
from the county

You know you’re from Aroostook County when…

1. It’s easier for you to leave the country than to leave the state.
2. There are tractors in your senior parade.
3. You know where the meth lab is.
4. You or someone you know is in the FFA and 4-H.
5. You know everything there is to know about potatoes.
6. You have hiked up a big hill or small mountain at least once for a party.
7. You’ve been going to a bar since you were 18.
8. You thought that the only main roads were Rt.1 and I-95.
9. You know how to properly hit a moose.
10. Going to school on a Snowmobile is normal.
11. Everyone has studs on their tires.
12. You know how to drive in the snow.
13. Your favorite thing to eat is poutine.
14. You have never been south of Houlton.
15. You have never flown on the airplane.
16. If you have flown you know the stewardess name, Kelly.
17. You know that all flights connect in Boston International at Gate B9.
18. You know how to read the temperature in degrees Celsius.
19. Your high school doesn’t have football, you have never played and you’ve never seen a game.
20. There is a farm within miles of your house (or you live on one)
21. You don’t know what ticks are.
22. You don’t talk like those people from southern Maine.
23. You know the county song.
24. Your graduating class is under 50.
25. Someone in your class got pregnant, is pregnant or will be pregnant before graduation.
26. You groom your own sports fields.
27. Your school has a farm.
28. Your school has an ag department.
29. The biggest traffic jam was when Phish came to play at the base.
30. You have moose in your front yard.
31. You will or have been to U-Maine.
32. You hang out down town at The Car Wash, or Ames.
33. 40*F is –not- cold.
34. You wear shorts in December.
35. Everyone is invited to prom, and you think that’s normal.
36. One person in every family owns a pick-up (or knows someone who does).
37. You can buy beer from the Rite-Aid.
38. You root for the Red Sox… Death to the Yankees.
39. You know what the biathlon is.
40. You have to explain to the folks from the west where Maine is, behind the weatherman’s head.
41. You’ve never heard of public transportation.
42. You think Lewiston is the city.
43. The big shopping spree is a 3 hour drive to Bangor.
44. You know what a Door Yard is.
45. You know you can’t really tip a cow.
46. You get pissed at the vacationers.
47. Sneaking out requires modes of transportation out of the woods.
48. You know the first and last name of every student in your school.
49. Getting 3 weeks off in the fall for potato harvest isn’t weird.
50. You have worked on a potato harvester.

happy new year

one of my very favorite poems:

by Maya Angelou

“Not all we carry need enter…”
there is a banquet of Hosannas in
the air.
The bells are a-clamor, chimes have been loosed,
We have
endured endless peaks of pain
and valleys of loneliness;
We have lost
beloveds we could not live without;
yet we have lived.
We have
encountered unforgivable cruelty;
yet we have forgiven.
Yet we have been
We have survived, flourished, and thrived
with passion,
compassion, humor and style.
We have been fortunate and worthy.
Now we
stand, heavy laden, before a great gate
which leads to the rest of all time.
It swings ajar, and we know at this critical moment
that not all we
need enter when we enter.
We can evict hate and scorn from our
we can open clenched fists,
and let bigotry, malice and enmity
fall back down the slope to yesterday.
We can lay down our burden of
and step lightly over the lintel
into a vernal and newly-minted
We, who never saw a new century;
we, who never saw a new one
thousand years,
can join the hallelujah, the hymns,
the paeans, the
voices all over the world.
We can shout or whisper,
scream or mumble:

postsecret sunday

PostSecret Sunday. Lots of good ones today.


silly puns

A Zen Master walks up to a hot-dog seller, and says: "Make me one with everything."

How do you get down from an elephant? You don't, you get down from a duck.

At the rum factory loading dock, all of the workers speak in verse. It shows that rhymes fly when you're heaving rum.

what bumper sticker should be on your car?

I have too much time on my hands... but this was too funny:

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

Barbie is not a slut - her legs won't open


will you keep your new years resolution?

You Will Keep Your New Year's Resolution

You planning on making a resolution that's smart, attainable, and perfect for where your life is.

post secret

Check out this week's collection at PostSecret.


2006 in review... sort of

1.) Where did you bring in 2006? I was at home, watching When Harry Met Sally , eating not-diet pizza

2.) What was your status by Valentine's Day? status of what? Same as ever

3.) Were you in school (anytime this year)? well... yes.

4.) How did you earn your keep? by teaching high school social studies (which explains #3)

5.) Did you ever have to go to the hospital? yes... I spent the first week of summer vacation there

6.) Have you ever encountered the police? I can't think of anything this year

7.) Where did you go on vacation? I didn't get one this year, unless you count the week at the TAMC spa

8.) What did you purchase that was over $500? hospital stay? That was $22,000 just for the week, not including any medicine, shots, x-rays, heart scan...

