
ten things tuesday...

Ten random things...

1) I have a huge headache so this won't be my best post.

2) Plagiarism boy is still in deep denial. He insists he doesn't know why his paper is just like the one I pulled from the internet.

3) I missed a therapy appointment today. Just spaced out about it. Now I'm beating myself up.

4) I've been going to bed earlier and reading. I can't tell if I'm sleeping better or not. It doesn't make sense that I don't know if I'm sleeping better, I know. I know.

5) The atmosphere at school is toxic.

6) Farmville isn't loading.

7) I think I want to buy a NOOK Color. I love Myles more than I thought I would and think it would be awesome to access magazines on it, in color.

8) Or, maybe I want an iPad.

9) Book group is going to be fun this Friday. So many of us have enjoyed the book, there will be lots to discuss. It's one of the best books I read in the past year.

10) I've been avoiding blogging about the tragedy in Arizona. It's just too much.


Cat. said...

I think Denial Boy wrote the paper and THEN posted it on the internet. Right? RIGHT??! lol

What are his parents saying? If it were my kid, he wouldn't be saying much of anything due to structural damage.

Cat. said...

As for the rest, yeah...I think a dandelion break is in order. A long one. Someplace warm and far away from 'reality.'

The Gal Herself said...

I have a hard time knowing how well I have slept, too. But it makes sense, really it does. You can't tell how well you're sleeping because ... well, you're asleep!

Headaches can be the worst and can color your whole day.

I am having a horrible time processing Tucson, too. I've blogged about it because I'm a writer and that's what I do. But I agree, it's too much. I can't shake it.

jon said...

You can't even give cheater boy points for creative answers.

It is more dangerous in Arizona than it is in Iraq.

Ipad, nice but not necessary. It is a luxury, but fun.