
finished reading

What a timely novel.  It deals with cultural appropriation, cancel culture, diversity, racism, and other themes.  Written by an Asian-American author the story is told from a white woman's perspective as she steals and publishes her Chinese-American friend's novel about Chinese laborers in WWI.  It's about who gets to tell stories.  

It's an excellent book group selection!  There is so much to talk about.

June, a struggling writer, witnesses the death of her more successful friend Athena, a Chinese-American author. Seized by jealousy and ambition, June steals Athena's unfinished manuscript about Chinese laborers in World War I. Editing it heavily, June publishes it under a pseudonym and a hint of Asian heritage, achieving the acclaim she craved. However, her success crumbles as accusations of plagiarism and cultural appropriation surface, forcing June to confront her actions and the skewed priorities of the publishing industry. 

#52bookclub prompt 41: a sticker on the cover.

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