9.) Did you know anybody who got married? yes, but I didn't go to any weddings

10.) Did you know anybody who passed away? unfortunately, yes, several people--including my aunt and a dear friend from my Slop'n Slave days--the original Markus Karkus.

11.) Have you run into anybody you graduated high school with? I just had a MySpace message from Debbie L. from high school.

12.) Did you move anywhere? no

13.) What sporting events did you go to? I don't think I went to any

14.) What concerts did you go to? uhm... the Caribou Choral Society's Spring Concert

15.) Are you registered to vote? oh, yes!

16.) If so, did you do your patriotic duty on Nov. 7? with pleasure!!!

17.) Where do you live now? very Northern Maine--aka The County

18.) Describe your birthday: hmmm... I spent it by myself, I think, but my family did have a do-wah-ding for me later

19.) What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2006? *insert eye roll* nearly die

20.) What is one thing you regretted this year? a relationship didn't work out--for a variety of reasons--mostly because I didn't open up enough

21.) What's something you learned about yourself? wowzer... probably that I need to be vulnerable to the people around me, because I'm so capable and so rarely ask for help that when I really could use help, people don't automatically think to offer because I don't ask for help... it's a vicious cycle

22.) Any new additions to your family? more like a subtraction

23.) What was your best month? I don't think I had one... nothing pops into my mind

24.) What from pop culture will you remember 2006 by? uhmmmmm... the RED campaign, Bono will be knighted, Bono was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. I discovered PostSecret.

25.) How would you rate this year with a scale from 1 (crappy) to 10 (excellent)? 3


what should your new years resolution be?

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet pig

2) Eat less stale popcorn

3) Travel to Holland

4) Study abnormal psychology

5) Get in shape with capoeira


doing battle with the big guys...

Is there any reason why the insurance companies are so... difficult to work with? I mean, really, it's rather unpleasant to have dealings with them--and woe to someone who needs to appeal a claim, which is how I ended up locking horns with them today.

I refused to let them brush me off, though, and for that I am proud of myself. I said several times that I needed a real person to speak to me and explain why I am being denied. And after talking to a very nice claims lady, she connected me with the doctor who made the decision to turn me down. He was very helpful and wasn't at all bothered that I am merely a client, not a physician, and that I am my own advocate.

Actually, I may have made some headway when I talked about standing up for the treatment I need and deserve. I also said that having to jump through all these hoops was taking a toll on me--mentally and physically. That having to call about this, and having to fill in the frequent OTRs was stressing me out. And how much worse do I need to get before they'll approve everything.

The doctor was encouraging, though, he did say I have a valid appeal and when I see Dr. Lisa later this week, I will let her know the outcome of the phone calls.

I am proud of myself. I did it. I was calm, rational and yet I still managed to get my point across. I was heard.

what if this is as good as it gets?


it's a green christmas in this town

It was a lovely day, spent hanging out with family. No hustle, no bustle, no agenda. We even managed to watch a movie in the afternoon.

The only drawback is that it was a green Christmas. I don't remember ever having one quite this green--these are photos from Dad's... Who'da thunk that Northern Maine would have a green Christmas?? The decorations look very weird--lights not glowing or being reflected in snow.

A real bright spot was talking to the Italy crew--the girls wanted to gab and gab. I can't believe that next year they'll be state-side! I would really love to spend some time with them during the holidays next year.

Now, I'm off to bed. Should be an interesting rest of the week.

What if this is as good as it gets?


rainy saturday

a couple of movie rentals for tonight: Scoop and The Lake House. hope they're good.

i actually did a bit of shopping today... got dad a couple of movies, Barb a book and Miss G's gift. ..so I guess that means I'm done about as much as I'm going to do. yeah me.

this weather really cramps my style. don't get me wrong--I hate coldcold winter but it is just wrong to not have any snow for Christmas. sleet and rain? what is with that?

what if this is as good as it gets?

more Elf fun

midnight madness

It's weird... Midnight and I just woke up from a pretty substantial nap. Now I'm jittery and wondering what to do with myself. I want to go somewhere. Where to go? I think WalMart is open 24 hours until Christmas, I could go there. I could drive around but there wouldn't be very many Christmas lights on now. I could go to the Citgo and look around, but I think it might feel kind of creepy to be in there, not buying or wanting anything particular. I could go to Tim Horton's and have coffee? I could drive to the 24 hour diner in Houlton. I could go back to bed. I don't want to be by myself but I don't really want to go anywhere. Why, oh why, did I nap all evening? I slept through supper time and now it's way too late to eat. But I'm kinda hungry. Holy moly... vacation started at three this afternoon and I'm already on my own nerves.

what if this is as good as it gets?


