the past few years.

7) Manage stress. I've got to devote myself to relaxation. Maybe if I go back to spending thirty minutes every day on myself then I can slip back into some of my relaxation habits.

8) Take another trip. I need to plan early and save up for it. I don't know where, I mean, I would love to visit my sisters again. Maybe I could squeeze in the Civil War Battlefields since I drive right by them. I need to go someplace.

9) Reconnect with the community. I used to be involved in a civic organization that put me out of my comfort zone a bit more often. Volunteering is good for the soul.

10) Read more non-fiction. I have a stack of books but don't pick them up. Good stuff. Just sitting there. Shame on me. Although I have read all the books I assigned the A.P. kiddos.


Today's question: Do you believe in Santa? There's some magic surrounding Christmas. It's the excitement and anticipation. It's in thinking of what token would mean a lot to the recipient, spending time thinking of what they enjoy and what might add to their life in some small way. And I think that is the spirit of Santa. I love Santa. I love the idea of Santa. I believe.

what color is your lifes path?

Your Life's Path is Jade

You seek connection and security. You want nothing else more than to love and be loved.

You believe that gratitude and appreciation are the key to a happy life. You try to thank everyone who ever helps you.

You are generous and compassionate. You have deep resources and a lot to give.

You are intelligent and love to learn. Some may say you're even addicted to learning new things.


I was without internet for about 24 hours and it nearly sent me over the edge. But I had Maggie to occupy me. She loved the extra attention.

just finished reading...

This was the kind of Christmas book I was looking for: a tale of friendship, love, family and cookies. The Christmas Cookie Club is the background for twelve women annually coming together and sharing their lives and cookies. The bonds of friendship are woven and tangled in believable bonds. I can easily see myself reading this every holiday season.



Today's question: Are you sad the season is almost over? I know a lot of people are relieved to have made it through Christmas. I'm not one of them. I enjoy the season without stressing out over anything. I cherish time spent with family and miss those who are not with us. The holidays fill me with such hope that I am sad to see them go. So, my sadness isn't over not getting something or not doing something. Instead, it's the sadness that such a wonderful time is over.



Today's question: The 25th has come and gone. Are you done celebrating? Actually, no. My bestie and I still have to exchange gifts. And my friend from school and I also need to do an exchange. Both friends and I agreed to wait so we can do a "ladies who lunch" day. But the Twelve Days of Christmas started yesterday so there are ten more days to celebrate. I'm in no rush to have the holidays over. I love this time of year.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Quick 2010 Fandom Meme

1. Your main fandom of the year: probably Glee

2. Your favorite Film this year: Toy Story 3--I went with my Virginia sister and her family and we had a magical time

3. Your favorite Book read this year: The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti

4. Your favorite Album or Song this year: John Legend's latest album, Wake Up

5. Your favorite meme site of the year: Sunday Stealing, of course

6. Your Fandom that you haven't tried Yet, but want to: I think I'd like to see True Blood

7. Your best new Fandom Discovery of the Year: DVR

8. Your biggest Fandom Disappointment of the Year: uhmmmm... nothing comes to mind

9. Your TV Boyfriend of the year: John Stamos on Glee

10. Your TV Girlfriend of the year: I would love to be friends with Stacy London of What Not To Wear

11. Your most Missed Old Fandom: I'm going to miss Simon Cowell

12. Your Biggest Anticipations of the New Year: the new season of American Idol

13. Your favorite post (of yours) of the year: I think my Reading 2010 page is my favorite post

14.Your favorite new blog (to you) of the year: Barnes & Noble's Unbound

15.Your favorite new website of the year: a clothing site

16. Your favorite news story of the year: a family friend's play success... and another family friend's book success

17. Your favorite actor of the year: George Clooney

18. Your favorite drama TV show of the year: Brothers & Sisters

19. Your favorite comedy TV Show this year: The Big Bang Theory

20. Your favorite cartoon of the year: Everyday People



Today's question: What did you give? Well, most people on my list got gift cards and videos. My 13-year old niece got Pretty In Pink, I thought she'd get a kick out of it. I got my nephew Airplane and The Meaning of Life; I got my goddaughter While You Were Sleeping. One of my Virginia nieces got the anniversary edition of The Sound of Music. And I gave Dad the mini-series The Pillars Of The Earth. Everyone seemed satisfied and excited by their gifts which makes me happy.

