Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:
Going into panic mode for no reason. The schedule got rearranged so I am teaching my regular content, with only the agreed-upon changes.

But it's a happy ending, and that's most important. Yea!
Thought of you when I got this:
Friend --
Spend an evening with President Obama and George Clooney, all while helping build this campaign?
You know you want to.
Donate $3 or whatever you can today and be automatically entered to join the President at George Clooney's house in Los Angeles (airfare and hotel are covered):
The deadline's coming up on Monday -- make sure you don't miss out.
- Julianna
Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America
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