José's Sandals

A Christmas Tale: José's Sandals

By Paulo Coelho

This Christmas tale by Paulo Coelho is based on a story written in 1903 by François Coppée and translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa. Published with permission from HarperCollins Publishers.

A long time ago, so many years ago that we can no longer remember the exact date, there lived in a village in the south of Brazil a little seven-year-old boy called JosĂ©. He had lost his parents when he was very, very young and had been adopted by a miserly aunt who, even though she had lots of money, spent almost nothing on her nephew. JosĂ©, having never known the meaning of love, assumed that this was simply the way life was and so it didn’t bother him at all. They lived in an extremely affluent neighborhood, but the aunt persuaded the head teacher of the local school to take on her nephew for only a tenth of the normal tuition fee, threatening to complain to the Prefect if he declined her offer. The head teacher had no option but to agree; however, he instructed the teachers to take every opportunity to humiliate JosĂ© in the hope that he would misbehave and give them a pretext for expelling him. JosĂ©, having never known love, assumed that this was simply the way life was and so it didn’t bother him at all.

Christmas Eve arrived. The village priest was on holiday, and all the pupils had to go to Mass in a church some distance from the village. The girls and boys walked along, chatting about what they would find the next day beside the shoes they left out for Father Christmas: fashionable clothes, expensive toys, chocolates, skateboards, and bicycles. Since it was a special day, they were all well-dressed--all except JosĂ©, who was wearing his usual ragged clothes and the same battered sandals several sizes too small (his aunt had given them to him when he was four, saying that he would only get a new pair when he was 10). Some of the children asked why he was so poor, and said they would be ashamed to have a friend who wore such clothes and shoes. Since JosĂ© had never known love, their questions and comments didn’t bother him at all.

However, when they went into the church, and he heard the organ playing and saw the bright lights and the congregation in their Christmas finery, saw families gathered together and parents embracing their children, José felt he was the most wretched of creatures. After Communion, instead of walking back home with the others, he sat down on the steps of the church and began to cry. He may never have known love, but only at that moment did he understand what it was to be alone and helpless and abandoned by everyone.

Just then, he noticed another small boy beside him, barefoot and apparently as poor as he was. He had never seen the boy before and so assumed that he must have walked a long way to get there. He thought: “His feet must be really sore. I’ll give him one of my sandals. That will at least relieve half of his pain.” Although JosĂ© had never known love, he knew about suffering and didn’t want others to experience it too.

He gave one of his sandals to the boy and returned home with the other one. He wore the sandal first on his right foot and then on his left, so that he didn’t bruise the soles of his feet too badly on the stones along the way. As soon as he reached home, his aunt noticed that he was wearing only one sandal and told him that if he didn’t find the other sandal the next day, he would be harshly punished.

JosĂ© went to bed feeling very afraid because he knew what his aunt’s punishments were like. He lay all night trembling with fear, barely able to sleep at all, and then, just as he was about to drowse off, he heard voices in the front room. His aunt rushed in, demanding to know what was going on. Still groggy from lack of sleep, JosĂ© joined their visitors and, in the middle of the front room, saw the sandal he had given to the little boy. Now, however, it was surrounded by all kinds of toys, bicycles, skateboards and clothes. The neighbors were shouting and screaming, declaring that their children had been robbed, because when they woke up, they had found nothing beside their shoes at all.

At this point, the priest from the church where they had celebrated Mass the previous day arrived all out of breath: On the steps of the church a statue of the Baby Jesus had appeared, clothed entirely in gold, but wearing only one sandal. Silence fell, everyone present praised God and his miracles, and the aunt wept and begged for forgiveness. And JosĂ©’s heart was filled with the energy and the meaning of love.


were you naughty or nice this year?

You Were Nice This Year!

You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list.
You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year.
Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good.
Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight?

what kind of gift giver are you?

You Are a Funny Gift Giver

Your gifts are wacky, offbeat, and even borderline naughty.
You prefer to give a gift that makes someone crack up...
Forget utility. You prefer to give something that's totally hilarious.

all I need to know I learned from Santa

All I Need To Know I Learned From Santa

1. Encourage people to believe in you.
2. Always remember who's naughty and who's nice.
3. Don't pout.
4. It's as much fun to give as it is to receive.
5. Some days it's ok to feel a little chubby.
6. Make your presents known.
7. Always ask for a little bit more than what you really want.
8. Bright red can make anyone look good.
9. Wear a wide belt and no-one will notice how many pounds you've gained.
10. If you only show up once a year, everyone will think you're very important.
11. Whenever you're at a loss for words, say "HO, HO, HO!"


family party time

Tonight was the family party--everyone gathered at Dad's and we had yummy food (the cuppa-cuppa-cuppa dip & sammiches) complete with a Christmas sing-a-long. It was fun. I felt a bit bad for my sister, I can see it's hard for her to create meaningful family moments when she and her husband are separating. It must be confusing for the kids. Times like this, though, make me feel very lonely for my other sisters--one in Pennsylvania and one in Italy. I miss just relaxing during this rush-rush season, to just enjoy being together.

