
What day is it??

I've completely lost track of time and day and date. Everything feels surreal and dream-like because I am drifting along with no structure and nothing much going on. Haven't we all dreamed of having no particular thing to do, no particular place to go? A little goes a long way for me.

In the past month, I've read fifteen books (starting my sixteenth today), forty-six magazines (and yes, People & Us count!!), watched eleven movies, and taken twenty-two naps.

But I am feeling really happy.

Today I went to school, kind of hoping to bump into Denise or Ron but I just missed Denise. So, I dropped off the books she lent me and some CDs I thought she might enjoy and visited my room, which has been rearranged, computer dismantled, and it looks like nothing precious is gone. After acknowledging that I can't do any work, I smiled and left. Oh, I peeked at a couple of the paint jobs I knew were taking place and at the new windows in half the building. Things look good. When I got home, there was a message from Denise, wanting to touch base. I called her back and said we should get together next week...

Oooh, and I saw Ben--my favorite student and met his friend Tyler with the red hair. It was so fun to touch base with teenagers that I really care about. That's what I miss this summer--my students. It was such a turnaround year this past year that I really do miss the students. Awww. I say, after 2005 ended, I didn't think I would ever have fond feelings of school or teenagers again.

So, now I'm back to my random schedule. And yes, I ate two times today with only one coffee. I promise I will have supper.

What to do to while away the rest of the day? Perhaps taking the new book onto the porch. I don't dare to nap again because it's disrupting my night sleeping, although, I do have stuff I could take to help me sleep at night. Do I really want to take more stuff??

Oh, I do have one more movie to watch today--Failure to Launch. Eye candy is good.

What if this is as good as it gets?


Princess LadyBug said...

I envy your reading. I've managed 1 book in my month at home. I have trouble focusing long enough. At least the short-term memory loss is getting much better.

Hope you're getting better too. :)

Kwizgiver said...

I'm getting better, I guess. I don't know what better is right now, but... I'm getting it.

Princess LadyBug said...

Yeah, better is hard to pin down. I'm getting it too, but not in any big hurry unfortunately.