Ten things that are making me happy right now:
1) The huge beetle that's casting a shadow on my window sheers is OUTSIDE.
2) My flu shot spot doesn't hurt at all. In fact, other than knowing which shoulder I got the shot in, I can't tell I got one.
3) Vacation is wonderful.
4) I invited an acquaintance to apply for the Library Board of Trustees since there will be two openings in December (plus an alternative position open) and she's going to be interviewed this week!
5) Freshly laundered sheets! And the laundromat was not busy, I was the only person there until just as I was folding.
6) I solved a computer issue all by myself! I uninstalled, deleted all files, rebooted, downloaded an updated version, installed and voila!
7) The e-library didn't have the third book in the Tearling series, so I requested it--and got the email that it was available! Hoorah!
8) Reading. All. The. Books!
9) This is the first vacation I can remember that I haven't crammed it full of little piddly appointments and things that have me running hither and yon. I don't have anything!
10) The humidity is going to break. Soon.
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