
friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. Finally, I am on vacation.

2. Having a new class to teach sure takes some getting used to!

3. Dad says: always buckle up.

4. My Boyfriend is my favorite nick name for George Clooney.

5. It took a long time, but I finished reading the books I've been reading for weeks.

6. I'm a nerd though I wouldn't have it any other way.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on some DVRd shows, tomorrow my plans include running errands and Sunday, I want to think about plans for vacation!


Diana_CT said...

That's very good advice that your dad gave you.

I do it all the time. Ever since I tried to go through a windshield back in the 70s and I decided it wasn't fun.

The Gal Herself said...

I have now decided that the Go Gos are your theme song, "Vacation, all I ever wanted ..."