be merry...


friday fill-ins

# 205

1. These are a few last minute gifts.

2. We're going out for our holiday dinner.

3. What's that I hear on the rooftop?

4. Be very quiet, quiet.

5. Some of my favorite holiday memories include putting together special gifts.

6. I don't like rodents, not even a mouse.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting the gifts wrapped up, tomorrow my plans include celebrating with my family and Sunday, I want to get ready for my week Maggie-sitting!

(design by "thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/)"


Today's question: How did you spend Christmas Eve? It's tradition that I spend Christmas Eve evening wrapping presents. Today is no different. What is different is that I started the day early. My bestie and I went to WalM*rt before it got too crowded, then breakfast, then the mall. No place was swarmed with people. Maybe it isn't a bad thing to wait until the last possible minute... Anyhoodle... I got home from errands and shopping and watched Miracle on 34th Street and White Christmas and then needed a nap. It's time now for my annual Christmas Light Drive and then I will commence with wrapping. And bagging. Watching the remake of Miracle on 34th Street and Christmas Vacation.

it's tradition...

I spend Christmas Eve wrapping. This video inspires me. To use gift bags.



Today's question: Anticipation or the Day? I think my anticipation of and enjoyment of Christmas is almost better than the day. Because I love the hubbub that goes with this season. Although, I really cherish our laid back celebration on the day. But I think I'm going to stick with anticipation. I'm a kid at heart.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

An assembly that shouldn't have been.


yuletide carols being sung by the choir...

Today's question: What is your favorite new holiday tradition? I don't know how new "new" is, but what I look forward to every year is the sing-along at my dad's. All the local family gathers together for nibbles and noshes and then the lyric sheets are handed out, the bells are brought out and the singing begins. We started this family gathering after my grandmother passed away in 2001. Usually we gathered at her house on Christmas Eve for a family party and with her death we desperately needed a way to celebrate and remember her without it being too sad. So having a tradition that's only 9 years old is new for us, seeing how the other tradition was thirty-something years old. This year my nephew, who's home from college, actually joined right in the singing without the customary cajoling. I think he has a new appreciation for the family gatherings.

And my heart is full.

what holiday greeting are you?

You Are Season's Greetings

You are fairly formal around the holidays. It's likely that you have a lot of work events to attend and gifts to give.

So you stick with a rather standard holiday greeting. You can't go wrong that way!

You know that people are sensitive around the holidays, and you prefer not to offend anyone.

You want everyone to feel included, and you tend to have a holiday list that is a mile long. You try not to forget a single person!


ten things tuesday...

Ten things on my mind:

1) I kinda can't believe Christmas is this weekend. I mean, I guess I'm ready and all, but... maybe when I'm not in school I'll be feeling it more.

2) I had a good therapy session today.

3) Today was a testing day--all day I administered the Bill of Rights test. That and the AP class's DBQ made up my day.

4) Students seem to think they're already on vacation. And they resent my teaching up to the last minute. They don't realize it's not fun for me, either.

5) Still not sure what to give myself for Christmas. Usually by now I have some good ideas. Suggestions??

6) My bestie and I made plans for Christmas Eve--early breakfast then last minute shopping.

7) I need to watch Elf again.

8) I love the Glee Christmas special and CD.

9) I watch entirely too much tv.

10) Vacation will be spent with Maggie. My parentals are going out of town for the week and asked me to move in and take care of the dog and house.


