
reel comparison...

So, I watched the Swedish version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo as well as the American version. Reading the subtitles didn't bother me at all in the Swedish version. I have to say that I went to see the American version at the theater with a friend who didn't and couldn't follow what was happening from the beginning. And not having read the book, he also wasn't patient enough to pick up what was happening. Both Lisbeth's were fantastic. But Daniel Craig's Mikeal was just a bit too one-dimensional and not as human as Michael Nyqvist.

Just as with the book, the first part of the movie is kind of confusing because it lays out the family tree. But once it got underway, it was compelling. There were parts that were particularly brutal and uncomfortable but that is as the novel unfolded, too.

I guess, now that I'm thinking about it in a comparative way, I preferred the Swedish version. I am very interested to see the rest of the trilogy.


Mrs. Chili said...

I've only seen the Swedish version so far (I bought it on DVD a while ago). I suspect I'll have to wait until the American take on the story comes out on DVD, too - I think I missed it in our theatres.

The Gal Herself said...

Thank for your the compare/contrast, because I know you are a fan of the series. I came to the American movie as a Salander virgin but had no problem following the plot or keeping the cast of characters straight. I just found the ugliness, the intensity, the violence hard to take. So while I *appreciated* this movie, I didn't like it. Mara Rooney's heroine was more sympathetic than I thought possible. When she said, "I made a friend," I thought I'd cry. Still, I think I'll stop with this one. Don't think I'll seek out the foreign version or any sequels.

Bev Sykes said...

I'm so glad to hear your review. I loved the Swedish version and guess I'll pass on the American version.

And anybody who thinks the first movie is too violent should DEFINITELY not continue with the series!