
just finished reading...

A gripping mystery and thriller. Even though I've never been to Sweden, I could visualize the settings and cities. I stumbled with pronunciations. Once I got the characters straight (there's quite a family tree to follow) I got into the story and couldn't put it down. It's part of a trilogy and I'm excited to read the second book.


The Gal Herself said...

I'm so curious about this series! If I wasn't living under that "no new books" edict ... I think I'm lifting it for the village library bookfair. I mean, it's for charity and all. If any of these books happen to show up there, I am leaving with it.

Kwizgiver said...

I would be happy to send mine to you.

lil desiqua said...

I was looking for more feedback on this book- thanks! Definitely on my "to-read" list!

The Gal Herself said...

Oh, Kwiz! Thanks for the generous offer. I'll let you know after the library fundraier.