Why Did I Choose You?
1) In this song, Barbra Streisand reassures her lover that, if she had it all to do again, she would still choose him. Tell us about a decision you've made that you never, ever regretted. Accepting the one-year teaching position that has since turned into a 23-year career
2) The music was composed by Michael Leonard, who studied classical music at Julliard and the Handel Conservatory of Music in Munich. Do you often listen to classical music? not often, but I have some playlists I like to listen to at school when I have to concentrate
3) The lyrics were written by Herbert Martin. He taught music in the NYC public school system and during the summer worked in summer stock. That's how he met and began collaborating with Michael Leonard. Tell us how you met someone important in your life. I met my dearest friends through the drama club in high school--we were drama jocks! They are our favorite shared memories.
4) Ms. Streisand was a very good student, graduating fourth in her class at Erasmus Hall High School when she was only 16. One of Barbra's classmates was Neil Diamond. Do you have a favorite Neil Diamond song? not particularly--of course I will always sing along to Sweet Caroline, it's like the New England anthem
5) While she didn't go on to college, she continued her education by attending two different acting schools simultaneously. Did you enjoy being a student? not especially, unless it's something I'm really interested in studying
5) While she didn't go on to college, she continued her education by attending two different acting schools simultaneously. Did you enjoy being a student? not especially, unless it's something I'm really interested in studying
6) Barbra and her first husband, Elliott Gould, shared a New York apartment over a 5th Avenue restaurant called Oscar's Salt of the Sea. Elliott originated the role of Trapper John in the movie M*A*S*H. On TV, the role of Trapper was played by Wayne Rogers. Can you think of another role that's been played by more than one actor? Darren on Bewitched
7) Oscar's Salt of the Sea has ties to Sesame Street. Jim Henson loved their food and was amused by how inhospitable the owner, Oscar, could be. That's how Oscar the Grouch got his name. Which is your favorite Muppet? Kermit, although I have a very soft spot for Fozzy Bear
8) Back to Barbra ... She is a successful recording artist (nominated for 45 Grammy awards, winning 8) and an Oscar-winning actress, but she's suffered career disappointments, too. In 2010, she read the book Hidden Figures and tried to buy the rights so she could direct the film version. She lost out to fellow Brooklynite, director Theodore Melfi. In 2016, his movie of Hidden Figures was released. Did you see the movie or read the book? yes to both
9) Random question: Your best friend takes up painting and proudly presents her first framed work to you. You think it's atrocious. Would you hang it in your home anyway? yes, I would find an out of the way place to hang it
9) Random question: Your best friend takes up painting and proudly presents her first framed work to you. You think it's atrocious. Would you hang it in your home anyway? yes, I would find an out of the way place to hang it
As I have been reading the other blogs I remembered that I bought a painting that I wasn't particularly fond of because it was a silent auction to raise money for a surgery he needed.
Kermit...my favorite too
Clearly, Darrin is the proper answer.
I think it's wonderful that you found your career path so early.
Sweet Caroline is such a great song! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.
Sweet Caroline is one of those songs everyone knows and has to sing along with. Piano Man is another one. I love when they come on and people spontaneously start singing along.
"Sweet Caroline" is my second most favorite song from Neil Diamond.
I wish I'd gotten my calling to teach a little earlier.
Published too soon. !!
"Hidden Figures" was an amazing story. And the impact those three women had on the whole program didn't cure the bias until decades after. We almost got to have a black astronaut. I hate racism with an undying passion.
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