
finished reading

This is a genre-bending book: a post-apocalyptic, speculative-fiction mystery.  If I say too much about it, I'm afraid I'll spoil it.  So--I'll say that it's thought-provoking and timely.  It's about knowledge and the power that comes with knowledge.  As more is revealed, the tension and almost gothic nature create a creepy atmosphere. The main character's philosophical and moral struggles were human and real.  

The title refers to the pre-modern practice of having two sets of sleep times, the first being sunset to about midnight and the second being the morning hours until sunup.  It's a metaphor that works with the theme of being awake to the world around you.

From the publisher:
1468. A young priest, Christopher Fairfax, arrives in a remote Exmoor village to conduct the funeral of his predecessor. The land around is strewn with ancient artifacts--coins, fragments of glass, human bones--which the old parson used to collect. Did his obsession with the past lead to his death?
Fairfax becomes determined to discover the truth. Over the course of the next six days, everything he believes--about himself, his faith, and the history of his world--will be tested to destruction.

The audio narration is fantastic!  One of the best audiobooks I've listened to.

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