
just finished reading...

This is the kind of book I couldn't put down but hated to finish. I needed to read and read but dreaded the end. I can't rave about this book enough. For a first novel, Kathryn Stockett found the authentic voice of each character. As the book shifts chapter and point of view, I found I was able to open the book to any chapter and could identify the voice of the character. The dialect is spot on and has a rhythmic flow that transported me to the South. I felt like a fly on the wall listening in on the characters. One problem I had was that I couldn't visualize one of the settings. The book group talked about it, too.

This book led to a lively discussion. Everyone enjoyed the book and several of us call it a favorite of the year.

I wish I had been as connected to our housekeeper as the children in the book were. Other members of the group recalled having "Valley" help and couldn't remember them ever joining the family at table. Very interesting stuff.

Remember to read the Acknowledgments and Author Notes at the end of the book. Good stuff!

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