
three weeks

Just three weeks until Santa comes a'visiting! I can't believe how the time has flown, this year has been quite a blur. I'm not really done my shopping although I do have lists made. I've definitely been a good girl this year. :-) I just haven't asked for anything.

It was nice to have group tonight, I really feel like I needed it. So much has happened in the past couple of weeks--what with meds changes and family stuff, it was good to talk about it in that kind of environment. I need individual, too, but it was good to touch base with everyone for group. It felt good to tell them how much they've helped me, too. They seemed to appreciate it. The validation lady pounced on it.

Let's see if the kids at school can hang in there for another couple of weeks. They've been so... so... what's the word... it's beyond frisky but a little less than wild. They've been annoying. I think I need to make a couple of phone calls to parents. Maybe they can solve some of the behavior things I've been noticing. But, sometimes the parents feed into it, which I suspect is the case of my worst offender.

There was some good news today--my colleague's wife does NOT have ovarian cancer. What a major relief. I think we've all been walking around on pins and needles until this result is in. And what a relief for them!

The girls reading group met after school. We talked about the book Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. It was fun to get some conversation going. Many of them have never been part of a book group and weren't exactly sure what kinds of things to talk about. But I asked some questions that got everyone going. I try to ask more questions than give my own opinions and ideas. Let's get the girls talking before the adults jump in. Our next book is called Stained by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. I hope it's not too "chicky" and I hope we can branch out into all kinds of books. The original list had all genres and I think it's important to explore all different kinds of readings.

So, what if this is as good as it gets?

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