

11/6 My views on mainstream music.

I hate autotune. There, I've said it. But there are some bands that don't enhance vocals. There have been some musical discoveries I've made in the past couple of years that are fun, like Ed Sheeran and the Civil Wars, and I confess I like Lady Gaga. Some are thoughtful, arty. But most have been fun. I find myself gravitating to my oldies, though--now that the 90s can be considered oldies.


Paula said...

ha Ha...the 90's as oldies!

katie eggeman said...

I didn't post on this today, but I do lean toward classic gold rather than much of the stuff the kids like.

Anonymous said...

My IPod is heavy on the 80s and 90s stuff, but I have varied tastes. I have to admit that at first I just didn't get Lady Gaga--I couldn't get past that "Meat Dress" that she wore once--but now I do really like some of her songs.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I didn't know what the AutoTune was, so I looked it up.

I quit listening to new music somewhere after the time of Enya, with her mysterious, sort of mystical songs. I like the old, old stuff and nearly all the rockers. Who is this Gaga? hehe

Cristy S said...

Auto tune sucks! Some are so so over auto tuned it sounds like a robot singing.