
not to me, either...


Mrs. Chili said...

LOVE this.

The other day, I was cruising through Pinterest (which is EVIL, I tell you!) and came across a picture of a gorgeous woman in a bikini. The caption read "you'd rather have a bag of chips than look like this? That's sad. And pathetic." I was revolted by the sentiment; it epitomized for me all of the mean girls - at school, at the gym, at work - who think that their killer bodies give them leave to judge other people's values. I am pretty far from the current society's vision of "perfect" (in fact, I'm more like a Botticelli), but my body has precious little to do with the rest of my life. I'm the happiest married person I know, I'm good and kind and compassionate, I'm good at my job, and none of those things is connected to my measurements. I really wish we could stop focusing so much on what meets our eyes and start valuing more what meets our hearts.

Cat. said...

I love this woman. And I agree with everything Mrs. Chili said.

Unknown said...

I know I pinned this, too. I may have repinned it from your account! Very nice sentiment.