
guilty pleasure...

There are no real characters this summer. The showmance couple are too annoying for words, the girl is too over the top. There's one guy, Matt, who thinks he's the puppet master but he hasn't done much manipulating other than lying. I'm bummed that the saboteur has already been revealed, the girl wasn't a very good player. I knew it was her. So, this season, so far is a "meh".


jon said...

I miss Jordan....and jeff. There was some real freaks last year. Remember Ronnie and Chima (sic?), mr. musclebrain, Lydia the tattoo lady (lady?).

kontan said...

Rachel is obnoxious and skanky, and Brendan is an idiot. He could have done well in this game and he is going to throw it away. Matt = moron, not mensa. The brigade, meh. At least Jeff and Jordan were likable.