But it was nice spending some time together. And funny how we love and know all the old familiar songs. I wish I felt a bit better. I'm so tired I can barely function. This medication is really taking a toll on my body, mind and spirit.

I don't know how to explain why I don't feel well, either. I just am ... tired. I haven't felt tired like this since I had mono when I was in high school but I am a zombie. Maybe between the doctors we can get something figured out. I want to enjoy the holidays; maybe this isn't going to be my year, though. Is it weird that I don't care that I haven't done any shopping? I just... don't care, can't seem to muster any feelings at all. I can't imagine that I'm not beside myself with guilt or worry but I have no feelings about it.

I'm glad we took the time to get together tonight, it was relaxing. Rachel is soooo excited, she was bouncing. Maybe it was the four pieces of peanut butter fudge she ate? This will probably be her last Santa year. That makes me feel sad. I love Santa and believe in the spirit of Christmas.

My full tummy and I are waddling to bed now... what if this is as good as it gets?


baby Jesus chronicles

John and Joan Leising were quite upset last year when somebody stole the plastic infant Jesus statue from the lighted manger set outside their North Buffalo home.

This year, they have the Jesus statue back - and a pretty weird story to tell at Christmas parties.

"When we tell people about it, they just look at us and say, "Wow, that really happened?' " Joan Leising said. "Then, we show them the photo album."

The Leisings, residents of Depew Avenue, take pride in their annual Christmas decorations. They have displayed a brightly lighted outdoor manger set - with statues of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Three Wise Men and other biblical figures - for the past five years. They were hurt Dec. 23, 2005, when they looked outside and realized the baby Jesus statue, a relatively inexpensive plastic model about 18 inches tall, was missing from the manger.

In the statue's place, someone had left a note, saying they needed the statue for something and would return it in three days. The incident was disturbing to the Leisings and their daughter, Julia, 10, who are proud of their Catholic faith and thought the theft might be some kind of angry show of protest.

"It kind of shook my faith in our neighborhood. How could somebody do something like that to us?" said John Leising, a veteran Buffalo firefighter. "But because of the note, I thought there was a chance we might get it back in a few days."

Joan Leising, a hospital nurse, felt the same way.

But weeks passed, and then months, and the statue was not returned. Joan Leising started wondering if she might be able to find another similar baby Jesus statue at a garage sale.

Then, one morning in late August, John Leising opened his door and found the statue lying on his doorstep. With it were another note and a photo album.

"Please read this letter in its entirety before passing judgment on the actions and events that have taken place," the letter began. "We are simply a group of young adults who wished to show the baby Jesus a better life than he would have seen cooped up in an attic crawl space. He has traveled over counties and states, met people and animals alike. We have done our best to show the baby Jesus the many glorious aspects of our world."

The photo album was full of snapshots taken of their Jesus statue at various locations all over New York State. Someone had posed the statue in front of Thruway signs in Binghamton, Rochester, Albany and Poughkeepsie. The statue was photographed at the Rip Van Winkle Bridge south of Albany and at a psychiatric center in Rochester.

The Leisings' statue was posed on a bicycle, on a horse and in a car, wearing a seat belt. It was photographed in a chair next to a campfire somewhere, with a can of beer in a cup holder attached to the chair. It was photographed in someone's kitchen, next to all the makings for chocolate brownies. There was the Jesus statue again - on the campuses of Rochester Institute of Technology and Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

"We have done the best possible job we could to keep the baby Jesus safe and in loving arms," the note continued. "During the course of the last eight months, the baby Jesus has become more to us than simply a plastic religious figurine. He has come with us to parties, on camping trips, on college visits and on multiple summer adventures . . . Having to say goodbye made today a sad day for all of us.

"The baby Jesus has made us happy at numerous times in the past eight months, so we hope the chronicles of his life with us can pass some of that happiness on to you."

The note added that the prank was never meant to be "blasphemous or disrespectful." It was signed "Creators of the baby Jesus chronicles."

The Leisings are still puzzled over why the chroniclers indicated the statue would be returned in three days but kept it for eight months.

"I just wish that, at some point during those eight months, they had sent us a note saying, "We still have your statue. It's OK. We're still going to return it before Christmas,' " Joan Leising said.

"The real Jesus Christ would have forgiven them for that," John Leising said. "And we do, too."


