
just another manic monday...

Reflect on the characteristics of your best friend. What makes him or her so special? she gets me... really, really gets me... and calls me on my shit

What is one quality you admire most in others? creativity in some of my teacher friends--they inspire me to be more creative

Describe an activity that you think is truly romantic. I'm gonna go with cuddling and snuggling



almost ready...

Usually by this hour of the Sunday night at the end of vacation, I'm grumbling about not having enough vacation. This time, though, I used my time wisely and rested and relaxed. Not that I want to go back... but I'm not dreading going back. Let's hear it for the working world!


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Tell Me About Yourself Meme

1. When is your birthday? October 29

2. Where were you born? at the hospital

3. Where do you live now? in my wonderful apartment

4. What is your heritage? French/German/Irish

5. Tell us about a weakness. I give in to temptation too easily

6. What's a goal that you'd like to achieve? catch up on my reading

7. What is the most overused internet phrase? overuse of the f-word

8. What was your first thought this morning? last morning to sleep in

9. When do you usually go to bed? 10

10. Do you smoke? If not, did you ever? not anymore

11. Do you like your current relationship status? meh

12. Do you (or did you) get along with your parents? we get along great

13. How often do you drink alcohol? very rarely

14. Have you ever tried drugs (that weren't prescribed)? never

15. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If yes, do tell. many years ago

16. If given the choice, how would you like to die? peacefully

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? happy

18. Have you ever been dumped? no

19. What's on your pizza? everything but hot peppers

20. Have you ever shoplifted? on a dare as a kid

i say... and you think...?

1. MacGyver :: duct tape
2. Garter :: bride
3. Wedge :: comfortable shoes
4. Inches :: ruler
5. Code :: pattern
6. Water :: favorite drink
7. Running :: walking
8. Curly :: hair
9. Turkey :: Thanksgiving
10. Stupor :: tryptophan



party crashers...

I am so captivated by this story. What should happen to the party crashers?

oh, christmas tree...

So, I'm trying to decide if I will put up my big tree or go with multiple fiber optic trees. I think I'm tilting to fiber optics, multiple trees are a blast. And they're small, that way I can put several in one room.

Guess I've made my decision. Going with the fiber optics.

what christmas tree are you?

You Are a Bright Christmas Tree

For you, the holidays are all about fun and seasonal favorites.

You are into all things Christmas, even if they're a little tacky.

saturday 9

Leaving On A Jet Plane

1. When was the last time you jetted away for the holidays? I've never jetted away for the holidays... in 1987, I jetted home for the holidays and it was magnificent! I returned from a semester abroad and had real homesickness during the holidays.

2. What is your fondest birthday memory? my 40th birthday--I celebrated for 40 days

3. What names do you go by? my given name

4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? spending time with the family and holiday lights

5. Where is your least favorite place to be, and why? in the middle of chaos

6. Have you ever had a scary stalker type? no

7. What is your favorite holiday tradition? all of them are my favorite

8. What are two activities you do after eating Thanksgiving Dinner? usually I clean the bird and then do all the dishes

9. What did your family do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid? Do you still do it? If not explain why. we had huge family gatherings and we don't anymore because not everyone is here


whiling away the day...


friday fill-in

# 152

1. Wait! Wait, don't forget the holidays are supposed to be happy.

2. Halloween decorationsfollowed at once by Christmas decorations.

3. The trouble is it's pouring rain.

4. My sisters are too many miles away.

5. With a faint pop I broke a tooth.

6. Last night's fog was shadowy and ominous.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing whatever, tomorrow my plans include more of the same and Sunday, I want to to do more of the same!


just curious...

What makes the perfect bite for your Thanksgiving meal?

Mine is: turkey, stuffing, potato and vegetable. Hopefully there's some gravy in there, too.

giving thanks...

Much different Thanksgiving this year than last year's, but wonderful all the same! It was great to relax and take it easy by going out to eat this year with family friends, since it was just Dad, Barb & myself. We talked and laughed and had a wonderful meal. No leftovers, though, that is the drawback of going out instead of preparing the meal ourselves. The weather was warmer than usual and it didn't rain or snow.

A lovely day.

what's your thanksgiving personality?

Your Thanksgiving Personality is Thankful

At Thanksgiving, all you want is a warm bed to sleep in and a home cooked meal to eat. As long as you have those things, you're grateful.

