
ophthalmologist day

Today was ophthalmologist day.  I like the doctor a lot.  She made me feel comfortable and confident and took the time to explain what's going on.  She called it macular something or other (NOT degeneration) and explained that I probably have had it for a while, perhaps a few years, and it's a fluke that it bothered me when I went to my annual eye exam.  The treatment has a wait-and-see element to it.  But it is a series of three shots over twelve weeks.  Shots.  In my eyeballs.  Then we wait and see how it works.  It is possible that my vision won't recover or improve.  The treatment will prevent worsening.  Fortunately, my right eye is better than 20/20.  So, fingers crossed.  Good mojo.  Good vibes.  Good juju.  Prayers welcome.  Etc, etc, etc.  The first shot is scheduled for January 23.  


Diana_CT said...

Yesterday was my ophthalmologist day, I'm having cataract surgery in July.

The Gal Herself said...

I appreciate how upsetting this news must be. But I am loving your attitude, and glad you're comfortable with your doctor. Fingers crossed!