
ten things tuesday...

Ten things I'm tired of: 1) Laugh tracks on television shows. I think I can figure out when to laugh all by myself. 2) Facebook changes. They won't annoy me always, will they? 3) The political nonsense. I am so tired of listening to people bash each other instead of listening. 4) I'm tired of tv shows that don't live up to the hype. Where is the good tv anymore? 5) Student friendship requests on Facebook. I feel kinda bad. 6) Hearing the same songs on the local radio station. Over and over and over. Aren't there 40 songs in the top 40? 7) Guilt. I'm tired of feeling guilty for things that don't really matter. Making mountains out of molehills is a specialty. 8) Rotten weather leading to a lackluster foliage season. 9) Pennies that seem to multiply overnight in my wallet. 10) The clutter. And decluttering. And maintaining.


The Gal Herself said...

Facebook changes will annoy you always because Facebook will continue to make them!

Do you have a piggy bank? I love watching mine fill up with pennies.

Diana_CT said...

10 is my problem also, it is mainly the junket mail and stuff from conferences (why do I keep program guides from a conference from five years ago?).

Mrs. Chili said...

I'm done with the rain. I'm tired and cranky and getting nothing done.