
w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, part of the Hunger Games series

• What did you recently finish reading? Pompeii by Robert Harris and Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson

• What do you think you’ll read next? probably Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


ten things tuesday

Ten things that begin with the letter J:

1) Jerry Seinfeld: my favorite comedian and sitcom. I still watch the re-runs.

2) Jokes: I cannot tell a joke to save my life but I love a funny one.

3) Juxtaposition: a favorite word.

4) Jeans: comfy jeans are the best--I love casual Friday.

5) Jaguar: my dream car. One day, maybe.

6) Jefferson: my favorite founding father. He was a ginger.

7) Jetsons: the futuristic cartoon was a family favorite.

8) Jump rope: I used to love playing jump rope until I got boobs.

9) Jelly and jello: I like red jellies and jello--strawberry, boysenberry, raspberry.

10) Jesus: it's unfortunate that people use Jesus as a weapon, instead of an instrument of peace.


musing mondays

Click here to play along.
• Do you read books that are part of a series?
• Do you collect all the books in the series before starting? What if the series is brand new, and the only book that’s been published so far is Book one? As subsequent books in the series are published, do you go back and re-read the preceding books?
Most of the serial books I've read are mysteries. I do like a series--it's fun to see how characters develop over time. The Harry Potter books were a great series. As long as I read them in order, it doesn't matter to me if I buy them all at once or read them as they are released.


oscars 2012

Totally excited to see the awards show. I'm diggin' the app I downloaded. I want George to win.

just finished reading...

Pompeii is a thriller set in the Roman city of Pompeii, at the time of its destruction by the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. There is a lot of detail about daily life at this time and the research is evident. Hints of mystery and romance weave the characters together. Pliny the Elder makes an appearance, even.

Not a book I would have ordinarily picked up but there is a lot for us to talk about at book group.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Scottish Meme

1. Where are you from and where do you live now? a small town in Northern Maine and I'm still here

2. Favorite childhood story/book/film? I had a pop-up fairytale book that was a favorite

3. If you could change gender for a day what would you do? go car shopping

4. Do you feel you family is complete or would you like more/some children? uh... I'm a family of me

5. What do you do/Where do you work and do you enjoy it? I teach high school history and I'm loving it this year

6. Which three words do you think sum you up? intelligent, independent, stylish

7. If you were a fairy what magical powers would you possess? teleportation

8. If you were invisible, where would you go and what would you do? Why? I'd probably just follow random people around and see what they do

9. What song can’t you listen to without crying? No More Drama by Mary J. Blige

10. Which book changed your life – or at least made you think a lot? Personal Finances for Dummies or Investing for Dummies

11. Why do you blog? I enjoy it

12. What is your top ‘me-time’ tip? do what you love

13. What can’t you live without? iced coffee

14. Which of all your blog posts are you most proud of and why? all of them

15. Have you ever met a famous person? Who and where? I like this question: I spent Halloween at a party at Stephen King's home

16. When did you last have a full nights sleep? last night

17. What would you think is harder: Going to work or staying at home with children? staying home with children

18. What are you doing for Easter? something with the family

19. What is your favorite drink? iced coffee

20. Do you play any sports? no

21. What is your most embarrassing moment? falling on my face

22. How clever are you? quite

23. Name a new favorite TV show? new? uhmmmmm... Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show

24. Any guilty pleasures? many... hahaha

25. If you could have chosen your own name, what would it be? I like my name

26. Who do you most admire in life, and why? I admire my dad and step mom because they get me

27. What is your most treasured possession? my intelligence

28. Tell your favorite funny joke… I can't tell a joke to save my life

29. What is your biggest fear in life? being incapacitated

30. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? What does it remind you of? it's a retired Ben & Jerry's flavor called Wavy Gravy and it reminds me of an amazing ice cream I had in Belgium... really amazing ice cream


not a comedy...

