

Thank you, Katy! What a fun award!

Answer the following questions and pass them on to your Top Five Commenters.
The Questions

What is your third favorite color?
bright blue

Would you rather be: a Jedi, a Pokemon Master or a Wizard/Witch? Choose ONE. Jedi, I think

Who is your favorite Doctor? my favorite fictional doctor is Dr. Watson, especially the incarnation of Martin Freeman

Can you whistle? sure can

Would you name your child Sirius Albus? doubtful, but I might name an electronic toy that name

What is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything? 42 of course!

Do you own a lawnmower? my landlord does

Do you think Legolas is a (very pretty) pansy? I don’t like the word pansy … so no.

What’s the trashiest thing you’ve read in the last year? Trashy in this context was described to be something I’d wish someone else to read because I don’t want to do so for myself. I guess a chick-lit by Jill Mansell... but she's not trashy, really


I {heart} Rhody said...

Congratulations on a well-deserved award!

Janet said...

Shouldn't that be Severus Albus? :-) Legolas is quite pretty! Congrats on the award :-)

Bev Sykes said...

Maybe you can name your Nook "Sirius Albus"