
finished reading...

This is the first installment of a mystery series featuring Jaine Austen, a free-lance writer who specializes in personal ads and really anything else that needs to be written.

There were a couple of times that I laughed out loud reading this. It's full of zany zingers and clever one-liners. And it wasn't until I was looking up the book for this post that I found out that the author, Laura Levine, was a writer for several classic television comedies.

When Jaine's most recent client is accused of murdering the object of his affection, Jaine can't help but snoop around to find out the truth of the matter. Which leads to an amusing cast of suspects. It wasn't the kind of mystery that left me guessing, I figured out who did it, but the writing was so amusing I didn't mind.

The perfect cozy mystery and perfect between two heavier reads.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

Damn you, Miss Kwiz! I'm almost done with my second Spellman book, and have a third on the TBR pile, and you go introducing me to a new mystery heroine.