You're able to rise above any of the stress or drama associated with the holidays. You are just happy for what you have.

Whether it's been the best or worst year of your life, you take this day to count your blessings... no matter how small they might be.

And if possible, you try to help someone in need - anyone from a hungry stranger to a lonely friend.

what does your favorite thanksgiving food say about you?

You Are Friendly and Cooperative

You love the togetherness of Thanksgiving, and you like adding your own little something to the group dynamic.

Like stuffing, you do a good job complementing and cooperating with others. When you're on your own, you're a little lost.

You are old fashioned and love traditions. You like to remember the holidays of your childhood and replicate them as much as possible.

You think that passing down customs is important. Even if everyone at the table doesn't like stuffing much, it should still be served.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Thanksgiving is only 24 hours long.


thanksgiving meme

#1 Do you cook all or part of the meal? Usually I go over to Dad's early in the morning to help out... I physically do it

#2 How much do you spend buying groceries for the meal? nothing

#3 Do you eat at home or go to someone else’s? I go to Dad's

#4 Describe your perfect bite? mashed potato/turkey/stuffing/veggie

#5 White meat or dark? white

#6 Stuffing with giblets or without? without

#7 Anything you won’t eat at the Thanksgiving meal? innards

#8 Carve Mr. Gobble at the table or serve on a platter? serve on a platter

#9 Favorite pie? oh... I'm not fussy

#10 Formal table or Chinet? formal

#11 Your menu: actually, this year we're going out--so I don't know what the menu is

#12 Favorite leftover? potatoes

#13 Extended family, friends, both or just the immediate family for dinner? anyone is welcome--the more, the merrier

#14 After dinner, do you go to the latest movie or watch football on TV or just a turkey induced snooze? I'm usually cleaning up

#15 Do you watch the Macy’s Parade? yes!!!

#16 Christmas decorations up before or after? after, usually mid-December

#17 Black Friday shopping or sleep in? depends on if I need something particular

#18 Any special Thanksgiving tradition? the belly rubbing

#19 Favorite thing about Thanksgiving? spending time with family

#20 Favorite Thanksgiving memory? I'd have to say last Thanksgiving when my sisters were home was one of the best ever. I wish M's whole family had been here... but oh my gosh, we had a great day.

do you put yourself first or last?

You Put Yourself First

By putting yourself first, you're actually not being selfish. You're just being realistic.

You like to help others as much as the next person... maybe even more. But you know you need to be at the top of your game in order to really give back.

You take good care of yourself, and you have learned the art of tactfully saying "no." It's all about balance.

You try to stay away from people and activities that drain you. You prefer to save your energy for those who really matter to you.


you're in my blood like holy wine...

I'm happily relaxed.

mixed bag

Today was quite a day--we had a workshop all day which was partly pointless and partly eye-opening. Then I heard that a high school mate of mine was killed in a car accident this morning--leaving behind three young daughters and her husband. Then I had to travel an hour north for a meds check with my psychiatrist.

I'm glad to be home.

ten things tuesday...

Ten Thanksgiving quotes:

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. ~W.T. Purkiser

It is delightfully easy to thank God for the grace we ourselves have received, but it requires great grace to thank God always for the grace given to others. ~James Smith

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward

But whether we have less or more,
Always thank we God therefor.
~Author Unknown

Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel. ~Author Unknown

None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. ~Fred De Witt Van Amburgh

Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart. ~Seneca

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
~Author Unknown


this made me smile...

Saw this on Facebook and had to share:

Call the Nestle Crunch Hotline at 1-800-295-0051. When asked if you want to continue in English or Spanish, just wait quietly for about 10 seconds and you will smile. Promise! (if you comment on this status after listening, don't give away the surprise...) Press 4 for further fun.


I present a haiku in honor of conferences:

Never get to see
The parents I need to see
Whose students struggle

give me five monday

# 56
Becca's back!!

Give Me Five reasons you can be thankful this year.

1) Everyone in the family is healthy.

2) Financially, I am more secure this year than I was last.

3) I am very thankful for my family and friends.

4) My home, although cluttered, is my home.

5) I am thankful for colleagues who share my frustrations and triumphs. They inspire me to be creative.


just curious...

How do you select the next book you're going to read?

matinee time...

