
sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Unusual Music

1. A song that gives you goosebumps Canon in D and No More Drama
2. A song you hated once but now love anything from Madonna's early years
3. Do you remember your first CD? Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
4. Has your music taste changed much since childhood? nope
5. Favorite genre? rock
6. What’s a genre or style of music that you just don’t understand? Dirge Metal aka Doom Metal
7. Do you have a process for listening to music, such as listening to the instruments more than words? I usually only half-listen for my first listen, then I go back with my full attention to songs that capture my interest
8. What’s your favorite thing about your favorite song? all of it--the yearning in Bono's voice
9. Do you have a favorite decade for music? hmmm... usually I say the 80s but it might be the 90s
10. Can you play any instruments? I am pretty good at percussive instruments (not drums)
11. Do you remember your first favorite song? no, I do not
12. What was the first concert you ever attended? Billy Joel's Innocent Man tour in 1984

finished reading

This is the book for 90s rom-com fans. Of which I am. It celebrates the meet-cute. It celebrates Nora Ephron's writings and spirit. It celebrates Tom Hanks' characters in romantic comedies, not necessarily Tom Hanks the person--although he is worth celebrating. I maay have liked the secondary characters more than I liked the main character, Annie. It's a charming, delightful, summer read. Now, excuse me while I binge watch my favorite rom-coms.

From the publisher:
Annie Cassidy dreams of being the next Nora Ephron. She spends her days writing screenplays, rewatching Sleepless in Seattle, and waiting for her movie-perfect meet-cute. If she could just find her own Tom Hanks—a man who’s sweet, sensitive, and possibly owns a houseboat—her problems would disappear and her life would be perfect. But Tom Hanks is nowhere in sight.

When a movie starts filming in her neighborhood and Annie gets a job on set, it seems like a sign. Then Annie meets the lead actor, Drew Danforth, a cocky prankster who couldn’t be less like Tom Hanks if he tried. Their meet-cute is more of a meet-fail, but soon Annie finds herself sharing some classic rom-com moments with Drew. Her Tom Hanks can’t be an actor who’s leaving town in a matter of days . . . can he?


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


finished reading

It's a character-driven story about Susan and the themes range from sibling rivalry, alcoholism, dementia, grief, lost love, inheritance disputes, single parenthood, adoption, and mature age pregnancy. Although Susan's idiosyncratic world is black and white, it turns out that no one is all good or all bad. The secondary characters are well done--the estranged brother, the flustered single-mom neighbor, the former roommate, the aunt and cousins, and the unlikely romantic interests.

From the publisher:
For Susan Green, messy emotions don’t fit into the equation of her perfectly ordered life. She has a flat that is ideal for one, a job that suits her passion for logic, and an “interpersonal arrangement” that provides cultural and other, more intimate, benefits. But suddenly confronted with the loss of her mother and the news that she is about to become a mother herself, Susan’s greatest fear is realized. She is losing control.

Enter Rob, the dubious but well-meaning friend of her indolent brother. As Susan’s due date draws near and her dismantled world falls further into a tailspin, Susan finds an unlikely ally in Rob. She might have a chance at finding real love and learning to love herself, if only she can figure out how to let go.

saturday 9

Ooh La La

1) "Ooh la la" is defined as an interjection said when you think someone or something is "surprising, unusual or attractive." Looking back over this week, did you come across anything that deserves an "ooh la la?" I actually said "ohh la la" this past week to a former student who's going to Finland on a Rotary Student Exchange

2) In this song, Britney Spears sings that she's eager to accompany you, even if you're not a millionaire. But let's say you suddenly become really rich. What's the first leisure trip you would take with your new funds? Who would you bring along? I would either take my sisters on a trip to Disney for adults or take a family trip to Italy

3) Britney is eager to dance with you, even if you don't wear designer clothes. Let's say you need to add a blouse (or shirt) to your wardrobe. Where's your go-to for clothes shopping? it depends on the style and occasion--I might go to CJ Banks or shop online at Loft

