
the friday 56


*Grab a book, any book. 

*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.) 

*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) 

*Post it. 

I'm reading  Nobody, Somebody, Anybody by Kelly McClorey.

From Chapter 3:

On the fifth of July, I had a meeting scheduled with Doug after my shift.  I'd requested the meeting myself after compiling an extensive list of recommended changes for the hotel floor.  Informed by Florence Nightengale's writings and some more contemporary literature.  I carried my proposal down to his office in a handsome leather folder.  


fredamans said...

The cover has me in stitches!! Happy New Year!

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

The cover and the title are enough to interest me. Happy New Year My final Book Beginnings-Friday56 of 2021