Anjelica Huston is amazing. Seth Rogan plays Seth Rogan (makes me wonder if he's acting or if this is what he's actually like). I thought it was a bromance-comedy but it is quite dramatic and poignant.

random stuff

1. YOU HAVE 10 BUCKS AND NEED TO BUY SNACKS AT A GAS STATION. WHAT DO YOU GET? water and crackers & cheese and nuts


3. WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE REDHEAD? my sisters & me

4. WHAT DO YOU ORDER WHEN YOU’RE AT AN I.H.O.P.? multi-grain pancakes

5. LAST BOOK YOU READ? Pompeii by Robert Harris



8. DESCRIBE THE LAST TIME YOU WERE INJURED. the last major injury was when I fell on my face


10. ROCK CONCERT OR SYMPHONY? oh, I would like both/either


12. SODA? Polar diet orange dry

13. FLAVOR OF PUDDING? chocolate

14. WHAT TYPE OF SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? long sleeve tshirt




18. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? the Muppet version of "Under Pressure"

february snowmageddon...

So you can see we got 10 inches of snow overnight. I had to dig my car out. My landlord plows the snow so it packs in around the end of our cars. It was knee deep. Why do I live in Maine? Sometimes I just don't know.

saturday 9

Do Ya Think I'm Sexy

1. When do you feel that you are at your sexiest? I've been staring at this question for awhile. I have no clue.

2. What's your favorite magazine? Why? O, the Oprah magazine and People, my guilty pleasure

3. What’s something you do more quickly than most people? think

4. When do you first remember using a computer? oh, I took a computing class when I was a college freshman

5. Who is the craziest person in your family? probably me

6. What one thing are you craving today? coffee... we had 10 inches of snow last night and I can't bear the thought of shoveling out my car, so I didn't do my daily run to Dunkin' Donuts

7. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? books and clothes

8. What’s the part of your morning you least look forward to every day? waking to the alarm

9. What are some rules you have for yourself that don’t really make much sense? there isn't enough space on the internet for me to list my ridiculous rules... let's leave it at I have OCD, ok?


friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. I'm feeling lazy.

2. I want more vacation.

3. I need nothing.

4. I was thinking about taking a day trip but the weather foiled that.

5. I wish I had taken off earlier in the week.

6. I'm reading Pompeii, I just picked it up.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching TV, tomorrow my plans include running errands and Sunday, I want to get back in school mode!

music meme

1. What is your favorite song of all time? Does is bring back any special memories? One by U2 in all its forms

2. What song do you like the best of those released in the past year? pretty much anything by Adele

3. Have you been to many concerts? What was your first? Which were your favorites? my first concert was Billy Joel on his Innocent Man tour. I have seen a bunch of 80s bands. I especially enjoyed James Taylor at the ball park in Old Orchard Beach and the Van Morrison concert in Ireland. I think those were my favorites.

4. If you were a musician, what genre of music would you perform? What would your band be called? I'm sure it would be pop but I have no clue what the name would be

5. Recommend 5 songs to your friends:
  • You and I Both by Jason Mraz
  • Mercy by Duffy
  • Forever Man by Eric Clapton
  • Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me by Clay Aiken
  • Under the Table Dreaming by Dave Matthews Band


Guess I'm not going to travel tomorrow, either.

Fri, Feb 24, 2012, 12:38 PM EST










just finished reading...

Another installment in the Jackson Brodie series and another literary novel with a mystery at it's heart. From the publisher:

A day like any other for security chief Tracy Waterhouse, until she makes a shocking impulse purchase. That one moment of madness is all it takes for Tracy’s humdrum world to be turned upside down, the tedium of everyday life replaced by fear and danger at every turn. Witnesses to Tracy’s outrageous exchange in the Merrion Centre in Leeds are Tilly, an elderly actress teetering on the brink of her own disaster, and Jackson Brodie who has returned to his home county in search of someone else’s roots. All three characters learn that the past is never history and that no good deed goes unpunished. (Book Depository)

It's not a typical page-turner but I found I couldn't put it down. It's about love, death, and the search for self. And there are literary references that really kept me on my toes.

I love Jackson Brodie and felt that there wasn't enough of him in this story. But the other characters are so human and compelling that the story is satisfying. What I didn't like was shift in time, it was a little confusing to begin a section in 1975 and find myself in the present in the next sentence. Although, that might be the transition to the e-book, losing some spacing.


because it's snowing today...

I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated not to do anything.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Weather foiled travel plans.

fun app

Discovered a very fun iPad app: Awards Hero: Oscars. I've been playing around with it and watching trailers of all the nominees. And it was free!


w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson, part of the Jackson Brodie mystery series

• What did you recently finish reading? The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern--an unusual book, I can't figure out if I liked it or loved it

• What do you think you’ll read next? Pompeii by Robert Harris, it's a book group selection


just finished reading...