4) The video begins with Britney at the movies with her two young sons. Will you be seeing any family members this weekend? I do not believe so

5) This is a theme from the movie Smurfs 2. A Smurf is a little blue creature who lives in a mushroom-shaped house in the forest. Assuming that your home is not shaped like a mushroom and isn't in the forest, how would you describe your abode? (Mansion, ranch house, farm house, high-rise, igloo ...) it is a large house that has been converted to apartments

6) Britney admits to smoking and biting her nails. What bad habit do you wish you could break? I am lazy

7) In 2013, when this song was popular, Pope Benedict resigned. Thinking over your working life, have you been more nervous on your first day of a job, or the last one? by far the first--I get a case of the jitters on the first day of school every year because there is so much to remember and do plus almost 100 new names and faces to learn

8) Also in 2013, golfer Phil Mickelson won the British Open. When did you most recently golf? how recent is never? I have never actually golfed although I have been a paid caddy... unless we're talking mini-golf, then it's been about three weeks

9) Random question -- On what part of your body was the last itch you scratched?
my right upper arm near the shoulder


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading the Waiting for Tom Hanks.

Just like he does on the red carpet, he's deflecting questions, not taking anything seriously. It's more than a little infuriating. "Why are you even in this movie?" I ask, irritation dripping from my voice.

Drew raises his eyebrows. "What?"

I shrug. "I mean, you don't want to talk to any of your coworkers, you hide in your trailer all the time--"

"Who said I hide in my trailer all the time?"

"Uh, anyone on set?"

"I talk to people!" he says indignant. "I'm talking to you aren't I?"

"Under duress."

"Oh yes, poor me," he says. "Forced to eat Chicken McNuggets with a beautiful woman. My life is so rough."


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Thing one: I am caught up on my TV shows.

Thing two: I am staying up late because I can.

Thing three: I am on my 4th skein of yarn for this shawl. I can't wait to finish (maybe tomorrow!) and block it.

finished reading

This is categorized as a thriller and a romantic suspense book. There were some twisty parts that I suspected but didn't fully guess. It was a good summer read--quick, with an ending that has me wondering what the truth was. Dark and disturbing and creepy, and cliched and campy.

From the publisher:
Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish.

Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity's notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn't expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of what really happened the day her daughter died.

Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents would devastate the already grieving father. But as Lowen's feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife's words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue to love her.


wordless wednesday

finished reading

A re-read for my book group. This time I listened to it and it was a whole different experience. I picked up so many nuances that I didn't on my first read; of course I know so much more about all the characters and secondary characters now that comparing how I picture them with their introductory descriptions was fun. The language is rich and the descriptions of food are amazing!

I love re-reading my original book review.



I am...

Reading: Still Life, a re-read for my book group and revisiting the beginning of this series makes me so happy

Listening to: Bruce Springsteen

Loving: this time of year--flowers are blooming, trees are vibrantly green, finally there is no snow (ok, the snow's been gone for a couple of months but it was here for so long)

Thinking: about how to schedule my days so I don't feel like I've wasted my whole summer

Feeling: fantastic

Celebrating: still thinking of my Breakfast Club friends--it's been 11 or so years that we've been getting together every few weeks and their friendships anchor me

Grateful for: people in my life who accept and love me for me

Weather: currently 58 degrees but on the way to 72 and partly sunny--my idea of a perfect day!

