
saturday 9

You Shook Me

1. What celebrity would you just want to shake some sense into? the celebrity seekers-like the party crashers, balloon boy's parents...

2. What do you think comes after death? nothing, I think your energy and spirit is released

3. What is the first book that you can remember reading by yourself as a child? a pop-up book of favorite children stories

4. What was the first rock concert that you attended? Billy Joel's Innocent Man Tour

5. If you were to suddenly become famous, would you choose a stage name? If yes, what would it be? I'd keep my name

6. What is the one thing that you wish the media would stop talking about? Tiger Woods

7. If you could be part of any band, which one would it be and who would you be and why? U2 of course--I'd be a great tambourine player!

8. Do you live close to your immediate family members? If not, how far away are they? I live close to my parents and one of my three sisters

9. Last seasonal question (promise): What did you do on New Year's Eve? after my plans fell through, I got a call from the parentals and went out to Cafe Sopresso for a fantastic meal and then we hung out after


I am Harriet said...

Those people from #1 are more than annoying to the rest of us.
Have a great Saturday.

Allie said...

I completely agree with #1 and #6! It seems everyone is either sick of Tiger Woods or wants to knock some sense into him. Great answers and enjoy the weekend!

Diane said...

tambourine's about all i could probably play for a band too! lol ahh, well...

have a great new year!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I thought you were already in U2. No? Who knew? :)

Allie said...

You knew the book? I couldn't find the cover anywhere online when I wanted to post it! I ended up taking a photo of it and putting that up =)

Lisa G said...

I *loved* pop-up books as a child!