Saw New Moon today. It was a good companion to Twilight. I think I may have liked it better. Of course, you've got to suspend disbelief and lose yourself in the feeling of the story. I felt like a dirty old perv when I perked up at Jacob's physique. But, holy moly, it's hard not to notice or be impressed. I'm definitely Team Bella's Dad. ;-)

It's been awhile since I read the book, but I think the movie closely followed it.

I loved the ending. Absolutely loved the ending.

i say... and you think...?

1. Marathon :: fundraiser
2. Debt :: owe
3. Turn :: twist
4. Image :: vision
5. Sofa :: couch
6. Envelope :: packet
7. Cart :: wagon
8. Process :: steps
9. Question :: wonder
10. Rumor :: gossip



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Party Mummy Meme

1. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Mindy, Nadine, Bruce, JoAnn, George B, Jimm... the list goes on

2. Where was your first kiss? next to the garage, with my next door neighbor--we were both three and we wanted to get married

3. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? If yes, why? just playfully

4. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? When? yes, I've sung in both choruses and solos

5. What's the first thing you notice about your preferred sex? their presence

6. What really turns you off? self-centeredness

7. What is your biggest mistake? money mistakes I made years ago that still haunt me

8. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? no

9. Say something totally random about yourself. I don't like marshmallows

10. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? no

11. Do you still watch kiddie movies or TV shows? oh yeah

12. Are you comfortable with your height? of course

13. What is the most romantic thing someone of the preferred sex has done for you? long, long phone calls

14. When do you know it's love? when you just know

15. What's something that really annoys you? aches & pains



saturday 9

Talking In Your Sleep

1. Has anyone in your life talked in their sleep? my sister used to when we shared a bedroom as children

2. What do you like about fall? the crispness in the air with the warmth of the sun

3. Do you have an addictive personality? oh yes, I do

4. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? uhmmm... people to lovely things for me regularly

5. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? I doubt it

6. Are you happy with where you are in life? I am very blessed, I know there are people who envy my life

7. Do you believe that you can change someone? not necessarily

8. Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you couldn't? of course

9. Would you ever fight someone over your significant other? define fight


dear oprah...

I respect your reasons but I'm disappointed. Did you see the fun article from Time? I hope Season 25 is the best ever!

friday fill-in

# 151

1. We need a contract.

2. I had some chocolate and it made me smile.

3. If you want anything done around here, do it yourself.

4. It's that way because I said so.

5. Massachusetts has a proposed 5% sales tax on elective cosmetic surgery; I think it makes sense.

6. Family makes for a happy holiday.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to chilling out, tomorrow my plans include puttering around and Sunday, I want to go to New Moon with Nicole!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Knowing someone is trying to manipulate me.


sweet dreams

Lovingly swiped from Mccgood's Thoughts:

1 – Have you ever had a recurring dream? If so, what was it? I've had a couple of recurring dreams--haven't had them in a long time, though

2 – What’s your most memorable dream? I have no idea

3 – How many hours sleep do you get each night? 8 or 9 or 10, depending on how tired I am or if it's winter

4 – What time do you get up on a school day? about 5:30

5 – How many times have you stayed up all night? I used to, regularly... as a middle-aged frump, I can't at all anymore

6 – Have you ever got so drunk that you don’t remember going to bed? no

7 – What do you normally do last thing before going to bed? check the alarm, turn off the light

8 – Does coffee wake you up? sure does

9 – Does vodka put you to sleep? I don't drink

10 – Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started? doesn't everyone?

11 – What was the last time you shared a bed? *sigh* it's been a long time

12 – Do you tend to dream about reality or complete fantasy? a combo of both, I think... but I don't remember my dreams often

13 – How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up? I don't usually remember them at all

14 – Which is worse – being too hot in bed or too cold? being too hot... I can always put on socks or blankets

15 – How many pillows do you sleep with? two

16 – What was your biggest night time fear as a child? I don't remember... I hated going to bed as a child

17 – What’s under your bed? under the bed chests

18 – What do you wear in bed? it depends on the temperature

19 – Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all? evenings usually--sometimes in the morning on the weekend

20 – Do you eat in bed? never



Had a fairly intense therapy session today. I'm really hard on myself. Yeah. Sometimes it's hard to face my feelings.

ten things tuesday...

Ten things that make my life easier:

1) Laptop: so I can watch TV and noodle around on the computer at the same time. Plus, I don't have a lot of files or music taking up space on my hard drive, so it's faster than my PC.

2) Light therapy: I'm thankful to have a lamp that simulates the sun during these dark months.

