
hugs all around...

I will admit I'm a bit of a hugaholic. There is nothing as wonderful as a hug. Really, I can't think of many ways of interacting with other people that mean as much to me as a hug. A good hug. Not a wimpy, limpy hug. A real, meaningful hug. Sharing body space.

One way that I say goodbye to my classes for a holiday is, "Hugs all around." It makes us all happy. I sign off group emails by saying that. I truly am a hugger.

This video makes me so happy. Maybe this will be what my sociology students do next spring for their Norms Violations project.

1 comment:

Princess LadyBug said...

I'm a hugger too. No wonder we like each other. :P

And I'd be very interested to hear how that project comes out.