A Place In Paradise

A Place in Paradise
On Christmas Eve, a rich man sells his place in heaven to a poor man to make a profit. But the joke's on him...
By Paulo Coelho, based on a Hasidic tale by David Mandel

Many years ago, in the northeast of Brazil, there lived a couple who were very poor and whose only possession was a hen. They managed to scrape a precarious living from the eggs laid by that one hen.

On Christmas Eve, however, the hen died. The husband, who only had a few pennies to his name, which was certainly not enough to buy food for that evening's meal, went to seek help from the village priest.

Instead of giving him money, the priest merely remarked:

`God never closes a door without opening a window. Your money will buy you almost nothing, so go to the market and buy the first thing you're offered. I will bless that purchase and, since Christmas is the time for miracles, something will happen that will change your life for ever.'

The man wasn't entirely convinced that this was the best solution, but he went to the market anyway. One of the traders saw him wandering aimlessly about and asked what he was looking for.

`I don't know. I don't have much money, but the priest told me that I should buy the first thing I was offered.'

The trader was very rich, but even so he never let slip an opportunity to make a profit, however small. He took the man's few coins and in exchange gave him a note scribbled on a piece of paper.

`The priest was quite right. Now I've always had a kind heart, and so, on this festive day, I'm selling you my place in Paradise. Here are the deeds!'

The other man took the piece of paper and moved off, while the trader glowed with pride at having closed yet another excellent deal. That night, while he was preparing for supper in his house full of servants, he told the story to his wife, adding that it was thanks to such quick thinking that he had become as rich as he was.

`That's shameful!' said his wife. `Fancy behaving like that on the day Jesus was born! Go straight to that man's house and get the piece of paper back, or you'll never set foot in this house again!'

Alarmed by his wife's anger, the trader decided to do as she said. After much asking around, he managed to find out where the man lived. When he went in, he found the couple sitting at a table that was completely bare apart from the piece of paper.

`I've come because what I did was wrong,' the trader said. `Here's your money. Now give me back what I sold you.'

`You did nothing wrong,' replied the man. `I followed the priest's advice and I know that what I bought from you is blessed.'

`But it's just a piece of paper. Besides, no one can sell someone else their place in Paradise. If you like, I'll give you double what you paid for it.'

However, because he believed in miracles, the poor man refused to sell. The trader gradually increased his offer, until he reached the sum of ten gold coins.

`That's no good to me,' said the man. `In order to give my wife the life she deserves, I need one hundred gold coins. That is the miracle I'm waiting for this Christmas Eve.'

In despair and knowing that if he lingered any longer, no one in his own house would have supper or go to midnight mass, the trader ended up paying one hundred gold coins to get the piece of paper back. As far as the couple were concerned, the miracle had happened. As for the trader, he had done as his wife had asked. His wife, though, was filled with doubt. Had she been too hard on her husband?

As soon as midnight Mass was over, she went to the priest and told him the story.

`Father, my husband met a man who said that you had told him to go to the market and buy the first thing he was offered. My husband, seeing a chance to earn some easy money, wrote him a note on a piece of paper, selling him his place in Paradise. I told my husband that he wouldn't eat in our house tonight if he didn't get that piece of paper back, and he ended up having to pay one hundred gold coins for it. Did I go too far? Could a place in Paradise really cost that much?'

`Firstly, your husband was able to show great generosity on this, the most important day in the Christian calendar. Secondly, he became the instrument of God through whom a miracle was performed. But to answer your question: when he sold his place in heaven for a few pennies, it wasn't even worth that much; however, when he bought it back for one hundred gold coins simply to make his wife happy, that, I can assure you, made it worth much much more.'

Paul Coelho is one of my favorite authors; the Alchemist is one of my favorite books.


saturday night and i ain't got nobody

I rented a couple of movies for tonight... The Break-Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn and Click with Adam Sandler I hope either one is good... there were a ton of choices but I went with the comedies.

Now all I need is someone to cook for me. I haven't had much to eat today because I just can't seem to figure out what I want, so it's easier to not eat. Yeah, I can hear the choir of angels nagging me all ready but... hey... it's complicated. (I know I need to eat, yeah, I know it.)

I helped Dad put together a twinkling snowman lawn ornament this afternoon. He really cracks me up. Just has NO patience for doing anything mechanical like that. He asked where I thought I got the knack... I guess it's from Grampy, I donno. I just love putting stuff together. Perhaps I missed my true calling? (I think I just cracked myself up--is it totally crazy to laugh out loud at the computer screen when I'm all by myself?)