Enjoying: my manicure

A quote I want to share:

“There are four things that lead to wisdom. You ready for them?'
She nodded, wondering when the police work would begin.
"They are four sentences we learn to say, and mean." Gamache held up his hand as a fist and raised a finger with each point. "I don't know. I need help. I'm sorry. I was wrong'.”
― Louise Penny, Still Life


the boss is back

This is a brilliant album. The Boss is still the boss! I keep playing "There Goes My Miracle."

self-care sunday

Today was a great self-care day. From the textures and comfy clothes I'm wearing to the awesome book I'm listening to to the conversations I've had with my sisters and bestie--it's been an awesome day.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Happy Questions

1. Are you a happy person? overall, yes

2. What is happiness for you? contentment, mindfulness, an attitude of gratitude

3. What do you think is the color of happiness? either pink or yellow or maybe orange or rainbow

4. Can money buy happiness? no, but it can make life easier

5. Is happiness a state of mind? yes

6. What are three things that make you happy? laughter, hugs, puppy videos

7. Does having a pet make you happy? I think it would

8. When was the happiest time of your childhood? uh...before my mum died is idealized by many, so I guess then (I don't really remember)

9. Can you be happy if you are rich? sure

10. Do you think happiness lies within you or does it depend on other people and external things? definitely lies within

11. Are single people happy? of course

12. What is the effect that animals/pets have on people to make them feel happy? they make us think outside of ourselves and they are unconditional in their love

13. Can you be happy if you are poor? of course

14. What is there to be happy about in today’s world? friendship, love, being peace in the chaos

15. How happy are you compared with your friends. I don't compare myself to my friends, ever.

finished reading

I almost didn't finish this book because the curmudgeonly character of David Granger is so awful. He is foul-mouthed but beyond that presents as a racist, Vietnam veteran, homophobic, xenophobic, gun hoarding, ultra-right wing, conspiracy theorist, conservative--kind of like an Archie Bunker on steroids. But then the secondary characters made their appearances in the story and they stretch David's horizons and we ultimately find out he's a proponant of unity and harmony.

This book challenged me. And I was up for the challenge. I'm still thinking about it. I liked it.

From the publisher:
After sixty-eight-year-old David Granger crashes his BMW, medical tests reveal a brain tumor that he readily attributes to his wartime Agent Orange exposure. He wakes up from surgery repeating a name no one in his civilian life has ever heard—that of a Native American soldier whom he was once ordered to discipline. David decides to return something precious he long ago stole from the man he now calls Clayton Fire Bear. It might be the only way to find closure in a world increasingly at odds with the one he served to protect. It might also help him finally recover from his wife’s untimely demise.

As David confronts his past to salvage his present, a poignant portrait emerges: that of an opinionated and goodhearted American patriot fighting like hell to stay true to his red, white, and blue heart, even as the country he loves rapidly changes in ways he doesn’t always like or understand. Hanging in the balance are Granger’s distant art-dealing son, Hank; his adoring seven-year-old granddaughter, Ella; and his best friend, Sue, a Vietnamese-American who respects David’s fearless sincerity.

Through the controversial, wrenching, and wildly honest David Granger, Matthew Quick offers a no-nonsense but ultimately hopeful view of America’s polarized psyche. By turns irascible and hilarious, insightful and inconvenient, David is a complex, wounded, honorable, and loving man.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.



saturday 9

Venus in Blue Jeans

1) Like the dream girl described in this song, Sam is wearing jeans as she composes this Saturday 9. Is there a lot of denim in your wardrobe? yes--lots of denim, blue jeans, black jeans, and all sorts of other colors

2) Jimmy Clanton likens this girl to the Venus de Milo, the ancient Greek sculpture made of marble and now on display at the Louvre. Is there any marble in your home? no marble (I've lost my marbles)

3) He refers to his girl as "Mona Lisa with a pony tail." The Mona Lisa is also at the Louvre. What's the last museum you visited? I went to an art gallery, if that counts, not too long ago

4) This girl is so awesome, she's the 8th Wonder of the World! Without looking it up, could you name the other 7? man, oh man, I used to be able to

5) Jimmy Clanton spent his entire professional life behind a microphone. After he quit selling records, he began spinning them as a DJ. Do you consider the sound of your voice one of your better qualities? I have a pretty pleasant radio voice--and my students comment that they never get bored listening to me because I use a lot of inflection

6) At age 80, Mr. Clanton still performs. He averaged an appearance/month in 2018. Some of his fans were surprised that he has let his pompadour go completely white. Do you color your hair? no, I don't

