
words fail me, let me use yours...

So, I had to confront a plagiarist today. I got the office involved this time, for disciplinary assistance. I felt sick to my stomach. I even gave him an out--suggesting that he read some articles on the internet and they influenced him. But he kept insisting that he didn't use the internet at all. Since the paper was hand-written, he had to have printed it out and then copied it. That's a lot of effort. I explained the ramifications of his actions yet he insisted he didn't know why whole paragraphs and sentences were word for word. Word for word. WORD FOR WORD. Did I mention there were passages word for word?

Today I didn't get paid enough.


Charlene said...

It's that advice popular from a TV show some years back: Deny everything. This doesn't really work but is the reaction of the guilty in many situations.

Princess LadyBug said...

Poor honey!!! I hope they throw the book at him. Er the internet. :P

Unknown said...

How frustrating! Hopefully the discipline will help him to understand why what he did was wrong.