3) Radio alarm: It's great to have a consistent clock radio to wake me up in the morning.

4) Microwave: because I don't cook all that much, so the microwave makes things fast and easy.

5) Lots of clothes: lots of options when I want a special outfit for school.

6) Curly hair: cuts down on blow-drying and primping time.

7) VCR: I know, I know, I'm behind the times without a DVR, but the VCR works well and I don't have to pay extra for it.

8) MP3 player: lets me take tunes on the road with me

9) Cell phone: I don't rely on it to be my primary phone, but it's handy to have when I need to make personal phone calls from school. And I have a sense of security that I have a phone when I travel.

10) Email: so happy to keep in touch with family & friends on a very regular basis, and almost instantly

the queen's meme

# 14: Do You Believe In Magic?
click the link to play along

1. Tell us about your superstitions. Do you have any? Do you "x out" black cats on the windshield of your car, avoid cracks in the sidewalk or practice other rituals that make you feel safer? Don't have any? Come on now! Make up some.... Nah, I'm not superstitious... I actually walk under ladders and tempt the fates.

2. Has anything paranormal ever happened to you that you can write about? nothing

3. Have you ever had a near-death experience? Care to share? yes, I almost died a few years ago because of pulmonary emboli

4. Pheromones...aka "love fireworks" (I think I remember those)...are a force to be reckoned with. Do you believe that two people can have an uncontrollable chemical reaction to each other? How do you know this to be true? oh yeah, I've had that experience--we were no emotional, mental or spiritual match but we sure had chemistry

5. Do you believe that modern day witches can put spells on people? If so, who would you like to hoodoo and why? I don't believe modern day witches can cast spells... but I've got a few candidates I'd like to have them practice on

6. ESP! What do those letters stand for in your life? extra sensory person--that's me: sensitive to light, sound, scent... you name it

7. Do you ever hear strange noises in your house? If so, what do they sound like? nothing out of the ordinary

8. Tell us about a time you "knew" something was going to happened before it did. Are you one of those intuitive types or do you know someone who is ? Do tell. this happens to me often: I know who's on the phone and other things like that

9. I'm a tad gifted in the dream department. Really. Sometimes my dreams are prophetic and come true. It can be a blessing and a curse. Has this ever happened to you? If not, would you like to have this gift? (Be careful what you wish for. It can be freaky at times.) I don't usually remember my dreams so I can't imagine having prophetic dreams. *shrug*


love this ad...

just another manic monday...

You have a brain tumor. Though there is no discomfort at the moment, this tumor would unquestionably kill you in six months. However, your life can (and will) be saved by an operation; the only downside is that there will be a brutal incision to your frontal lobe. After the surgery, you will be significantly less intelligent. You will still be a fully functioning adult, but you will be less logical, you will have a terrible memory, and you will have little ability to understand complex concepts or difficult ideas. The surgery is in two weeks.

How do you spend the next fourteen days?
I would like to say I wouldn't do anything different but I really don't know how I would spend the time. Getting ready, that's for sure.

Every person you have ever slept with is invited to a banquet where you are the guest of honor. No one will be in attendance except you, the collection of your former lovers, and the catering service. After the meal, you are asked to give a fifteen-minute speech to the assembly.

What do you talk about?
how much fun we had together. I've had great relationships.

You have won a prize. The prize has two options, and you can choose either (but not both). The first option is a year in Europe with a monthly stipend of $2,000. The second option is ten minutes on the moon.

Which option do you select?
hands down: option one! I have absolutely no desire to go to the moon.


50 years overdue

PHOENIX (Nov. 14) -- A high school librarian in Phoenix says a former student at the school returned two overdue books checked out 51 years ago along with a $1,000 money order to cover the fines.

Camelback High School librarian Georgette Bordine says the two Audubon Society books checked out in 1959 and the money order were sent by someone who wanted to remain anonymous.

"It was just so overwhelming," Bordine said of her reaction when she opened the box.
Bordine says the letter explained that the borrower's family moved to another state and the books were mistakenly packed.

The letter said the money order was to cover fines of 2 cents per day for each book. That would total about $745. The letter says the extra money was added in case the rates had changed.

Bordine says the money will buy more books, and the overdue books will be returned to the shelves.