I need one of my friends to read this book so I can talk it over. Because I can't decide if I liked it or loved it. I never quite lost myself in the world of Le Cirque des Rêves. This is quite an imaginative book, I've never quite read anything like it before. It is a story of love, magic, imagination and belief. What I did not like was that in a few places the pace dragged. What I did like, however, was the twists and turns that challenged me to wonder what was going to happen next--how the challenge would play out. It stimulated all my senses and I wished I could walk the grounds with the other Revers.

ten things tuesday...

Ten random things:

1) I met with my bank this morning for an account overhaul. New services (free!!!!) were added and I shuffled some funds around. I have never met with my bank for this purpose. I feel like a grown up.

2) I applied for my passport this morning, after the bank. The public library offers services to assist the application process and it was smoother and faster than I expected. It's really a shame that I live this close to Canada and can't go there because I'm too lazy to get a passport.

3) When I got my passport photo taken, I discovered Reese's eggs are back in season. Naturally, I picked up a couple of bags.

4) While I was at the library, I scoped out the location for the Board of Trustees meeting this afternoon. It will be interesting. Although the agenda is a little dry.

5) I should brush up on Robert's Rules of Order. It's been over twenty years since I've had to abide by them.

6) Traditionally, I buy myself a vacation gift--some kind of electronic goodie but this year, not so much. I don't need anything. Have I grown?

7) President Lincoln was born in Kentucky.

8) I love being on vacation. With no real plans.

9) I'm considering a "lenten" challenge--not shopping, with the exception of household essentials/groceries. I did it last year, too, but I haven't decided because I haven't been as impulsive as I was last year.

10) I should wash my car but it's probably too cold. Bummer because the car is filthy.




presidents day meme

1. Can you name the American Presidents we are honoring? Bonus: Any idea when their real birthdays are? (Don't look it up.) George Washington, born February 22; Abraham Lincoln, born February 12--I know they were both born in the US and I think Washington was born in Virginia but I'm not sure where Lincoln was born

2. Why do you suppose car sales are an important aspect of our President's Day observations in the U.S.? (Feel free to be whimsical.) because we mere mortals are not able to be limo driven around all the time, with Secret Service accompanying us

3. Have you ever been President of a club or organization? How did that feel? yes--I like being in a leadership role--so, let's see: President of the Drama Club in high school, president of the Student Activities Board in college, and the American Association of University Women's local branch in 2005

4. If you could have dinner with any President of the United States no longer living, who would it be? Any particular questions you would like to ask? (Please feel free to substitute a nationally appropriate elected leader, such as a Prime Minister.)
I think I'd like to meet President Andrew Jackson to make up my own mind about his presidency--there are so many contradictions

5. On a more serious note, what are the qualities you hope for in our next President? (As above for those who live in other countries.) Jefferson was an intellectual, Lincoln had patience, Carter had integrity, and Teddy Roosevelt was an advocate for the environment, Reagan and Clinton had the savvy... so if we could take the best of them and combine it... that would do

annual lunch

A year ago I met up with a friend, and her kids, that I haven't seen in a couple of years. I was nervous about it. We met again today and I was excited about it. I invited my bestie to join us, as the three of us were very close when we were in college. Then we went to Dad's so she could introduce her kids to him, too. And Maggie. They loved Maggie. And Dad was impressed with how articulate and personable the kids are. Plus, she looks fantastic. It was quite nice. And I hope it becomes an annual tradition.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
What is the last book that you learned something from? What book was it, and what did it teach you?

I learned a lot about the Kennedy Era from 11/22/63--the book was atmospheric and one of King's strengths is incorporating pop culture into his writing. There was interesting information about the assassination.


finally watched...

There was more to it than I expected.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The 99'er Meme: Final Part

76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? accepting each other for who they are

77) How did/could someone win your heart? by being honest and accepting

78) In your world, what brings on more creativity? having imagination and being excited about what I do

79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? trusting my instincts

80) Why did you break up with your last ex? when I looked into my future, I didn't see his issues being part of my life

81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Thoughtful, loving friend and teacher.

82) What is your favorite word? love

83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word: delusional. drama

84) What is a saying you use a lot? Oh, really...REALLY?