7) In 1962, when this song was popular, Americans were reading about 5-year-old First Daughter, Caroline Kennedy, and her pony, Macaroni. Tell us about a pet you had when you were very young. my first dog was a curly-haired dachshund with a name as long as his body: Figaro J. Junior Maxwell Hyde DeFranco Ladner (and I have no idea where we came up with all those names)

8) Decades later, Caroline Kennedy was the first woman to serve as US Ambassador to Japan. Have you ever been to Asia? I have zero interest in traveling to Asia

9) Random question: When talking among themselves, who do you think is more open and honest about sex -- men or women? women

the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading the The Reason You're Alive.

The first thing that happened when I moved into my son's house was this: Ella and I had a tea party. This was to welcome me because my granddaughter is a hell of a lot more thoughtful than her foreigner mother. My son, Hank did not attend. Normally I don't have tea parties with little girls but I made an exception because my granddaughter allowed me to have real coffee. So the tea party was just barely manly enough to be okay.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Me and my sisters:





just finished reading

This is a much-lauded, award-listed book. And I give it a "meh." There's a lot of lovely passages--I didn't connect with the characters.

From the publisher:
At school Connell and Marianne pretend not to know each other. He’s popular and well-adjusted, star of the school soccer team while she is lonely, proud, and intensely private. But when Connell comes to pick his mother up from her housekeeping job at Marianne’s house, a strange and indelible connection grows between the two teenagers—one they are determined to conceal.

A year later, they’re both studying at Trinity College in Dublin. Marianne has found her feet in a new social world while Connell hangs at the sidelines, shy and uncertain. Throughout their years in college, Marianne and Connell circle one another, straying toward other people and possibilities but always magnetically, irresistibly drawn back together. Then, as she veers into self-destruction and he begins to search for meaning elsewhere, each must confront how far they are willing to go to save the other.

unraveled wednesday

Join Kat @ AsKatKnits for some fun!

Knitting away on New Paths and I am listening to Normal People.

ten things tuesday

Ten random things:

1) Had a wonderful visit with Pennsylvania sister and her family. We got choked up saying goodbye to each other.

2) Had a wonderful visit with Virginia sister and her family. I spent a lot of time with my youngest niece and it was so fun to reconnect.

3) My favorite uncle's funeral yesterday was a celebration of his life and it was a happy gathering. I saw cousins I haven't seen in 30+ years.

4) Today was the beginning of the Great End Of School Recovery Program: I stayed lazily in bed until I couldn't stand myself anymore. I went to bed when I felt like it.

5) Next week is the Hugh Jackman show.


7) Two different nights I have fallen asleep sitting up. WTH is up with that?

8) I love the beginning of vacation when I'm trying to figure out the rhythm of my days.

9) Unfortunately, it's supposed to rain tomorrow.

10) I forgot to have dinner and now I'm super hungry.



I am...

Reading: The Cactus

Listening to: a Spotify playlist

Loving: all the family time I've had in the past week

Thinking: about the rest of this week's plans (which include lots of doing nothing)

Feeling: happily exhausted after a whirlwind 320-mile trip

Celebrating: spending time with my cousins and other family members at my favorite uncle's funeral

Grateful for: time off tomorrow to recuperate from the end of the school year and all the commotion of my sisters' visits

Weather: currently 68 degrees and partly sunny

Enjoying: beautiful weather

A quote I want to share:



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

More from Facebook


Last beverage: Schweppes Lemon Lime Sparkling Seltzer Water
Last phone call: my Virginia sister
Last text message: a group text with both Virginia & Pennsylvania sisters
Last song you listened to: Twenty-One Pilots "Stressed Out"
Last time you cried: Friday


Been cheated on: sort of
Kissed someone & regretted it: yes
Lost someone special: yes
Been depressed: yes
Drunk hard liquor: yes
Lost glasses/contacts: no


Last time you saw your mother: 47 years ago--before she died
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes, I dated a Tom
Most visited Webpages: Facebook, Ravelry, Email, and Blogger
Will you be celebrating Fathers day? yes
When did you first realize you were an adult? it frequently occurs to me


saturday 9

I Learned from You
... Because it's Father's Day weekend.

