
rut roh...

Started losing my voice during class today. Oh no.


Princess LadyBug said...

Poor honey! I hope it's just a quick sinus thing or something. I'm working through about day 7 of a cold. It has not been fun at all.

Cat. said...

This is not good at all. Hang in there--maybe it'll be back tomorrow after a short vacation.

jon said...

Is everybody getting sick? It sure sounds like it. Go home! George Clooney is there. He will be dressed as Doctor Doug Ross. In his hand he will have some lemon tea. Drink it.
He will tell you to go get your jammies on. He will tell you to get in bed. He will bring you a poach egg and some orange juice. He will fluff your pillow and tuck your blanket under your chin. He will then leave you in the care of nurse Ratchet.
Your not the only sick person, you know! He has to visit L'empress in CT and Governor Jen in WI.

I hope you feel better.

Unknown said...

Ack! Feel better! Lots of hot tea with honey and lemon and plenty of rest.