
february snowmageddon...

So you can see we got 10 inches of snow overnight. I had to dig my car out. My landlord plows the snow so it packs in around the end of our cars. It was knee deep. Why do I live in Maine? Sometimes I just don't know.


Diana_CT said...

We got 5" yesterday, it was the only snow we had since October.

The Gal Herself said...

I feel strangely guilty that you got the snow they were predicting for us.

If you'd like to steal our 2011 name, feel free to call it SNOtorius B.I.G.

The Gal Herself said...

PS Avoiding snow is a stupid reason to move. Where would you go? Down South has hurricanes, out West there are earthquakes. As I say to my friends in LA and Key West, at least when the snow melts, my house is still here.

Diana_CT said...

@ Gal Herself
Last year here in Connecticut we had an earthquake (the August Virgina earthquake rattled the house), a hurricane in September that knocked out power for a week. tornadoes and a blizzard in October that also knocked out power for a week. 2011 was not a good year.

But I still love New England

The Gal Herself said...

@Diana, I have a friend who moved to Key West to avoid the snow and ended up evacuating SEVEN TIMES in two years because of hurricanes. There's a tremendous expense to that and it's not reimbursable. None of that would have happened to him here. I have a friend who moved to Los Angeles to avoid the snow and was stuck in traffic for so long she had a panic attack, weeping and unable to move in the massive gridlock, all because traffic had to be rerouted to avoid brush fires, also in 2011. In Chicago in 2011, we got 15" snow in less than 24 hrs., and that wasn't even the record amount for my lifetime. It was impressive, sure, but life went on. I take that as emperical proof that moving to escape snow is dopey. There are natural disasters (we have tornadoes here in the Midwest, too -- Wizard of Oz, anyone?) wherever you go. But compared to what you could face, snow is not that bad. Especially since we can count on it every year, can predict it days in advance and, for the most part, know how to handle it. I still say, "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"

Diana_CT said...

I do love New England with all of its weather. I love curling up in front of the fireplace on a snowy day and reading.

Kwizgiver said...

You'd never know we had a snow storm at all, today. The roads are clear, the sidewalks have been plowed, and the sun is shining.

I just love whining about it.