85) Are you watching Idol this season? If yes, how do you like it? yes but I didn't watch the auditions until Hollywood week... and I'm interested to see the final selections

86) Were you surprised that House got canceled? not really

87) What is your current desktop picture? a February calendar

88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? I can't narrow it down

89) What would be a question where you'd not tell the truth? I can't think of anything

90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by WEEPING ANGELS. The Weeping Angles aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What would you do? turn the light off

91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? the power to heal

92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? some moment of clarity and creativity

93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? I'm lucky that I haven't had many horrible experiences--erasing something would change who I am

94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. (let's say that you are both single and available) Who might it be? Larry Mullen, Jr

95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Ireland

96) Do you have any relatives or friends in jail? no

97) Who's winning the U.S. Republican presidential nomination? Why? someone inappropriate

98) Who's winning the next U.S. Presidential election? hopefully, the best candidate

99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Love one another


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

I Second That Emotion

1. Do you ever solicit advise on your love life? I talk things through with my therapist and bestie

2. What was the last thing you argued with someone about? oh, I argue all day every day with teenagers (especially the boys) about the silliest things... fortunately, they are inconsequential arguments

3. Who do you hate right now? no one

4. Who do you love right now? my family and dearest friends

5. Where do you want to be in 6 years? comfortably here

6. What is your craziest vice? probably my love for George--but is that a vice??

7. How did you celebrate Valentines Day? by celebrating the love in my life--lots of love from students, friends and family

8. What is your most unique or fondest memory of a special Valentine's Day? as a kid, I used to love how my sisters and I would sneak our love messages to each other in surprising ways

9. Were you in the same location five years ago that you are today? Would you have expected to be? yes and yes. And I'm glad about that.


urge you...

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. Finally, I am on vacation.

2. Having a new class to teach sure takes some getting used to!

3. Dad says: always buckle up.

4. My Boyfriend is my favorite nick name for George Clooney.

5. It took a long time, but I finished reading the books I've been reading for weeks.

6. I'm a nerd though I wouldn't have it any other way.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on some DVRd shows, tomorrow my plans include running errands and Sunday, I want to think about plans for vacation!


name one thing...

One Thing .....

that makes you smile: laughter

that makes you cry: frustration

that you love to do on the weekends: wake up without the alarm

that you do for only yourself: blog

that you have in your underwear drawer that's NOT underwear: nothing... oh, wait, a potpourri bag

that you do before going to sleep: read

that you do within the first 15 minutes after waking: organize my day

that's in your purse: keys

that you actually LIKE to clean: clothes (I do like doing laundry but I hate the laundromat)

that you DETEST cleaning: I hate putting clean dishes away, does that count?

that other people would find odd about you: when I climb stairs, I start with my left foot

that you would buy if I handed you a $100 bill: books

that you feel you HAVE to do before you die: get myself back to Ireland

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Having a bad song stuck in my head, on repeat--as in over and over and over and over.


w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

• What did you recently finish reading? 11/22/63 by Stephen King and I LOVED it!

• What do you think you’ll read next? Pompeii by Robert Harris, for my book group


ten things tuesday...

Ten ways to beat the Valentine blues:

1) Forget what day it is. Hide the calendar, flip it to March, or just don't look. Valentine's Day is just like any other day. Just because Hallmark sells those cards with hearts on them for February 14, doesn't mean you have to participate.

2) Hang out with family. This seems to be a great retreat to any depressing occasion that you don't want to or can't partake in. Sitting on mom and dad's couch, for instance, will be so comforting.

3) Pig out. Go to your local supermarket and get your favorite snacks. Let yourself have all the things you usually feel guilty consuming, and this time, don't feel the least bit guilty. Just indulge!

4) Buy a new wardrobe. Retail therapy always saves the day, doesn't it? Get yourself to a mall and buy some hot new clothes. That way, when you do have a date, you'll be prepared and oh-so-sexy.

5) Remember that being single is fabulous. Ahhh, it's the old age saying that us single gals say to ourselves when we're home on Fridays dateless. But wait, being single IS fabulous! There's no lying there. Who wouldn't want the paragon of choice and the endless opportunities? The world is your oyster.

6) Eat chocolate. It has been known to cheer women up, which is why so many of them turn to it during times of turmoil. Indulge in a box of truffles or a yummy candy bar.

7) Don't care. It's only a day. It'll be over in no time. Just let it pass by and try not to think about it one bit.