1) This song is a duet by the father/daughter team, Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus. Is your family musically inclined? yes--my dad is a professional musician (church organ and community choral society) and all of my sisters are musical, too

2) This song is about life lessons. Who has been a major influence on your life? my dad, hands down

3) Miley's given name is "Destiny." Her nickname as a baby was "Smiley," which is where Miley came from. What's something that can always be depended upon to make you smile? hearing babies giggle and puppy videos

4) Miley's father, country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, has 5 children in addition to Miley (6 in all). Are you the oldest, the middle or the youngest sibling? Or are you an only child? I'm the youngest

5) Sam's own father often traveled for business, and always remembered to bring her the little complimentary soaps, shampoos or body lotion he got from the hotel. Tell us about an inexpensive but treasured souvenir from a trip you've taken. I like to buy scarves from my travels

6) Back when Sam was in high school, it was her father who gave her driving lessons. Are you patient when teaching someone something new? yes, I am very patient

7) Sam's father is easy to buy for: every year he wants a new pair of loafers, so every year for Father's Day she gives him a DSW gift card. Is there anyone on your gift list that you find it easy to buy for? I usually find most people easy to buy for except for my parents

8) For family barbecues, Sam's dad dons his "Kiss the Chef" apron and mans the Weber. What's the last thing you cooked on the grill?
I didn't actually do the grilling but I made the burgers for our cookout

9) Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. When you crave a snack, do you usually reach for something sweet or salty?
well--it depends on where I am at home, probably salty but if I'm at school something sweet


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm reading the The Cactus.

I thought I'd successfully dispatched Richard, perhaps with a scintilla of regret on my part for the loss of our Wednesday evenings, but it wasn't quite over yet.


three on thursday

Click the image to play along!

Thing One:
School's out for summer!

Thing Two:
I had an amazing visit with Pennsylvania sister!

Thing Three:
I also had an amazing visit with my eldest nephew! I'm going to get up early to see him and his family off in the morning.



I am...

Reading: still listening to The Bookshop of Yesterdays

Listening to: the hum of the laptop cooling mat

Loving: sister time! My Pennsylvania sister is here!

Thinking: organizing in my mind--Wednesday is the final half-day of school and I want to be out of there before the busses!

Feeling: tired but happy--sister time!

Celebrating: the end of the school year!

Grateful for: taking my last personal day tomorrow: I didn't have an exam to give and would have no students all day plus I would be wishing I wasn't there

Weather: tomorrow is going to rain, today was 78 and sunny

Enjoying: lots of laughs with my family

A quote I want to share:


just finished reading

Well-written and a quick read, but not one that will stick with me as other novels by Jojo Moyes have. I didn't like the main character. I did like the dual narrative timelines.

From the publisher:
In the sixties, Athene Forster was the most glamorous girl of her generation. Nicknamed the Last Deb, she was also beautiful, spoiled, and out of control. When she agreed to marry the gorgeous young heir Douglas Fairley-Hulme, her parents breathed a sigh of relief. But within two years, rumors had begun to circulate about Athene's affair with a young salesman.

Thirty-five years later, Suzanna Peacock is struggling with her notorious mother's legacy. The only place Suzanna finds comfort is in The Peacock Emporium, the beautiful coffee bar and shop she opens that soon enchants her little town. There she makes perhaps the first real friends of her life, including Alejandro, a male midwife, escaping his own ghosts in Argentina.

The specter of her mother still haunts Suzanna. But only by confronting both her family and her innermost self will she finally reckon with the past--and discover that the key to her history, and her happiness, may have been in front of her all along.

sunday self-care

My Pennsylvania sister and her husband, son, DIL, and grandchildren are here. I spent the afternoon with them. I got overwhelmed by the commotion and decided to come home when they were going out to eat at a restaurant I don't particularly care for. I'll give them some alone time with our parents tonight. I feel guilty, but I feel good, I was feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Would you rather?