Today's question: Have you been to a theme holiday party? Other than an ornament party, a cookie party, or a Yankee Swap, I haven't been to many cool parties. An ugly sweater or dress-as-a-holiday-song party sounds like fun.



Today's question: What scent makes the holidays for you? There are the usual suspects, like the tree-type scents. But those make me sneezy. Otherwise, I love the scent of baking sugar cookies. And cranberry-orange potpourri is another favorite scent. There's one weird one, though. I like the scent of scotch tape. It makes me think of wrapping gifts and how much I love the wrap-a-thon on Christmas Eve.

monday movie meme

Play along with the Bumbles.

This week's movie topic is all about movies that put you to sleep. Has a movie ever put you to sleep?

There have been a few rentals that I've shut off because I couldn't make it, but I've never fallen asleep at the theater.



Today's question: What puts you in an especially jolly holiday spirit? For the last ten years, my dad has put on a holiday concert the Sunday before Christmas. It's a fund raiser for the youth group at the Methodist Church and it includes some fancy-schmancy holiday organ music, some choral music, a featured soloist and others. And it puts me in the holiday spirit. Like, really in the holiday spirit.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Ninja Meme, part 2

26. Whose responses to Stealing do you want to read the most? my blogroll

27. What color shirt are you wearing? green

28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I never have, but I don't think I'd like them because I like crisp sheets

29. Can you whistle? yes

30. Favorite colors(s)? earth tones

31. Could you be a pirate? no

32. What songs do you sing in the shower? none

33. Favorite girls name? vowel names

34. Favorite boy’s name? vowel names

35. What’s in your pocket right now? I do not have pockets

36. Last thing that made you laugh? a tv movie

37. Best bed sheets as a child? flowered 70s pattern

38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? when I fell on my face

39. Do you love where you live? I love my apartment

40. How many TVs do you have in your house? How many HDTVs? 1 tv, yes, it's HD

41. Who is your loudest friend? I don't really have one

42. How many dogs do you have? Maggie is close enough

43. Does anyone have a crush on you? uh, no

44. What are the most fun things you ever did? travel

45. What are your favorite books? ohhh, I have too many to name... this year my 5 out of 5 books were: The Good Thief, Watermark, My Name is Mary Sutter, and the Millennium Trilogy--well, the first two books

47. Favorite Team? my school's teams

48. What songs do you want played at your funeral? I don't want a funeral

49. What were you doing at 12 AM? sleeping

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? tried to figure out what to do today


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.



Today's question: How much Christmas music do you listen to? When do you start? When do you stop? I really love holiday music. Really. Love. I have enough different CDs to listen to one per day from Halloween through Epiphany without repeating. So, generally I start listening around my birthday and go through January. I don't think Christmas or the holiday season ends on December 25th. I think it goes into the New Year.

saturday 9

How's It Gonna Be?

1. How's it gonna be in 2011 for you? great, I have high hopes

2. What is your idea of a perfect romantic evening? being with the one I love

3. What strategy would you implement to deal with drug abuse in today's world? people have to want to stop using... so my strategy would be to make people want to stop using

4. What thing about your family are you least proud of? that I am not as close as I would like to be with one of my sisters

5. What part of the holidays are you really looking forward to? being all together with my local family

6. Who is the last person you high-fived? Why? one of my students who created a great thesis statement

7. Have you ever made out at a drive-in? no

8. If you had only enough energy left in you for one last smile, who would you give it to? whoever earned it

9. Tell us about that time when you were the “life of the party”. I often am because I get people talking



Today's question: Have you ever been too sick to enjoy the holidays? When I was five, I had chicken pox at Christmas. And I'm sure over the years I've had sniffles or a cold. Looks like this year is shaping up for a cold on Christmas, too. But I've never been too sick to enjoy.

friday fill-ins

# 204

1. What in the world should I get my sister for a gift?

2. I'm feeling well fed.

3. Go Santa!

4. My friends sent wonderful cards.

5. I keep forgetting to send my cards.

6. Laugh it off or not.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include sending packages to VA and PA and Sunday, I want to enjoy Dad's concert!

