

The “Sometimes” Meme: All you have to do is finish the sentence…

Sometimes I just need: time alone

Sometimes I want: to cuddle

Sometimes I like to: laugh

Sometimes all it takes: is something simple

Sometimes I picture: an alternate reality

Sometimes I wish: I was independently wealthy

Sometimes I find: the glass half-full

Sometimes I take: things for granted

Sometimes I look: like a wretched hag

Sometimes I hate: my hair

Sometimes it’s nice: to be with family

Sometimes it hurts: to bump my shin

Sometimes it makes me happy: to laugh at school

Sometimes it’s sad: to read about world events

Sometimes I listen: to the radio

Sometimes I sleep: poorly

Sometimes I like to watch: mindless television

Sometimes I feel: strong

Sometimes I rant: to myself

Sometimes I never: understand

Sometimes I really: like my life

1 comment:

Mrs. Chili said...

I'm stealing this for a Monday Meme. Thanks!