Tomorrow is the beginning of the final count down to Christmas. I just ... am not at all ready. My posting date to Italy has come and gone and not only did I miss sending the packages on time, I didn't even buy any gifts. I just don't know what's wrong with me. Although, I have to give myself a bit of a break--I did fight bronchitis/pneumonia last week. Anything to avoid another hospital stint. So, I guess next week, at some point in time, I will click the mighty click and send a bunch of e-certificates to let the Italy crew shop online for themselves. Because... otherwise, it ain't gonna happen.

And I beat myself up soundly for not being prepared, for not being the perfect sister/aunt/sister-in-law. More so than anyone else would even think of beating me up. And it didn't seem to take this time. I'm not all internalized and churning in my guilt, imperfection or anything. More like I just don't give a shit. I haven't even been riding around looking at holiday decorations or lights or anything. This just isn't like me.

At least I'm not anxious about it, or about anything to do with the holidays. This passive feeling is more relaxing than the total melt-down I had two years ago when I was subpoenaed to court two days before Christmas. Now that was a nightmare. No, this year I have a gentle feeling of the holidays are swimming past me and I'm standing in the stream of consciousness... watching the colors swish by and... not caring.

It's hard to explain. I don't know if I have the words for it right now.
What if this is as good as it gets?

are you a grinch?

Nope, You're Not a Grinch

Although you may feel Grinch-like at times, it's just because you're worn out from the holidays.
You get into the holiday spirit more than most people - and you truly enjoy celebrating with your family and friends.

what will you get for the 12 days of christmas quiz?

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

Twelve babies drumming
Eleven carolers a-caroling
Ten ice skaters a-leaping
Nine ladies baking cookies
Eight llamas a-milking
Seven eggnogs a-intoxicating
Six kittens a-meowing
Five golden toe rings
Four calling secret admirers
Three French burlesque dancers
Two Jesus action figures
And a monkey in a cherry tree


how should you spend the holidays?

Your Holiday Personality is Fun

You're all about the celebrating. Whether you're partying hard or singing along to Christmas music, you're totally enjoying the holidays.
Make your own Christmas ornaments. Create a holiday mix for all your friends' stockings. Run around your neighborhood late Christmas Eve ringing bells.


what christmas ornament are you?

You Are a Snowman

Friendly and fun, you enjoy bringing holiday cheer to everyone you know!


ten things on Tuesday

I've been tagged... to list ten things I want for Christmas. Thought I'd have one Santa for each item.

1. memory for my computer
2. the movie Elf
3. memory card for my new camera
4. printer for my camera (so I can use it when away from home)
5. a new fish... I miss Danny Ocean Fish
6. George Clooney
7. uhmmmm... a new flat-screen TV would be nice
8. this is really tough... I know I can't ask for intangibles, like World Peace (which is what would really be #1)
0h, ok, a camera case for my camera (to go along with #3).
9. Bubbles Betrothed by Sarah Strohmeyer
10. The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama


kid stuff

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. But where is my usual festive feeling? Maybe because I haven't been feeling well I haven't got my mojo yet. I donno. It feels weird that I am not even a little bit excited. Not like me at all. I'm usually all about the holidays.

Maybe we need snow. That might do it.

I remember the excitement, as a kid, for the first significant snowfall. I remember what a big deal it was to be making snowmen and snow angels and having a wonderful time playing outside. The worst part was getting all bundled up and having to go to the bathroom... un-bundling and then doing it all again. We used to make some amazing igloos and forts. Tunnels and buried rooms and we had the best time! I don't remember it being as sharply cold as it has been these recent years, but maybe it's how we were prepared for the cold.

We had to entertain ourselves and we were (for the most part) kicked out of the house to play outside. We would take our Krazy Karpets into the field behind the house and sled down the hill for hours and hours. I remember the Avery's had a snowmobile, an old Ski-doo Bombardier, with max speed of 35 MPH. We'd hook our Flying Saucers up to the back and get towed all around the field. Nothing like hitting bumps with a metal ride. Yehaw! And then we would all take our frozen selves home for hot chocolate with marshmallows or with a spoonful of Fluff. I remember one winter when the next door neighbor, David, and I re-enacted all the old Ellery Queen shows we saw on the Canadian TV station. Lordy, how cable TV has changed our lives and made us dependent.

Today's generation (wow, does it feel weird to say that!) seems incapable of entertaining themselves outside. It seems like the imagination is gone. How was it possible for the whole neighborhood gang to get together for hours and then itch to do it all again the next day. Oooh, and playing outside at night--my older sisters would take flashlights into the tunnels and I could see the lights moving along the walls. None of my students have ever done that, they can't imagine the joy of an igloo hideaway! Knowing a lot of them, though, they'd toke up and melt the place around them. But... I digress.

Memories of Maine winters, of playing with the Fleetwood Street Gang, of hanging out, of freeeeeezing our toes off, and of the simple laughter and joy that came with having a group of best friends. Maybe not memories of Christmas, but definitely memories of Christmas vacations from school.