(design by "thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/)"



Today's question: What is your favorite Christmas candy? Without a doubt--peanut clusters!!!

Peanut Clusters

1 can Spanish or salted peanuts (about 15 oz)
6 oz chocolate chips
11 or 12 oz butterscotch chips

Melt chips in microwaveable bowl. Stir in nuts. Drop by spoonfuls onto waxed paper. After hardening, store in refrigerator.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

This darn sore throat.



Today's question: Who is your favorite elf? There are so many possibilities but I'm going with Buddy the Elf from the movie Elf. Everything about my experience with this movie makes me happy. When the movie came out in 2003, I went to see it at the movie theater with my Sociology class. You read that right. My entire class met up at the theater to watch the film. We took up three rows of seats--including younger siblings of some of the students. It was a full audience and it was an ideal movie audience. Ever since that magical experience of going to see it, the movie has been one of my favorites. It's also my favorite Will Farrell movie because I bought him as the character. So many memorable quotes.


which of the 12 days of christmas are you?

You Are Six Geese-a-Laying

For you, the holidays are a creative and even inspired time of year. You really get into the spirit of things.

Whether you're crafting homemade gifts or baking holiday treats, your hands like to stay busy.

Your holiday wish is for everyone to feel like a kid again. You hope each person experiences some holiday magic.

This is your favorite season for celebrating old memories and making new ones.

christmas meme 5

If you were a Christmas Angel and were being given a power to make three wishes of three persons come true (one wish for each person):

1. Who would be those lucky persons and what were their wishes? my three sisters--I'm sure they all had to do with maintaining stability in their lives
2. How would you make their wish come true? I would ask Santa, of course!
3. You’re just an Angel and not God, so you could fail. And if you failed, what would you do? I'd remind them that they didn't lose anything and that I tried my best


Today's question: What's your favorite holiday snack?
I think "Cuppa-cuppa-cuppa" is my favorite holiday treat. It's a cheesy dip that my dad makes. And we only have it at the family sing-a-long party.

ten things tuesday...

Ten random things:

1) Sometimes I am amazed at my patience. I don't know how I haven't lost my shit with my last class of the day.

2) I don't have my holiday stuff done. I need to wrap and ship some gifts plus I still have a couple of people to cross off the list--and I'm stumped.

3) My sore throat is not going away. There are several people at school who've got the yuck, too. Two actually went home with the chills and fevers.

4) I got my hair done today and didn't feel my usual chatty relationship with my hairdresser.

5) I think I might get a tattoo for my Christmas gift to myself. I've got a concept.

6) I think I need to watch more sappy holiday movies.

7) The Sing Off is a nifty show. Kind of like Glee clubs.

8) This weather is freaking me out--today was 54 degrees and raining. We have no snow. And the prediction is that we'll be getting 130 inches of snow this winter. Oh dear.

9) I'm tired of my clothes. Getting dressed in the morning is such a chore when I hate everything I have.

10) It has taken me half an hour to write this post. I don't feel very inspired today and I have a few things on my mind that I need to process before I can write coherently.


rut roh...

Started losing my voice during class today. Oh no.


Today's question: What is your favorite holiday book? This is a toughie. I really enjoyed John Grisham's Skipping Christmas, Fannie Flagg's A Redbird Christmas, and Dickens' A Christmas Carol. I also liked The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans... I really love holiday books. I don't think I have a favorite!

monday movie meme

Play along with the Bumbles.

This week's movie topic is all about Family Dynamics...

My favorites are: The Family Stone, Home for the Holidays and Love Actually.