8) Read a great book. Find an inspiring book that will get you back to down-to-earth thoughts that have nothing to do with cheesy stuff with hearts on them and forced dating.

9) Enjoy yourself. No matter what you do on this day – or any day for that matter – always enjoy yourself. You may not have that "other half" that attached people have, but does that mean your life is any less fabulous? No way. To each their own, and love your life.

10) Remind yourself that many couples are unhappy. Valentines, schmalentines – did you ever stop to think that a lot of these men and women out during the holiday may have lots of problems? Just because they're eating a meal together on February 14, doesn't mean they're happier than you. In fact, some are probably quite the opposite.

from: SheKnows.com


sums it up... sort of...

i'm lovin it...

This really cracks me up.

musing mondays

Click here to play along.
What is your favorite romantic book –or book that includes a love story? (an adult romance, young adult, kids’ story, anything)

I think The Time Traveler's Wife is on my list. The Swan Thieves is another one. I really enjoy Maeve Binchy and Jill Mansell books, too.


romantic reads?

Do you have a favorite romantic book?

classic valentine to myself...

An album I knew I wanted, with a hat tip to The Gal. It's a valentine to myself.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The 99'er Meme: Part 3

51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I don't think I do, there aren't a lot of people who've done me wrong

52) What is your astrological sign? Scorpio

53) Do you save money for anything? What? a rainy day

54) What's the last thing you purchased? an iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts

55) Have you ever had a relationship that you realized was lust not love? no

56) In a relationship? not anymore

57) How many relationships have you had? 6 or 7

58) What do you want to tell us about your day? I'm having a lazy day

59) Where were you yesterday? running errands

60) Is there anything interesting within 10 feet of you? define interesting

61) Are you wearing socks right now? I actually am!

62) What's your favorite animal? the dog

63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? my charming awkwardness

64) Where is your best friend? she's probably just getting home from church

65) How did you end your last relationship end? he stopped taking my phone calls so I left a message

66) What is your heritage? French/Irish/German

67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? turning over, looking at the clock

68) What's new? can't think of anything

69) What is the key to seduction? lighthearted intensity

70) What was the weirdest thing that happened to you this week?? weird... hmmm... something that was supposed to be painful wasn't

71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? save the dog

72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? no, nothing out of the ordinary, yes

73) You can only have one of these things: trust or love. trust

74) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? What I Like About You by the Romantics

75) Who has your cell phone number (other than family)? my bestie, a colleague, and my ex


just watched...

Just finished watching The Help. What a great movie to go with a great book. And I love Mary J. Blige's theme song.

saturday 9

Indian Reservation

1. Do you enjoy going to a casino now and again? it's nothing I do with any regularity and I'm not really into it... so I suppose my answer is no

2. What makes you happy most of the time? being me

3. Are you jealous of someone right now? not that I can think of

4. You're stranded on a desert island with one fictional character. Who is it? Why? Macgyver! He's a handy man and he's not hard on the eyes

5. Have you ever been in the emergency room? If yes, for what (most recently)? most recently I took my best friend to the ER because she was having some suspicious symptoms (we were afraid it was a heart episode) but it ended up being stress-related

6. Where is the last place you drove to just for fun? hmmm... I haven't taken a leisurely drive lately

7. If you were to make your living as a photographer, what would love to shoot? animals

8. Tell us about a band you like that we might not have heard. Jessie J--not a band but a popstress

9. Where was the last place you went shopping? Why? to the local Shop'n Save for groceries


just now...

current time: 7:50 pm

in my mug: diet polar orange dry soda

in my belly: roasted red pepper hummus and wheat things

in my ears: Top Chef

in my bag: wallet, calendar, handful of pens, notebook, two sets of keys, three coupons

feeling good about: my teaching this week--I was solid

feeling bummed about: I need to put on my big girl panties and end a relationship

thinking about: what I want to read next

as seen at Janet's

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here:

1. When it comes time to make a decision, I usually stick with my gut reaction.

2. Be quiet during quizzes that must be the rule.

3. Ma says, never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.

4. Talking at the same time as writing is nearly impossible.

5. I never saw puppies being born.

6. Deodorant, not a new invention.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on some DVRd shows, tomorrow my plans include The Breakfast Club and Sunday, I want to enjoy the day!


just finished reading...

