
personal best...

One of my biggest accomplishments in 2011 is reading a lot. I've read fifty-six books this year. That, I'm sure, is a personal record. I tried to write a little bit about each book on the 2011 page. And there was just one book I couldn't finish (which did not make the count). It was a great year for reading--several 5 star books and many others that I would cheerfully recommend to others. I think I read more because of my Nook, Myles. Here's to another great year of reading!


Cat. said...

Whatever gets you reading is good! Nice job!

The Gal Herself said...

Teacher, take a bow!

Andi said...

I love that you have a page just for telling of your reading. I should start a list like this in 2012. :-)

Julie said...

Way to go! I am already reading more because of my new Nook. :)