
the friday 56

  The Friday 56


*Grab a book, any book. 

*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.) 

*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) 

*Post it. 

I'm slowly reading History of the Rain

From 20%:

For her part Grandmother had that no-nonsense Headmistress thing that made her think this man could be Knocked Back into shape, he could be Straightened Out, and with her fine boneage and those awesome elbows Grandmother was a born Knocker and Straightener.


fredamans said...

LOL sounds like a wonderful woman! Happy weekend!

Lauren Stoolfire said...

Sounds good. I hope you enjoy!

Literary Feline said...

I have heard about this one and have been curious about it. I like the excerpt you shared. I love the description of the grandmother. I hope you have a great weekend!