
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The Authentic Meme

1. How long have you been blogging? since May 2006

2. Did you go to college? yes, I have the degree to prove it

3. Where have you traveled? 13 countries

4. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? I don't get mistaken for a celebrity but there is a local woman that I get mistaken for all the time

5. What are your three biggest pet peeves? 1) slow drivers, 2) humidity, 3) having pet peeves

6. What is your favorite movie? City of Angels

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea? I drink an iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts daily... I also enjoy Polar Diet Orange Dry soda and I drink a lot of water

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time? knit

9. What is your biggest phobia? burning

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? I was talking about playing "Boring Meeting Bingo" and my superintendent was sitting right behind me

11. What day would you love to relive again? Why? an ordinary, good day--I don't want to spoil the memory of any pivotal days

12. If your life was turned into a movie… what actor would your best friend think should play you? my best friend has a terrible memory and never remembers the names of actors--we joke about it all the time

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years? I was a nanny

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
A high school image of me!

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go? Europe for an extended stay

16. Where do you see your life 6 and 1/2 years from now? 10 years away from retirement

17. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be and why? oh, I donno... I like the wisdom that has come with age

18. What 5 songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? (You can pick "Middle School", "High School", "College", "Post College" or any format you like.) Middle School: Andy Gibb's "I Just Want To Be Your Everything"; High School: The Police: anything from Synchronicity; College: Huey Lewis "Hip To Be Square"; Post-College: Wilson Phillips: "Hold On"; and current: Jason Mraz "The Freedom Song"

19. Romney picked Paul Ryan to run as his veep. Any thoughts? he's rather photogenic

20. Your chance: Pick a meme you've done for us to steal. Bud and Judd will visit EVERY post today. Feel free to say, "Bugger off", or anything like that. The Stolen Meme


Lisa G said...

Loved "City of Angels"! Have a great week :)

I am Harriet said...

I heard they are doing a reunion show of the Nanny.
I know what you mean about peeves...

Have a great week!

The Gal Herself said...

What a cute shot of high school Kwiz.