
saturday 9

Theme from Peyton Place ("Wonderful Season of Love")

1) Spring, summer, fall or winter: which season do you consider most wonderful? I am in love with fall, although this year spring can't come soon enough!

2) Crazy Sam learned this song when she played flute in the high school orchestra. Did you participate in many after-school activities? I was in just about every non-athletic activity going. My favorites were drama club and yearbook.

3) The flautist next to her in the orchestra was Jeanne Pepitone. After a little Facebook spying, Sam learned that Jeanne is now Jeanne Moran, a nurse with a husband and a daughter. Sam shot her a "friend request." Do you keep up with your high school classmates? My friends list is mostly classmates.

4) When she performed with the school orchestra, Sam was required to wear gray slacks and a black sweater. What are you wearing right now, as you answer these questions? I am wearing my pajamas

5) Sam was especially dedicated to the school orchestra because she had a crush on Mr. Hanley, the school's musical director. He was the dark/thin/sensitive type. Tell us about a teacher you remember, and why he or she stands out. My 7th grade social studies teacher, Mr. Smith, has had the biggest impact on me. He was quite a character, very strict, and had us memorize memorize memorize! We created landmark notebooks for our European studies and I had a flashback to my notebook when I got off a tour bus in Brussels and saw the Atomium--all the facts about the site came flooding back. I bought a post card and mailed it to Mr. Smith at the nursing home.

6) Because Sam was so crazy about Mr. Hanley, she was desperate to attend his band camp. Her parents wouldn't allow it unless she could pay her own way, and so she didn't get to go. Were your parents strict or permissive? If you have children yourself, what's your parenting style? My Dad was permissive as long as I didn't do anything to embarrass the family name. Which in this small community means something.

7) Sam liked Fridays because her favorite food, fried rice, was served in the school cafeteria. When you eat Chinese food, do you use chopsticks or a fork? I know how to use chopsticks but around these parts, people would think I'm showing off, so I use a fork.

8) When Sam was a little girl, a new box of Crayolas could get her pulse racing. Now she loves her Sharpies. Do you enjoy shopping for school/office supplies? I. Love. School. Supplies.

9) Do you have any plush toys? Or did you give them all up when you left childhood? I have a small collection of stuffies that students have given me.


K Dubs said...

That is so cool about Mr. Smith, I hope he remembered you!

Bud Fisher said...

I did drama & year book too! For some reason I was voted "Humor Editor". But I also did football...

CountryDew said...

I go to lunch about once a year with my old high school math teacher. I am so glad that we still have a connection.

The Gal Herself said...

I grew up in a small town, too. I completely get what you mean in #6.

malia said...

i love school supplies, too! :) And isn't it weird how sometimes things just pop into your head that you learned a long time ago? didn't even know it was still there... I hope I'm like that for some of my kids, honestly. haha!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

That's a lovely story about your 7th grade teacher. I hope that he enjoyed the card you sent him.

Diana_CT said...

That was so thoughtful to send a card to your teacher. He must have loved that you remembered him.

I am Harriet said...

I use to love buying school supplies when they would go on clearance at Target. I'm sure I still some of the hoard.