It's a Stephen King novel without creepy clowns or scary monsters! Here's an interview with King:

From the publisher:
It begins with Jake Epping, a thirty-five-year-old English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine, who makes extra money teaching GED classes. He asks his students to write about an event that changed their lives, and one essay blows him away—a gruesome, harrowing story about the night more than fifty years ago when Harry Dunning’s father came home and killed his mother, his sister, and his brother with a sledgehammer. Reading the essay is a watershed moment for Jake, his life—like Harry’s, like America’s in 1963—turning on a dime. Not much later his friend Al, who owns the local diner, divulges a secret: his storeroom is a portal to the past, a particular day in 1958. And Al enlists Jake to take over the mission that has become his obsession—to prevent the Kennedy assassination.

So begins Jake’s new life as George Amberson, in a different world of Ike and JFK and Elvis, of big American cars and sock hops and cigarette smoke everywhere. From the dank little city of Derry, Maine (where there’s Dunning business to conduct), to the warmhearted small town of Jodie, Texas, where Jake falls dangerously in love, every turn is leading eventually, of course, to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and to Dallas, where the past becomes heart-stoppingly suspenseful, and where history might not be history anymore. Time-travel has never been so believable. Or so terrifying.
I really loved this novel. The storytelling is amazing. King is at his best, without a doubt. There is some violence and gore, but it is a Stephen King novel. And, truthfully, I don't think I would have read it if it wasn't in e-book form. It's dauntingly huge.


Holy moly I am so tired. I'm headed to bed early.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

A governor who has crack-pot ideas about education.


silly little love songs...

If you were going to make a Valentine's Day mixed CD, what is an essential song?

little bit...

w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? Ok, I figured out why it's taking me so long to finish 11/22/63 by Stephen King book--it's 697 pages long! But I am within 50 pages of being done and I'm loving it!

• What did you recently finish reading? I haven't recently finished anything... I'm working on it, though

• What do you think you’ll read next? I have a ton of books in my TBR queue, but I also have a couple other books going right now so I'll finish one of those.



Ricky Martin on Glee!!! Squeeeeee!

ten things tuesday...

Ten things that begin with the letter I:

A couple of things I am not fond of:

1) Ice roads. Although, with my new tires I feel more secure driving.

2) Itchy skin. Dry, winter air does this to me. Viva lotion!

Things that make me happy:

3) Idleness. I find I need down time. Time to do nothing but hang out.

4) iPad. The more I use it, the more I like it. But I do wish I had the second generation, with the nifty camera.

5) Ice cream. What can I say? I'm a fat girl and I love ice cream.

6) Independence. This is more important to me than ever. One of the struggles I'm having in my relationship is that since my boyfriend isn't from here he doesn't have much of a life outside of me. And I have a busy life. I don't like having someone dependent on me for everything. But that's a post for a different day.

7) Iced coffee. Especially from Dunkin' Donuts. I get one every morning and savor it. Could I make my own? Sure. But mine isn't as yummy and satisfying.

8) Internet. It connects me to a wider world than that in which I geographically live. It's quite isolated here in the North Maine woods.

9) Ideas. As I grow older, I appreciate intellect and creativity. Particularly as they relate to my chosen profession. I like to play with ideas and watch my students formulate their own. And when they "get it" there is no greater feeling.

10) Ireland. Oh, how I have gone on and on about my love of Ireland--it is my favorite place outside the US. I would love to go back. I will go back. I could live there. It felt like home.


musing monday

Click here to play along.
Did you do any reading in lieu of watching the football game, yesterday, or were you foregoing reading to watch the game? If you read a book (or books) what did you choose?

I read while the game was on and paid attention to the commercials and half-time show. I've been working on the same books for a few weeks now so I focused on 11/22/63.

reel comparison...

So, I watched the Swedish version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo as well as the American version. Reading the subtitles didn't bother me at all in the Swedish version. I have to say that I went to see the American version at the theater with a friend who didn't and couldn't follow what was happening from the beginning. And not having read the book, he also wasn't patient enough to pick up what was happening. Both Lisbeth's were fantastic. But Daniel Craig's Mikeal was just a bit too one-dimensional and not as human as Michael Nyqvist.

Just as with the book, the first part of the movie is kind of confusing because it lays out the family tree. But once it got underway, it was compelling. There were parts that were particularly brutal and uncomfortable but that is as the novel unfolded, too.

