Tomorrow is the first official teacher day of school. August 10. Seems that the year gets earlier and earlier. So we begin our first day of school with the usual pep talks and vision statements and all the rah rah bullshit at one o'clock in the afternoon. We don't finish the day until after half-past eight because this year all teachers are required to attend Freshman Orientation. Not really sure what I'm supposed to do because I don't teach any freshmen at all. If I get dressed up in some nice outfit for this quasi-open house, I'm certainly not going to schlep stuff around the room to get all dirty. And my room was clean for almost one whole day. I noticed huge dust bunnies--more like dust hippos--lurking around again. I'm really dreading the start, one of the things I suspect is some kind of reprimand that a group of us eat lunch together. That "someone" has made snide remarks about a clique. Like eating lunch is exclusive or something.
Sometimes I just don't understand people. But instead of going into a full-blown rant, I'll just say... nothing.
Tomorrow is also my big medical appointment. Not so sure what I'm thinking and feeling about it. I almost don't want to know that this is as good as I'll get (not to be punny or anything). At least today I was able to give my doctor a list of questions that I've been working on, hopefully she'll be able to answer them. Some almost seem trivial but yet they are such part of my life that it seems wrong to give them up. I need information.
I need sleep. Anxiety about *things* has kept me from sleeping. Perhaps it's good to have an early night.
The end of summer is near... and oh, great googley moogley... what if this is as good as it gets?
My doctor's appointment is tomorrow too. I'm nervous as well.
Here's hoping we both get a good night's sleep AND that it gets much better than this for both of us.
Love you!
Not a good night's sleep but an interesting doctor's appointment. Lots of follow up but the outlook is great!
I hope yours goes as well as mine.
Love you, too!!
I slept okay. Got good news & bad news, but I'm healing well. I can't wait to hear an update from you.
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