

Day 20, Tuesday: Who inspires you?

Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey both inspire me. They fill me with awe at their wisdom and ability to communicate. Bono and Jimmy Carter inspire me to be more mindful of the plight of others in the world. To feel, really soulfully feel, for those less fortunate than myself.

At school, my students inspire me to be a role model, practice patience, and stretch to make the content creative. A couple of colleagues are outstanding teachers who motivate and inspire me. I want to have the fires burning as they do.

My dad inspires me. I could go on and on about his impact on the community. I could go on and on about what a role model he has been to hundreds of people. And he's MY dad.


Paula said...

I envy you having a dad for an inspiration. I love Maya...Oprah not so much. But I am sure that you are an inspiration to all your students

A Day in the Life on the Farm said...

My Pops was my inspiration also..it is wonderful having a father that you can admire and emulate.

Kellie said...

Your dad sounds like one absolutely amazing man.

Corinne said...

How beautiful.

The Gal Herself said...

I love the paragraph about your students inspiring you. Your students are so lucky to have a teacher that views her role that way!

Simone Young said...

I love how you have specifically listed people here. Especially your dad. Great list.