What if this is as good as it gets?


elf yourself!

I will have to figure out how to caputre an image of me as Elf to post here... this really made me laugh out loud...

Elf Yourself!


One of my favorite blogs (listed in the links to the right) does a weekly pick of a favorite postcard from PostSecret. I think I might start doing that too--not on a particular day but at some point during the week. I'm starting today because this postcard really spoke to me. It makes me wish I was artistic and creative. And, maybe I am in a way. Maybe what I mean to say is I wish it made me feel inspired enough to send in my own post card.

So this is the beginning of a weekly (hopefully) series of posts. Check out PostSecret--it's cool, inspiring, painful, funny, jaw-dropping, honest. My students LOVE the books and two of them even started their own copycat kinds of websites.


bring back that old fashioned christmas spirit

I wish I had time to have an old fashioned Christmas. It seems like everyone around me is rushing around, giving gifts, hosting parties but not really taking time to enjoy the holiday season. Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't have a family or children to take up my time. I have the luxury of reflecting on the holidays and on what they truly mean to me. Almost every major world religion has a winter celebration or ceremony--it isn't the domain of Christians although, in the US it is easy to forget that. What strikes me, in my moments of reflection, is the simplicity of what everyone wants and needs: Peace On Earth.

Sometimes I feel hypocritical for celebrating Christmas when I don't follow any kind of organized Christianity. I don't go to church, don't know if I really even believe in God. But, I do believe in being spiritual, in being connected to the world and to people around me. Isn't that what the Spirit of Christmas is, after all? I can't get past the historical inconsistencies of the Nativity Story, I can't accept or believe it when it doesn't make sense in my soul, my mind, my heart. But I love the beauty of the music, the lights, the decorations and all the celebrations that go with the holiday. I don't think a lot of people really think about the true and deep meaning of Christmas. I don't think it's a deeply religious experience anymore, it seems far too commercial for that.

Even though I buy and exchange gifts; I go for the glitter and shine, yet I do think about how people connect. How we are one family on earth and how petty our political and racial separations are. I watch and listen to frustrated people around me cringe their way through the holidays and I feel a twinge of guilt that I have the luxury of time to enjoy. That several years ago I planned what I want the holiday season to be like for me and I let go of all the trappings that weren't true in my heart. No more baking unnecessary goodies, no more exchanging gifts that aren't meaningful but are plentiful, no more cards at just this time of year... Now when I do what I do it is with thought and deliberation.

I look for more ways to show kindness, too. More random acts of kindness, more intentional being. More love in my heart.

Isn't that what it's supposed to be about?

What if this is as good as it gets?


what kind of reader are you?

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Literate Good Citizen

You read to inform or entertain yourself, but you're not nerdy about it. You've read most major classics (in school) and you have a favorite genre or two.

Dedicated Reader
Book Snob
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Fad Reader
What'>http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_kind_of_reader_are_you">What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create'>http://www.gotoquiz.com/">Create Your Own Quiz


Ode to winter

Hi Everyone. It’s very cold here today, so with Winter upon us, and the days getting shorter, I thought you all would appreciate this superb, evocative, masterfully penned ode to the coming winter season.

So, grab a coffee, a comfortable chair, relax and scroll down to enjoy the warm feelings and pleasure that this wonderful poem will bring...


A poem by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

“SHIT it's cold!"

The End


me no feel good

I'm sure with more chicken soup & rest I'll be fine. But I really feel like crap. I feel so badly that I already called out sick for tomorrow. And... I've learned my lesson well enough to stay home (yup, you heard it here) if I'm not better tomorrow.

So, here's to chicken soup, orange juice and airborne.
Sympathy welcome. :-)


three weeks

Just three weeks until Santa comes a'visiting! I can't believe how the time has flown, this year has been quite a blur. I'm not really done my shopping although I do have lists made. I've definitely been a good girl this year. :-) I just haven't asked for anything.

It was nice to have group tonight, I really feel like I needed it. So much has happened in the past couple of weeks--what with meds changes and family stuff, it was good to talk about it in that kind of environment. I need individual, too, but it was good to touch base with everyone for group. It felt good to tell them how much they've helped me, too. They seemed to appreciate it. The validation lady pounced on it.

Let's see if the kids at school can hang in there for another couple of weeks. They've been so... so... what's the word... it's beyond frisky but a little less than wild. They've been annoying. I think I need to make a couple of phone calls to parents. Maybe they can solve some of the behavior things I've been noticing. But, sometimes the parents feed into it, which I suspect is the case of my worst offender.

There was some good news today--my colleague's wife does NOT have ovarian cancer. What a major relief. I think we've all been walking around on pins and needles until this result is in. And what a relief for them!