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Over The Top Meme

Part One - Describe:

Your hair? strawberry blond

Your mother? a loving memory

Your father? an inspiration

Your favorite food? pizza

Your dream last night? don't remember

Your favorite drink? iced coffee

Your dream/goal? be happy

The room are you in? living room

Your hobby? this

Your fear? painful death

Your TV? Sanyo

Your Pets? I dogsit

Friends? are fantastic

Your life? is enviable, to some

Your mood? great

If you're missing someone? the sisters

Your best friend? for 25+ years

Part Two - The Where's?

Where do you want to be in 6 years? here

Where were you last night? here

Where did you grow up? here

One place that I go to over and over? shopping

Your favorite place to eat out? the coffee shop or Al's

Wish list items? books

Last time you laughed? moments ago

Last time you cried? watching the compassion video I posted Thursday

Part Three - The What's?

Something that you aren't? a pushover

Last thing you did? parked the car in my own spot

What are you wearing? lounge clothes

Something you're not wearing? shoes

Your favorite store? all of them

i say... and you think...?

1. Grace :: under pressure
2. Shower :: cleanse
3. Alice :: Hoffman, one of my favorite authors
4. Purple :: aubergine
5. Apartment :: home
6. 3 :: favorite number
7. Car :: Ford Taurus
8. Pregnant :: pause
9. Counselor :: therapist
10. Discretion :: wise



just curious...

What is your favorite part of the brownie? The edge or the inside?


The “Sometimes” Meme: All you have to do is finish the sentence…

Sometimes I just need: time alone

Sometimes I want: to cuddle

Sometimes I like to: laugh

Sometimes all it takes: is something simple

Sometimes I picture: an alternate reality

Sometimes I wish: I was independently wealthy

Sometimes I find: the glass half-full

Sometimes I take: things for granted

Sometimes I look: like a wretched hag

Sometimes I hate: my hair

Sometimes it’s nice: to be with family

Sometimes it hurts: to bump my shin

Sometimes it makes me happy: to laugh at school

Sometimes it’s sad: to read about world events

Sometimes I listen: to the radio

Sometimes I sleep: poorly

Sometimes I like to watch: mindless television

Sometimes I feel: strong

Sometimes I rant: to myself

Sometimes I never: understand

Sometimes I really: like my life

saturday 9

Man On The Moon

1. Do you think it was important to send a man to the moon? sure--it innovated technology

2. What is your biggest fear? just one?

3. If someone hung a sign around your neck today, what would it say and why? handle with care

4. What is the longest line that you've stood in and was it worth it? I was in a line of thousands of people during a Mardi Gras celebration in Spain--it was worth it, definitely worth it!!

5. As the holidays approach, what song are looking forward to hearing again? anything by Michael Bublé

6. Whose music do you think is the most important of your generation's? U2

7. Do you find it is to be kind to strangers? Give an example. no, I can always hold a door open or have a friendly face when passing strangers

8. When do usually lose your patience? oh, at school when the kiddos don't settle down

9. Is there a book that you're dying to see as a movie? uhmmm... I think The Help by Kathryn Stockett would be a great movie


just finished reading...

This is the kind of book I couldn't put down but hated to finish. I needed to read and read but dreaded the end. I can't rave about this book enough. For a first novel, Kathryn Stockett found the authentic voice of each character. As the book shifts chapter and point of view, I found I was able to open the book to any chapter and could identify the voice of the character. The dialect is spot on and has a rhythmic flow that transported me to the South. I felt like a fly on the wall listening in on the characters. One problem I had was that I couldn't visualize one of the settings. The book group talked about it, too.

This book led to a lively discussion. Everyone enjoyed the book and several of us call it a favorite of the year.

I wish I had been as connected to our housekeeper as the children in the book were. Other members of the group recalled having "Valley" help and couldn't remember them ever joining the family at table. Very interesting stuff.

Remember to read the Acknowledgments and Author Notes at the end of the book. Good stuff!


Got home from a long day to find the electricity out in half my apartment. After calling my landlord, he got in touch with the electrician who's been working around here the past couple of days--luckily the electrician was in town and came right over! Problem solved. Otherwise, it would have been a very long weekend without TV and internet. I thanked him profusely!

friday fill-in

# 150

1. The last band I saw live was Montana Skies.

2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is chilling with the family. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)

3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is not even begun.

4. Thoughts of having a massage fill my head.

5. I wish I could wear flip flops all year round.

6. Bagpipes are awesome.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to book group and dinner, tomorrow my plans include the Breakfast Club and Sunday, I want to kick back and relax!