1. Would you rather be able to detect any lie you hear or get away with any lie you tell? probably get away with any lie I tell--because I would be too frustrated and upset if I knew lies I hear

2. Would you rather be a hopeless romantic or a hopeless unromantic? hopeless romantic

3. Would you rather have too many friends or too few? I don't think you can have too many friends

4. Would you rather have no taste buds or be blind? no taste buds

5. Would you rather never hear music again or lose the ability to read? if I lose the ability to read I can listen to audiobooks, right?

6. Would you rather find true love or be rich? be rich

7. Would you rather be the richest person or the smartest? smartest

8. Would you rather create history or delete it? create history

9. Would you rather create a great piece of art and not get credit or get credit for a piece of art you didn’t create? not get credit

10. Would you rather age from the neck up, or from the neck down? oh, I would rather age from the neck up if not aging from the neck down means not losing skin elasticity, muscle tone, etc

11. Would you rather see the world but live in poverty or stay in one place and live rich? hmmm... that's a tough one

12. Would you rather become famous or powerful? I would rather be... powerful

13. Would you rather be a creative person or a technical person? creative

14. Would you rather get a paper cut whenever you touch paper or bit your tongue whenever you eat something? paper cut

15. Would you rather wake up in the morning looking like a giraffe or a kangaroo? giraffe

16. Would you rather speak “whale” or read babies’ minds. speak "whale"

17. Would you rather eat pizza every day or never eat pizza again? pizza every day

18 Would you rather stay forever at your current age or be 10 years younger? I don't think I understand this one


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


saturday 9

I'm Moving On

1) In this song, Chyvonne Scott sings that she's sick of her lover's "conniving." Tell us about a time you felt deceived. (It doesn't have to involve romance.) ugh... at school a colleague revealed something I told him in confidence and another teacher "came to the source" because my name was "being bandied about"

2) She realizes it's time to move on to another love. What's your favorite love song? Is it about a relationship that's running smoothly? Or is it like "I'm Moving On," about an unhappy love affair? It might be Tell Her This by Del Amitri

3) Though Chyvonne Scott enjoyed only limited success as a recording artist, she was very popular in New York clubs. When did you most recently listen to music performed live? about six months ago I heard a local band play--it was great fun!

4) In 2017, this song appeared on a Samsung commercial that poked fun at rival iPhone. Is your cell phone an Apple or Android? How did you choose your phone? I have an Apple because I had a lot of other Apple products

5) Chyvonne is an unusual name. In 1965, when this song was first released, the most popular baby names in the US were Michael and Lisa. Do you have any Michaels or Lisas in your life? I will have a Michael in class next year and a former student's mom's name is Lisa (and we're friendly)

6) Also in 1965, Winston Churchill died. In researching this week's Sat. 9, Sam discovered a Churchill quote that's new to her: "I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught." Share something interesting that you recently learned. I learned a hair styling technique that makes my hair look fuller

7) In 1965, one of the most successful movies ever made, The Sound of Music, was released. Have you ever seen it?
I can say the lines along with the actors

8) Lava lamps were already popular in England and Brussels, but in 1965 they were introduced in the US. Do you think lava lamps are cool?
indeed I do!

9) Random question -- You have to buy something very personal that you find embarrassing. Would you rather pay cash for it, so your identity would be unknown but you'd have to face the cashier? Or order it online, where you could avoid looking anyone in the eye, but you have to share your name and address? I would probably buy online for the sake of convenience--I truly cannot think of anything I would buy that would embarrass me


the friday 56

The Friday 56

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.

I'm listening to The Peacock Emporium.

Douglas leaned back in his chair, sucked ruminatively at the end of his ballpoint pen, and gazed at the densely covered pages of plans in front of him. It had taken him several weeks, working long into the evening, but he was pretty sure he'd got them right.