I guess, now that I'm thinking about it in a comparative way, I preferred the Swedish version. I am very interested to see the rest of the trilogy.



I love Madonna. I thought she was an odd choice for the Superbowl halftime show. Cee Lo Green was a nice touch. As was her controversial Like A Prayer.

better than football...

I realize the BIG GAME is on. Yet I can't resist:


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


This is such an amazing way to get my geek on!

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The 99'er Meme: Part 2

26) Are you happy with the person you've become? quite

27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? slamming doors; laughter and velcro

28) What's your biggest "what if"? I don't play the what if game

29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? no and no

30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. the tv remote; the phone

31) Smell the air. What do you smell? a whiff of my perfume

32) What's the worst place you have ever been to? Amsterdam

33) Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East

34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Ricky Martin is a fine specimen of a man

35) To you, what is the meaning of life? 42

36) Define: Art. that which moves me

37) Do you believe in luck? yes

38) Patriots or Giants? Or, who gives a rat's ass? Patriots

39) Will you watch the game? If yes, with who? I will probably watch by myself

40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? yes and nothing of consequence

41) What was the last book you read? I read a lot of 11/22/63 by Stephen King yesterday

42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? in very limited doses

43) Do you have any nicknames? yes

44) What was the last movie you saw? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

45) What's the worst injury you've ever had? I'll go with when I fell on my face on gravel, I looked monstrous

46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? I've had them land on me

47) Do you have any obsessions right now? yes

48) What's your sexual orientation? north by northwest

49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? yes

50) Do you believe in magic? yes



Spent five hours at the garage today, after a 45-minute drive to get there. And I needed lots done, including new tires. $1,066 later, I'm home. Oy. I really do love my car.

saturday 9

Our House

1. I read that Bud Weiser & Kathy moved into their new house! When was the last time you moved? Where to? I moved into this apartment 17 years ago

2. If they were making a Hall of Fame for the blogosphere, name a blogger or two who you think should make the list. Why? I think The Gal Herself should make the list for encapsulating her life in posts I can relate to

3. What are couple of funny things you remember your parents saying? (Like, “They're starving there in China, so finish what you've got.” - John Lennon) Do you say them to your kids? I don't have kids of my own but I find myself saying "teacher" things to my students

4. What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle? my doctor diagnosing pulmonary emboli from an off hand remark I made

5. What is it too late for? reconciliation

6. What do you try to stay away from? situations that do not enhance my being

7. When you get into a disagreement or fight, how often are you the first to apologize? I don't get into disagreements or fights that require apology

8. Tell us about a current issue that you’re unhappy with. Pro-life people who think life is on their terms

9. How often do you update your blog/site and why? daily, because it's fun


my day...

I don't know why it won't show bigger: "Can you repeat the part of the stuff where you told all about the things?"

friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. Go ahead, there's some more.

2. Hopefully, I'll get that soon!

3. Don't worry, today is Friday.

4. We're done working for the day.

5. Pretty much anything is better than that.

6. It's fine with me.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hopefully hanging with my bestie, tomorrow my plans include an oil change and tire rotation and Sunday, I want to have fun!


soul questions

As seen at The Gal's:

1. What is your dream job? I used to say working for Oprah would be a blast, but yanno, the gig I have right now has a lot of pluses

2. What fulfills you? knowing that I connected with someone

3. What’s your greatest fear? becoming incapacitated/dependent

4. What do you want more of in life? love and hugs

5. What is your greatest accomplishment? becoming me

6. What are you ashamed of? my hoarding tendencies

7. What makes you sad? not being accepted for who I am

8. What’s the hardest thing you’ve experienced? not having enough

9. What’s great about you? I am a great listener

10. Who are you? I am me--comfortable in my own skin, confident in my abilities, and always working at something

11. What/Who inspires you? I am inspired, lately, by my colleagues--creative and innovative teachers that don't mind when I steal their ideas

go red

Do something wonderful for your heart--get informed.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Boo hiss!



w.w.w. wednesday

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? I'm reading The Serpent In The Garden by Janet Gleeson and 11/22/63 by Stephen King--still reading them, I should add; and I picked up Watermark by Vanitha Sankaran

• What did you recently finish reading? I'm reading three books at once, if I focused on just one I would be finished by now, I'm sure...

• What do you think you’ll read next? it seems I'll be lucky to finish one of the three I've been reading for weeks! I don't know what I'll read next...