I saw this at Mrs. Chili's and had to post it here--thanks for the inspiration:

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Uncontrollable giggles at a most inopportune time.

dancing hands...


numbers meme

Boosted from Tense Teacher:

How old are you? 44

How old was your mom when she had you? 32 or 33

How many siblings do you have? 3

How many people live in your household? 1

What year were you born? 1965

What is your zip code? 047 is all you need to know

What year was your first car made? 1996

What year is your current vehicle? 2007

How many piercings do you have? four, just ears

How many tattoos do you have? 2

How many creamers do you take in your coffee? one

What time did you wake up this morning? a little past 6

What is the latest you’ve stayed up this week? 11

How old were you when the Challenger blew up? I was in college... so either 19 or 20, I'm too lazy to find out what year it was

How old were you when the twin towers were hit? 35

What year did you graduate high school? 1984

What are the last 4 digits of your cell number? 0550

How old were you, or do you want to be when you get married? I'm not married and if it happens, it happens

How old were you, or do you want to be when you have kids? never

How many pieces of jewelry are you wearing right now? 0

How many different houses have you lived in? 3

What is your average electric bill? $20

What is your lucky number? 3

How many windows are in the room your in? 3

How many TV’s are in your house? 2

How many boyfriend/girlfriends have you had? 5

What time do you get out of work/school? 3:30

How old were you when you created your Facebook? 43

How old is your youngest friend on Facebook? 16

What about oldest friend on Facebook? 72

perfect for veterans day...

A series of videos of dogs welcoming soldiers home from MentalFloss. You'll laugh, you'll cry... you'll want a dog. Here's a sample:

thank you...


ten things tuesday...

Ten facts from the US Census Bureau about Veterans Day:

+ 23.2 million
The number of military veterans in the United States in 2008. Source: Table 508, Upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2010

+ 9.2 million
The number of veterans 65 and older in 2008. At the other end of the age spectrum, 1.9 million were younger than 35

+ 5
Number of states with 1 million or more veterans in 2008. These states were California (2.1 million), Florida (1.7 million), Texas (1.7 million), New York (1 million) and Pennsylvania (1 million).

+ 10.4 million
Number of veterans 18 to 64 in the labor force in 2008.

+ 15.8 million
Number of veterans who voted in the 2008 presidential election. Seventy-one percent of veterans cast a ballot, compared with 63 percent of nonveterans.

+ 2.9 million
Number of veterans who received compensation for service-connected disabilities as of 2008. Their compensation totaled $36.2 billion.

+ 1.8 million
The number of female veterans in 2008.

+ 5.5 million
Number of veterans with any type of disability in 2008.

+ 3.4 million
Number of veterans with a service-connected disability rating. Of this number,
588,000 have a rating of 70 percent or higher.

+ 2.3 million
The number of black veterans in 2008. Additionally, 1.1 million veterans are Hispanic, 276,000 are Asian, 160,000 are American Indian or Alaska Native, and 27,000 are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. (The numbers for blacks, Asians, American Indians, and Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders cover only those reporting a single race.)


what do people love about you?

People Love That You Are Open and Confident

You're the type of person that's easy to get close to. You're very comfortable in your own skin.

You have no problem showing people who you are, and you're genuinely interested in them in return.

You are an accepting and involved friend. You are truly curious about what is going on in other people's lives.

You may be the first in your group of friends to express concern when someone is having a hard time or making bad decisions. It's only because you care so much.

give me five monday

# 55
Becca's back!!

Give Me Five foods you never want to eat.

1) Liver. Or any other organ meat.
2) Okra. Too slimy for me!
3) Tongue. *shivers* Does that count as organ meat?
4) Anything too hot.
5) Anything too salty.

just another manic monday...

What does it mean to you to have courage? pretending to not be afraid, even when I am

Is your favorite time the past, present or the future? the present

What makes you a good person? I'm a good listener and I have a lot of compassion for others


current obsession...

which austen character are you?

As seen at Gracie's:

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

some days...

Some days this is as dressed up as I want to get. But tonight I put it on earlier than usual.

i say... and you think...?

1. Alarm :: 80s band
2. Guest :: welcome
3. Worm :: caterpillar
4. Puppies :: puppy toes!
5. Honor :: trustworthy
6. No! :: Yes!
7. Stomach :: guts
8. Counter :: offer
9. Waffles :: pancakes
10. Plates :: dishes



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.