The girls reading group met after school. We talked about the book Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. It was fun to get some conversation going. Many of them have never been part of a book group and weren't exactly sure what kinds of things to talk about. But I asked some questions that got everyone going. I try to ask more questions than give my own opinions and ideas. Let's get the girls talking before the adults jump in. Our next book is called Stained by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. I hope it's not too "chicky" and I hope we can branch out into all kinds of books. The original list had all genres and I think it's important to explore all different kinds of readings.

So, what if this is as good as it gets?


christmas poem

Last night was the annual Light Parade and the weather wasn't so cooperative--it was windy and cold. But from what I could see, it didn't dampen the spirits of the crowds. And I could hear little kids in their excitement, urging the grown ups on--faster and faster! Sometimes I wish I liked occasions such as that. But, all in all, I prefer knowing it's happening around me, snug and warm here in my solitude. Sometimes we need peace in ourselves--stepping out of the hustle and bustle. And I enjoyed holdiay music, hot tea and relaxing. I hope I don't end up sick for the holidays--so far it's not looking too good, though. Sore throat, exhaustion... bah.

This poem was posted in SJP Blogger's blog and I liked it so much I copied it and linked:

May this Christmas be the first of many
By Giovanni Bassano

May this Christmas be the first of many,
Each more joyous in our growing love,
Revealing more of happiness than any
Riches might provide or pain remove.
Years flow like an unrepentant river,
Carrying the soil of life away,
Holding far more than they can deliver,
Rushing past the certitudes that stay.
In love there is an instance of forever
So shy and lovely it eludes the eye,
The sense of being home when we're together,
More enduring than a reason why.
As love is born of passion, borne by will,
So may for many years we choose love still.


which of santa's reindeer are you?

You Are Prancer

You are the perfect reindeer, with perfect hooves and perfect flying form.

Why You're Naughty: Because you're Santa's pet, and you won't let anyone show you up.

Why You're Nice: You have the softest fur and the sweetest carrot breath.

Ah, don't be fooled... it's just because I love traditional holiday things and believe in Santa. :-D

what will be in your christmas stocking?

Your Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled With Little Wrapped Presents

You've made Santa a very happy fellow this year.
Don't worry - what happens at the North Pole stays at the North Pole!

what christmas tree are you?

You Are a Bright Christmas Tree

For you, the holidays are all about fun and seasonal favorites.
You are into all things Christmas, even if they're a little tacky.


what crappy christmas gift are you?

You Are a Christmas Sweater!

Over the top, colorful, and totally flashy.
You're not afraid to be a little tacky.

what christmas carol are you?

Your Christmas Song Is

Winter Wonderland

When it snows
Ain't it thrilling
Though your nose gets a chilling
We'll frolic and play
The Eskimo way
Walking in a winter wonderland

Even though you've seen many holidays...
Every single one is magical to you

what movie is your christmas most like

Your Christmas is Most Like: Miracle on 34th Street

Sweet and caring, Christmas is about helping for you.
While Santa may not exist, you try to share his spirit.

Christmas questions

1. Have you been naughty or nice this year? I've been nice... by default. I haven't been able to cause the trouble I normally would.

2. What do you want most for Christmas? well... world peace or a memory card for my new camera

3. What is your favorite Christmas movie? National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, it never fails to make me laugh

4. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? yes..

5. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? no ... but I really need to fast!

6. What is your favorite Christmas song? it depends... My Grown Up Christmas List, especially by Michael Bublé is near the top

7. What is your favorite Christmas tv special? Rudolph

8. What is your favorite way to wrap gifts? I usually wait until Christmas Eve to get everything bagged and boxed up. I "collect" wrapping paper and have probably seventy-five various rolls, plus a ribbon shredder and all the acoutrements that go with it...

9. What do you look forward to most at Christmas? the lights and decorations

10. What are you doing for Christmas this year? I actually don't know! I assume I'll go to Dad's during the day but... things are a bit up in the air for the rest.

11. Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? George Clooney

12. What kind of Christmas tree do you have? a beautiful, yet artificial tree that used to be my grandmother's... but I'm not putting it up this year, instead I have a 3 foot fiber optic baby!

13. Do you take part in a secret santa? oh, yes!!! I LOVE to.

14. Do you go to any Christmas parties? yes--usually a faculty party, an ornament swap, a book swap and a brunch

15. Have you ever had a white Christmas? ha ha ha... the question should be have we ever had a green Christmas

16. How early do you wake up on Christmas morning? oh, not very... anymore.

17. Do you still get a stocking? nope

18. How many Christmas cards do you normally send out? oh... about three dozen or so get mailed. Last year, my sister taught me how to make them and I had a blast doing that.