I hope this is not a sign of things to come. This is not the time of year for me to get sick. Blah.

christmas meme 4

1.What is your favorite Christmas carol/song? I love when a group sings The First Noel at Dad's concert

2.White lights or multicolored? multi-colored

3. Do you have a cut tree, live tree or an artificial tree? artificial

4. Eggnog, mulled cider, or hot chocolate? hot chocolate

5. Do you decorate your house with lights? no

6. Do you write a Christmas letter? no

7. Do you like receiving Christmas letters/photos? I love them!

8. What is your favorite Christmas story/movie? I really like Our Lady's Juggler by Paulo Coelho

9. Have you ever made a gingerbread house? I've decorated one but not made the gingerbread

10. Poinsettias or holly? Poinsettias

11. Do you bake Christmas cookies? no

12. In what languages can you wish someone a Merry Christmas (without cheating)? Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel

13. Do you know all the words to Jingle Bells? the first two verses

14. Do you put presents under the tree? yes

15. How do you eat a candy cane? either I break it into pieces or eat the long end first

16. What is your biggest holidays pet peeve? grumpy people

17. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Dad's concert the Sunday before Christmas


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Ninja Meme, part 1

1. What do you add to your coffee? cream & sugar

2. What are you reading now? Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris

3. Do you own a gun? no

4. Are you registered to vote? yes, and I do

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? I do, I thought I was the only one

6. What do you think of hot dogs? not much

7. Favorite Christmas Song? all of them

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? orange juice

9. Can you do push ups? no

10. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Michael

11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelery? I don't really have one

12. Favorite hobby? computers

13. Do you work with people who idolize you? hardly

14. Do you have ADD? I don't think so

15. What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? my tendency to hoarde

16. What’s your Middle name? Faye

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. thinking of a nap; wondering if this is going to be a cold; thinking of gift ideas

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday. breakfast for myself, breakfast for my friend and groceries

19. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink. water, iced coffee and Polar brand diet orange dry

20. Current worry right now?

21. What side do you dress to? as I am a woman, I dress full-on

22. Favorite place to be? home

23. How did you bring in the New Year? last year I went out to dinner with my parents and friends--after all my other plans fell through

24. Where would you like to go? there

25. Name three people who will see today. the pharmacist, the pharmacy aid and the drive through person at Dunkin' Donuts


10 ways to make the nice list

10. Christmas Caroling
9. Always saying "please" and "thank you"
8. Wishing Santa a "Merry Christmas!" when you call him on Christmas Eve
7. Making special Christmas cards or gifts for family and friends
6. Reading or telling stories to your little brothers or sisters
5. Wishing everyone you meet during the holiday's a "Merry Christmas"
4. Asking Santa to bring your brother or sister that special toy you know they really want
3. Shoveling a busy neighbor's sidewalk or driveway
2. Helping out with chores- without being asked!!
1. Asking your parents to donate food, toys and blankets to local charities for less fortunate families during the holiday season.

testing bias

I love The Onion.

Via Kontan

saturday 9

Reason To Believe

1. Has anyone asked you to believe in something that called for a huge leap of faith on your part? yes, constantly

2. When is the last time you moved? Why did you move? I moved into this apartment fifteen years ago and it was time to move

3. Malls? ..or one Internet? Are you doing more online shopping this year? The polls say we are, but I'm curious about what the real people are doing. I'd have to say more internet shopping this year

4. Do you remember the first meme you participated in and if so, what was it? I have no idea, I think I was tagged for a meme

5. If you could invent something, what would it be? a highly necessary implement of some sort, ridiculously simple yet complex

6. Are you finished with your shopping? Do you still a few things to go? What? Not even a game plan? ...or is there just one person you're having trouble finding something for? I have a few things to go but I'm having trouble finding something for some people

7. What's left to do at your place (or where you are going)? Is the tree up? ...or maybe you're just happy you found the Christmas coffee mug and are calling that good? I'm going to decorate today

8. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse? it's different--not better or worse

9. Tell us about something you'll miss about 2010. uhmmmm... this has been a significantly better school year and I'll miss the enjoyment I'm having